XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
emchain (emchain-11.16) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
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Input Files
- event list files *_Mn*xxE.FIT (one per CCD/node and per exposure),
straight from the ODF (n is 1 or 2, xx is IM or TI).
- auxiliary files *_Mn*AUX.FIT (one per exposure), straight from the ODF.
- offset/variance files *_Mn*OVE.FIT (one per CCD/node and per mode),
straight from the ODF.
- optionally, a user-supplied GTI file (entered
through ingtiset) with STDGTI extension.
- optionally, bad pixels files with BADPIX extension
(one per CCD/node and per instrument).
They are looked for in the current directory and
their names must be P??????????DD????BADPIXij00.FIT,
where i is the CCD number and j the node number.
A file with matching observation and exposure fields is preferred,
but any observation and exposure is accepted.
The structure of files in the ODF is described in [1].
The event and offset files in the ODF may be gzipped (end in .gz or .FTZ).
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04