For an input list of eboxdetect source locations, simultaneous maximum likelihood PSF fits to the source count distribution are performed in all energy bands of each EPIC instrument. A description of the main properties of the detection algorithm may be found in Cruddace, Hasinger, Schmitt (1988) and an overview of emldetect and its use in the XMM-Newton catalogue pipelines at
Fit parameters. Main free fit parameters are: the source location (image coordinates X_IMA, Y_IMA), source extent (Gaussian sigma or beta model core radius), and source count rates in each energy band for each telescope. The source location and source extent are constrained to the same best-fit value in all energy bands per EPIC instrument whereas the source count rates are adjusted to their individual best-fit value in each energy band per EPIC instrument. Derived parameters are: total source count rate, likelihood of detection (total and in each energy band), likelihood of source extent, and up to four hardness ratios (default: four).
Output source table.
A summary of all the columns in the output source list can be found in
Table 2 in
Section 8 on the output files. For
each detected source, the table contains one row for each energy band for
each instrument. The individual source rows are identified through the
column entries ID_INST and ID_BAND in the output
table. ID_INST refers to the EPIC instrument (: PN,
: MOS1,
: MOS2,
: summary row). ID_BAND is the energy band number as
defined by the ordering of the energy bands, i.e.: the ordering of the input
images given as command-line arguments to emldetect. The upper and
lower bounds of each energy band are available in the header
keywords aa_n_ELO and aa_n_EHI where aa
stands for the EPIC camera (PN, M1, or M2) and n stands for the energy
band number as given in the table column ID_BAND. Additional
keywords N_INST and aa_BNDS specify the number of EPIC
cameras and the number of energy bands for each EPIC camera. For the
definition of the basic energy bands used in the pipeline processing,
An ID_BAND value of refers to the summary rows of each source,
which list combined results per instrument and in total. The summary rows
over the energy bands for each instrument contain sums of the entries in the
individual energy bands where appropriate (counts, count rates, fluxes, and
detection likelihoods). In the total summary row per source
with ID_INST=0, those spatial parameters are repeated that are
identical for all energy bands (positions and extent values). The other
columns are set to NULL.
XID band.
The XID energy band (0.5 - 4.5 keV) of the X-ray
Follow-up & Identification Programme is marked by ID_BAND=9 and
will be present if the input parameter withxidband has been set to
true. The keyword XID_BND indicates whether XID band information is
present in the source table. Note that the energy bands which constitute
the XID band have to be specified for each instrument separately using the
parameters xidpndef, xidm1def, xidm2def. Default
values are the input bands ,
, and
, as defined
in ID_BAND column.
From v4.42.5 on, an alternative method to treat the XID band has been introduced: With the parameter xidfixed set, emldetect can be run on one XID band image per instrument using an emldetect output list as input source list. Positions and source extent values will be kept fixed, and only fluxes and detection likelihoods are determined. In this case, the input images (science images, exposure maps, background images) for the desired band (e.g. 0.5 - 4.5 keV) have to be prepared beforehand. The parameters xidpndef, xidm1def, xidm2def determine which energy bands from the input source list are used to provide the start values for the fit. Note that when using this method, the parameter withxidband should be set to ``no'', and the parameter ecf is used to set the energy conversion factors (
PSF fitting.
Simultaneous fitting of data from different instruments (i.e., EPIC pn and
MOS data) or different exposures is supported. The PSF fitting may either
be performed in single-source or in multi-source mode. In multi-source mode,
neighbouring sources with overlapping PSFs are fitted
simultaneously. Detection likelihoods are optimized for all the overlapping
sources simultaneously, and detection likelihoods per source are calculated
and written to the column DET_ML of the output source
table. Selection of sources for simultaneous fitting is controlled by the
distance parameter scut and by the parameter nmaxfit that
gives the maximum number of sources to be fit simultaneously
( nmaxfit
). Sources fit simultaneously are
identified in the output table through the ID_CLUSTER table
column. It is also possible to fit several PSFs for each input source
position by setting the parameter nmulsou to the corresponding value
, nmaxfit
Two parameters determine the image region on which a source fit is
performed: The parameter ecut determines the size of the subimage
around each source used for fitting. The parameter scut determines
the radius around each source, in which other input sources are considered
for multi-PSF fitting, if the parameter nmulsou is
. Both ecut and scut are given as encircled energy
fractions of the calibration PSF. The actual radii in pixel units therefore
change slightly with energy band and source position.
