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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

eimsim (eimsim-2.3) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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Input Files

  1. A FITS template file, as described in item 1 of the `input files' section of the eimsimprep documentation, but with the following additional keywords in the SRCSPECS table header:

  2. Various XMM product files, as described in item 2 of the `input files' section of the eimsimprep documentation.

  3. A single map which is supposed to be a mosaic of all reciprocal-sensitivity maps relevant to the simulation in hand. (In fact at present the exposure maps at the refband are used instead of reciprocal-sensitivity maps.) The image header must also contain the keyword SKY_AREA. This file is created by eimsimprep.

  4. For each observation, instrument, exposure and band: a mask image dataset which specifies those parts of the sky on which simulated sources are to be placed. These are created by eimsimprep.

  5. For each observation, instrument, exposure and band: a real-valued image of the expectation value, in average counts per image pixel, of the instrumental background. These are created by eimsimprep.

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04