Change log for emframes ======================= Open SPRs: ---------- None. Version 5.8.1 - 2010-03-10 (JB) ------------- - Fix SPR 6600: problem with OBSID 0611180101 which occurred in timing mode when most frames were lost to counting mode. Version 5.8 - 2007-11-26 (JB) ----------- - Fix problem with OBSID 0510010701 which occurred when the frame renumbering resulted in fewer frames than initially, or when the very last frame was corrupted. Version 5.7 - 2007-01-11 (BFM) ----------- - Makes use of the counting mode data for frame renumbering. Version 5.6 - 2006-01-20 (BFM) ----------- - Missing deallocation of arrays, resulting in error in low memory mode. Version 5.5 - 2006-01-04 (BFM) ----------- - Slight improvement of the timing accuracy (0.2 ms at most) by correcting for the difference between the standard FTFINE unit (40 us) used in OAL_frameCounterToObt and the better one (39.99 us) used in emframes. Version 5.4 - 2005-11-15 (BFM) ----------- - Implemented a sort procedure in FRAMES before data handling to deal with files containing repeated or out of order frame IDs. The list of frame IDs is scanned first, and only a subset of the sequence is sorted. A permutation array is created to access the frames in order of increasing frame ID. This preserves data and events in good frames that were previously rejected because they appeared out of the normal sequence. - Divided main loop in FRAMES into three loops to improve legibility of code and remove some of the intermediate arrays. The first loop scans through all frames and flags problems in the frame numbering and time sequence. The second loop deals with telemetry drops and event cleaning. The third (very small) loop writes data to the output arrays, skipping over bad frames. - Added three flags: flag_badfid (64) and flag_mulfid (16) are used to identify rejected and retained frames repectively in a sequence of duplicated frame numbers. flag_t_dec (16384) is used instead of flag_t_wrong (2048, formerly named flag_time) to identify frames where the time tag decreased. flag_t_wrong is now used only in cases where the time tag was negative or jumped in a fashion incompatible with extended frames or telemetry drops. - removed some of the intermediate allocatable arrays. Version 5.3 - 2003-07-01 (JB) ----------- - Force clone to High Mem for compressed files. Version 5.2 - 2003-04-18 (JB) ----------- - Change FTFINE unit from 40 to 39.99 microseconds. Version 5.1 - 2002-12-11 (JB) ----------- - Use supertabular for ChangeLog section in doc. - Remove test on the value of TFIT_RMS. Version 5.0 - 2002-08-02 (JB) ----------- - Remove cosmicsize and cosmicoutoverin parameters (read from CAL). - Remove withodfeventset, flagbadtimes and withsrccoords parameters from doc. Version 4.14 - 2002-05-28 (JB) ------------ - Clarify warnings in code and doc. Version 4.13 - 2002-05-07 (JB) ------------ - Upgrade parameter file to param 2.0. Version 4.12 - 2002-04-30 (JB) ------------ - Do not send the frames10 warning when in controlled window mode W3. - Move HKGTI.FIT file from emsaplib/emodf to emframes/test. Version 4.11.3 - 2002-04-17 (JB) -------------- - Stop sending the start time to OAL_obtToTimeTag to avoid negative OBTs. Version 4.11.2 - 2002-03-27 (UL) -------------- - Minor adjustment to test harness to allow presence of new keyword TFIT_IGH in primary header written by oal>=3.89.1 (modified test/primkey.ref) Version 4.11.1 - 2002-03-14 (JB) -------------- - Correct bug introduced in 4.6, showing when several GATTI flags are lost (0261_0125320701). Version 4.11 - 2002-01-28 (JB) ------------ - Read low/high gain from IPPV and write GAIN_CCD keyword. Version 4.10 - 2002-01-23 (JB) ------------ - Test harness updated to OAL_addCommonAttributes. Version 4.9 - 2002-01-10 (JB) ----------- - Calls OAL_addCommonAttributes. - Writes IN_FOV keyword for flare screening. - More clever test for time cycling. Version 4.8 - 2001-12-19 (JB) ----------- - Writes EXPIDSTR. Version 4.7.1 - 2001-10-22 (JB) ------------- - Adapted