This task converts a position in an image from one coordinate system into positions in other coordinate systems. For example the routine can be used to convert a celestial sky position (RA, DEC) into detector coordinatesi (DETX, DETY), chip coordinates (RAWX, RAWY), X/Y pixels and TelCoords (theta, phi). It also gives the numbers of the CCDs which are included within an input region.
Note that the conversion technique moves the input position to the centre of the image pixel containing that position. This gives the slightly strange result that the output coordinates, while being consistent with each other, are not exactly the same as the input position. Obviously the finer the binning of the input image the closer will be the correspondance between the input and the output values.
Value | Units | Units |
Theta | Off-axis angle | arc seconds |
Phi | Azimuthal angle | Radians |
X | X sky coord | 0.05 arcsec pixel |
Y | Y sky coord | 0.05 arcsec pixel |
DETX | Detector X coord | 0.05 arcsec pixel |
DETY | Detector Y coord | 0.05 arcsec pixel |
RA | Right ascension | degrees |
DEC | Declination | degrees |
RAWX | X chip coordinate | pixel |
RAWY | Y chip coordinate | pixel |
CCD(s) | CCD number(s) in region | - |
Central CCD | CCD at region centre | - |