XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
eimsim (eimsim-2.3) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
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Input Files
- A FITS template file, as described in item 1 of the `input files' section of the eimsimprep
documentation, but with the following additional keywords in the SRCSPECS table header:
- String keyword FIELD_ID (`CONE' is currently the only accepted value).
- 8-byte real keyword CONE_RA in deg.
- 8-byte real keyword CONE_DEC in deg.
- 8-byte real keyword CONE_RAD in arcsec.
- 8-byte real keyword SKY_AREA in deg
- Various XMM product files, as described in item 2 of the `input files' section of the eimsimprep
- A single map which is supposed to be a mosaic of all reciprocal-sensitivity maps relevant to the simulation in hand. (In fact at present the exposure maps at the refband are used instead of reciprocal-sensitivity maps.) The image header must also contain the keyword SKY_AREA. This file is created by eimsimprep.
- For each observation, instrument, exposure and band: a mask image dataset which specifies those parts of the sky on which simulated sources are to be placed. These are created by eimsimprep.
- For each observation, instrument, exposure and band: a real-valued image of the expectation value, in average counts per image pixel, of the instrumental background. These are created by eimsimprep.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04