to cal-3.121. Version 4.7 - 2001-08-17 (JB) ----------- - Writes the revolution number into the REVOLUT keyword. Version 4.6.3 - 2001-07-24 (JB) ------------- - Bug correction for low memory mode. - Check against spurious frame numbers in events file. Version 4.6.2 - 2001-07-19 (JB) ------------- - Remove check on FILTER in test harness. Version 4.6.1 - 2001-07-10 (JB) ------------- - Previous algo was wrong when many lost extended frames. Version 4.6 - 2001-07-03 (JB) ----------- - More robust when many extended frames (such as CALCLOSED). Version 4.5.1 - 2001-06-12 (JB) ------------- - Downgrade frames15 warning to message when < 0.05 s (src/emframes_mod.f90). Version 4.5 - 2001-03-21 (JB) ----------- - Use source position for time offset in Timing mode. - Change vertical binning from 100 to 101 in Timing mode. Version 4.4.1 - 2001-03-09 (ML) ------------- - Correct bug in dealing with frame repetition. - Check too large CLOCK_WRAP_AROUND. Version 4.4 - 2000-12-19 (JB) ----------- - Call OAL_getIPPVint for CLOCK_WRAP_AROUND (src/emframes_mod.f90). - Improve wrap-around test. - Add relative tolerance in telemetry drop test. Version 4.3.3 - 2000-11-27 (JB) ------------- - Time cycling at 32767 instead of 32768 (src/emframes_mod.f90). Version 4.3.2 - 2000-11-21 (JB) ------------- - Removed UL's modification (changed emsaplib to 2.1.2 instead). - Fixed SPR 2086 (better MJDREF attribute comment) (src/emframes_mod.f90). - Adapted test harness to changed keywords (test/keyword.ref). - Improved description of boolean parameters (doc/emframes_description.tex). Version 4.3.1 - 2000-11-18 (UL) ------------- - updated test/frames.ref after change of Xmm::missionReferenceTime (caloalutil-1.36.3/oal-3.58.8) Version 4.3 - 2000-10-27 (JB) ------------ - Set GATTIVAL to 0 in output when GATTI was off (free-run, Timing). - Write CCDMODE and SUBMODE keywords. Version 4.2 - 2000-10-10 (JB) ------------ - Correct bug in case of extended frames. - Sets FILTER before calling the CAL to avoid meaningless warning. - Write FILTER to events file. Version 4.1 - 2000-10-09 (ML) ------------ - Correct bug in case of duplicated frames. - Copy FILTER to frames table (not just set). - Downgrade "duplicated frame" to information flag. - Change test harness to avoid modifying input event list. Version 4.0 - 2000-10-06 (ML) ------------ - Allow frame renumbering (src/emframes_mod.f90). - Changed 'newoutput' parameter to 'newframeset' (config/emframes.par). - Added 'neweventset' and 'outeventset' parameters (config/emframes.par). Version 3.20 - 2000-09-28 (JB) ------------ - Call OAL_getIPPVstring instead of OAL_activeFilter (src/emframes_mod.f90). Version 3.19 - 2000-07-26 (JB) ------------ - Looks for emodf test directory under lib/testodf (test/emframes_test). - Changed default for 'cosmicsize' parameter (config/emframes.par). Version 3.18.3 - 2000-06-30 (JB) -------------- - Too many frames were flagged as extended (src/emframes_mod.f90). Version 3.18.2 - 2000-06-20 (JB) -------------- - Removed blanks from error codes (doc/emframes_description.tex and src/emframes_mod.f90). Version 3.18.1 - 2000-06-03 (JB) -------------- - Writes CLOCKAPP=T, TIMEZERO=0.0, changed TIMESYS to 'TT' (src/emframes_mod.f90). - Bug correction in CRRATIO (src/emframes_mod.f90). - Frame rejection when jump > 32 instead of 16 (src/emframes_mod.f90). - Updated doc (doc/emframes_description.tex). Version 3.18 - 2000-05-17 (JB) ------------ - Take care of large positive spike in frame number. Version 3.17 - 2000-04-06 (JB) ------------ - Removed EXPOSURE keyword from output. - Fixed SPR 1614 (emproc crash on non-increasing frame numbers). - Fixed SPR 1627 (Test harness fails under FTOOLS v5.0). Version 3.16 - 2000-03-06 (JB) ------------ - Correct bug for Compressed Timing mode. Version 3.15 - 2000-02-11 (JB) ------------ - Use Temp instead of copying auxiliary file. Version 3.14 - 09-02-2000 ------------ - Recompute NPIXEL in Timing mode. - Preserve FRMTIME when all frames are extended. Version 3.13 - 26-01-2000 ------------ - Generate temporary copy of auxiliary file (for selectlib). - Write keywords TIMEREF ('LOCAL') and TASSIGN ('SATELLITE'). Version 3.12 - 05-01-2000 ------------ - Temporarily removed call to CAL_getModeParameters - Temporarily reinstated EXPOSURE keyword. Version 3.11 - 21-12-1999 ------------ - Generate keywords TELAPSE, ONTIME and LIVETIME instead of EXPOSURE. - Set TIMESYS to 'MJD'. Version 3.10 - 09-12-1999 ------------ - removed calls to columnUnits. Version 3.9 - 24-11-1999 ----------- - flag first and last frames. - put_primary_keywords moved to emsaplib 1.2. - correct 'uninitialized POINTER FRAMENO' bug. Version 3.8 - 10-11-1999 ----------- - Uses new emsaplib library. Version 3.7 - 23-09-1999 ----------- - Test harness more robust. - Doc updated to sas 1.155. Version 3.6 - 03-09-1999 ----------- - Writes TIMEUNIT keyword. Version 3.5 - 01-09-1999 ----------- - Now allows a full (unselected) auxiliary file in input. - Changed default value of withodfeventset to False. - Test harness adapted to new emodf test directory in emevents. Version 3.4 - 27-08-1999 ----------- - Added EXPOSURE to primary header. Version 3.3 - 15-06-1999 ----------- - Fixed SPR 1003 (emframes_test fails > 3.0: Difference in GTI file). Version 3.2 - 09-06-1999 ----------- - Closed SPR 657 (No reference time in GTI header). - Upgraded to CAL 3.0. - Upgraded to 0AL 3.22. Version 3.1 - 26-05-1999 ----------- - Uses the OAL to generate correct times and primary keywords. - Supports all modes. - Removed unnecessary makegti parameter. - Simplified variable management by using parent function. - Uses the emevents/emodf directory for testing. Version 3.0 - 10-05-1999 ----------- - All parameter names changed to follow new guidelines. - Upgraded to be compatible with emutils in emevents 3.0. - Uses the new CAL_setState(block) facility. - FRMTIME now written in ms. - Uses the new presentation for columns, keywords, ... in the doc. - Includes a parameter layout file. Version 2.8 - 23-03-1999 ----------- - Minor correction to prevent core dump when 0 events in event file. Version 2.7 - 19-03-1999 ----------- - Upgraded to be compatible with CAL 2.x. - Upgraded to be compatible with emutils in emevents 2.8. - CCD column changed to CCDID in input auxiliary file. - STDGTI extension changed to STDGTInn in output GTI file. Version 2.6 - 11-12-1998 ----------- - Avoids duplication of error handling with DAL. - emutils_mod moved to emevents. Version 2.5 - 25-11-1998 ----------- - Fixed SPR 655 (Misleading information in Task Description). - Fixed SPR 656 (Task does not reread its own output). - Fixed SPR 659 (Algorithm description detail). - Fixed SPR 661 (Loss of sync of NVALID flag in i/p and o/p frame files). - Uses the new "layer" message interface. - Uses CAL_setStateFromScienceFile. - copyAttributes removed. - Generic routines set aside in a specific module. - New EXPOSURE keyword. - Now supports new output file when run on its own output. Version 2.4 - 17-09-1998 ----------- - Now uses 40 microsec as the unit for FTFINE. - Fixed SPR 526 (Cannot handle zero event). - Modified to adjust to param 1.10. - Modified to accept free run mode (GATTI OFF). - Version number jumped to 2.4 to meet that of description. Version 2.1 - 30-07-1998 ----------- - Fixed SPR 511 (Test harness fails under DEC OSF). The reference output is now produced within the test harness. - Uses the message facility instead of the prlev parameter. Version 2.0 - 20-07-1998 ----------- - Fixed SPR 334 (Change on/off parameters from integer to boolean). This interface change is the reason for the new major version. - Fixed SPR 109 (task is an FTOOL). This is the first version using the SAS DHS. Version 1.1 - 26-05-1998 ----------- - Tests event and frame file existence. - Propagates event file header into output GTI file. - Works for no HK GTI file. - Fills GATTIVAL with a reasonable value when less than 255 frames. Version 1.0 - 22-04-1998 ----------- - Initial version for SAS v1 integration.