ChangeLog for embadpixfind ========================== Open SPRs: ---------- None. Version 2.3 - 2009-01-08 (JB) ----------- - mu and mu2 variables were not initialized in findBadPix. Failed with F95 5.1 - Improve gradient correction to dispersion estimate near the borders - Consider that bright pixels declared in CCF are bad by default - Add ignoreccfbright parameter to allow testing them anyway Version 2.2 - 2005-09-12 (JB) ----------- - Fixed SPR 3517: Task fails with SLATEC error. Occurs when pixels on borders are surrounded by many bad pixels. Version 2.1.1 - 2005-04-22 (JB) ------------- - Fix bug occurring when entire CCD is set to bad (for MOS1 CCD6). Version 2.1 - 2005-01-13 (JB) ----------- - Remove two useless residual development files under src. Version 2.0 - 2005-01-11 (JB) ------------ - Remove PSF factor in favor of local dispersion. - Add halfwidth2d, halfwidth1d, minratio parameters. - Remove medianset parameter (compute median internally) - Relax stopping criterion to avoid missing bright pixels. - Use new statistic (Li&Ma or binomial) to test faint pixels. Version 1.21 - 2004-12-23 (JB) ------------ - Fixed SPR 3414: Blank segments in MOS images. - Do not reject columns/rows when local dispersion is large. - Modify findBadSeg so that pixrate is a vector. - Always call findBadCol and findBadRow for both positive and negative peaks. - Always detect dark columns/rows internally whatever maxratio. - Modify findBad1D to account for the brightness profile along the projection direction. - Change findBadPix11, findBad1D11, getMedian11 warnings into messages. Version 1.20.1 - 2004-03-16 (JB) -------------- - Bug fix on bad pixel type. Version 1.20 - 2003-10-08 (JB) ------------ - Moved medloc function to emsaplib as localMedian. Version 1.19 - 2003-07-10 (JB) ------------ - Make coherent with emsaplib 2.19 on quantilePoisson. Version 1.18 - 2003-04-12 (JB) ------------ - quantile changed into quantilePoisson in emsaplib. Version 1.17 - 2003-04-11 (JB) ------------ - Moved quantile function to emsaplib. Version 1.16 - 2003-04-07 (JB) ------------ - Improvement to the combined bright/dead row/column search. Version 1.15 - 2003-03-28 (JB) ------------ - Now looks for bright and dead columns/rows together. - The bad pixel type was not set when found in getMedian. Version 1.14 - 2002-11-27 (JB) ------------ - Allow very small probathreshold. Version 1.13 - 2002-08-26 (JB) ------------ - Iterate over full loop (dead, pixels, rows, columns). Version 1.12 - 2002-07-24 (JB) ------------ - readBadpix, writeBadpix and mergeBad moved to emsaplib. Version 1.11 - 2002-05-27 (JB) ------------ - Clarify warnings in code and doc. Version 1.10 - 2002-05-07 (JB) ------------ - Upgrade parameter file to param 2.0. Version 1.9 - 2002-04-30 (JB) ----------- - Improve mergeBad to accept duplicated bad pixels as in the CCF. Version 1.8 - 2002-04-29 (JB) ----------- - Included possibility of diagonals in check for errors in CCF. - Added security in quantile to avoid infinite loops as in SPR 2828. - Add nval argument to medloc function to compensate packSpace argument introduced in 1.6.1 (it changed the result). - Fixed SPR 2835: task crashes with no message (just prior warnings) - Fixed SPR 2810: bright bad pix in test pipeline images Version 1.7 - 2002-04-16 (JB) ----------- - Fixed SPR 2828: task goes in indefinit loop Version 1.6.1 - 2002-03-08 (JB) ------------- - Add packSpace argument to all pack calls, to work around a problem with pack in the sas (src/embadpixfind_mod.f90). Version 1.6 - 2002-01-17 (JB) ----------- - Add security against gradients in strong statistics (1D). - Add security against false dark rows/columns via maxratio parameter. Version 1.5 - 2002-01-03 (JB) ----------- - Add security against CCF bright pixels outside the formal CCD. - Uses EXPIDSTR instead of EXP_ID. Version 1.3.1 - 2001-11-09 (JB) ------------- - Fixed SPR 2626 (slatec error in embadpixfind). Version 1.3 - 2001-10-22 (JB) ----------- - Adapted to cal-3.121. Version 1.2.2 - 2001-10-17 (JB) ------------- - MOS1 PSF hardcoded (not peaked enough in CCF). Version 1.2.1 - 2001-10-15 (JB) ------------- - Fixed SPR 2598 (Subscript 1 of XBAD is out of range). Version 1.2 - 2001-10-10 (JB) ----------- - Check uplinked bad pixels declared in CCF. Version 1.1.1 - 2001-07-06 (JB) ------------- - Optimize when finddead=N. Version 1.1 - 2001-07-03 (JB) ----------- - Look for brightest pixels before dark rows and columns. Version 1.0.1 - 2001-06-05 (JB) ------------- - Bug correction. Version 1.0 - 2001-05-11 (JB) ----------- - First accepted version. emeventsproj is now an independent package. Version 0.2 - 2001-04-17 (JB) ----------- - Add bright segment detection along rows and columns. - Add dead pixel detection. - Add PSF correction factor. - Add incremental mode. - Adapt to window modes. Version 0.1 - 2000-09-29 (JB) ----------- - Initial version for outside testing.