XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
dstoplot (dsplot-1.26.3) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
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- The user can customize the plot in the following ways:
- interactively using the Grace graphical user interface
- using a file containing Grace commands, that is loaded after the
output (e.g.
dstoplot set=test.dat | xmgrace -source stdin -param myconfig.grace)
- using a parameter file that has been produced by 'Save parameters' in
a previous session of Grace (e.g.
dstoplot set=test.dat | xmgrace -source stdin -param myconfig.param)
See the Grace manual for further instructions.
- The batch version of Grace, called gracebat, can be used to
produce plots without user interaction. E.g.:
dstoplot set=test.dat | gracebat -eps -printfile test.ps -noask -source stdin
or alternatively
dstoplot set=test.dat plotter="gracebat -eps -printfile test.ps -noask"
- Grace is the successor of xmgr which is no further developed
or maintained.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04