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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

emchain (emchain-11.16) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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Intermediate Files

  1. framenn.out.mos: frame file for a given CCD/node in output of emframes, where nn is the same as the CCDNR column in the final output file (10*node + CCD).
  2. badpixnn.out.mos: bad pixels file for a given CCD/node in output of badpixfind or embadpixfind.
  3. ccdgtinn.in.mos: GTI file for a given CCD/node in output of emframes.
  4. extgti.in.mos: external GTI file for a given instrument (merged from user, attitude and HK GTIs).
  5. hkgti.in.mos: external GTI file aligned to frame readout boundaries for the current CCD/node in output of gtialign.
  6. gtinn.out.mos: GTI file for a given CCD/node, intersection of the latter two.
  7. eventnn.in.mos: input event list file for a given CCD/node, with BADPIX extension appended by badpix.
  8. eventnn.out.mos: event list file for a given CCD/node in output of emevents, with BADPIX, OFFSETS0, OFFSETS and EXPOSURE extensions, propagated through attcalc and emenergy.
  9. merged.img.mos: merged event list in IMAGING mode in output of evlistcomb.
  10. merged.tim.mos: merged event list in TIMING mode in output of evlistcomb.
  11. merged.truncated.mos: selection of events with truncated energy (for flare screening).

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04