For a minimum-fuss run of the simulation code, do as follows:
These files are expected to have the standard XMM-SSC product filenames. Examples for EPIC MOS1 are as follows:
P0123456789OBX000CALIND0000.FIT P0123456789OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT P0123456789M1S002MIEVLI0000.FIT P0123456789M1S002EXPMAP1000.FIT P0123456789M1S002EXPMAP2000.FIT P0123456789M1S002EXPMAP3000.FIT P0123456789M1S002EXPMAP4000.FIT P0123456789M1S002EXPMAP5000.FIT
Note that all these files are used merely as templates - that is, the only parts of them which are used by eimsim are those parts which give information about image exposure, plus the pixel grid location (from the WCS keywords) and dimensions. No data values are used which depend on real, observed x-ray events.
eimsimprep eimsimbatch eimsimreduce
The files produced are described in the `Output Files' sections in the documentation for these three tasks. Expect the middle script to take on the order of 10 minutes to run (the 1st and 3rd should be much quicker). If you want to understand exactly what these commands have done you will have to find out what the default values of all parameters were set to, either by looking in the command
.par file or doing `
-h' or `