Alternatively, ecut and scut can be given as a fixed value
in units of image pixels (if ecut or scut is
). The
actual value for the cutout radius of each source is listed in the
column CUTRAD of the output source list.
Starting with SAS 10.0 and emldetect version 5.1, a full 2d parametrization of the EPIC PSF as a function of instrument, energy, and off-axis angle is introduced (Release Notes). The PSF model can be chosen via the parameter psfmodel. Up to version 5.17.1, the medium-accuracy PSF (psfmodel=medium) is used by default. The analytical 2d PSF (psfmodel=ellbeta) is the default PSF model from version 5.17.2 on. The slew-mode PSF for EPIC/pn (psfmodel=slew) has been introduced with emldetect-6.0 and cal-3.231.
Extent fitting.
If the parameter fitextent is set to ``yes'', the point spread
function will be convolved with a source extent model, that can be set to
either a Gaussian profile or a -model profile via the
parameter extentmodel. In the case of extentmodel=beta, the
surface brightness is calculated as
The value of the core radius is written to the column EXT of
the output source list. In the case of a Gaussian extent model,
written to the column EXT, instead. Note that the source extent can
only be determined reliably for relatively bright objects. If the likelihood
of the source extent falls below the threshold given via dmlextmin
), point source parameters are derived.
From version 4.27 on, the extent likelihood values (EXT_ML) are corrected for the number of input images with the formalism described below in the paragraph on Detection likelihoods.
From version 4.32 on, the maximum value of the extent fit parameter can be given via the task parameter maxextent. The unit is image pixels. Large values of maxextent can lead to spurious detection of extended sources in some cases. With the parameter minextent, the minimum extent can be specified that is still considered to be significant. If the best fit extent is less than minextent, a point source model will be adopted for the source.
CPU saving. Since both multi-PSF fitting and extent fitting are CPU intensive, two methods exist to reduce the CPU requirements of an emldetect run using multi-PSF fitting. With the option withthreshold, the user can limit the application of multi-PSF fitting (as specified by nmulsou) to sources exceeding a certain threshold. The threshold is set by the parameter threshold. The corresponding input column is defined via the parameter threshcolumn, which can be LIKE, SCTS, or RATE.
The second method to save CPU time for combined extent and multi-PSF fitting
is provided by the option withtwostage, which is used in combination
with fitextent=''true'' and nmulsou .
If withtwostage is set to ``true'', emldetect
will perform
the fit for each source in two stages: In the first stage, one
extended source is fitted to the source. Only if the extent is significant,
the second stage will be performed, and a multi-PSF fit with one extended
source and nmulsou - 1 point sources is applied.
The withtwostage option avoids misidentification of close pairs of
point sources as extended sources in most cases and significantly reduces
CPU time.
Detection likelihoods.
All detection likelihoods are transformed to equivalent likelihoods
(column DET_ML of the output source table), corresponding to the
case of two free parameters to allow comparison between detection runs with
different numbers of free parameters (i.e., when different numbers of
input images are used):
where is the incomplete Gamma function,
is the number of energy
bands involved,
is the number of degrees of freedom of the fit (
if task parameter fitextent=yes, and
as defined by Cash (1979). Note that
is 1
for the individual energy-band detection likelihoods that are listed in
source table rows with ID_BAND
0, and
is equal to the
total number of energy bands in the ID_BAND=0 summary rows. The
equivalent detection likelihoods obey the simple relationship
, where
is the probability for a random Poissonian fluctuation
to have caused the observed source counts. This is in agreement with the
equivalent detection likelihoods as defined in task eboxdetect
(column SIGMA of eboxdetect
source lists). Note that for
very small numbers of source counts (less than
counts, Cash
1979), this relation has to be treated with caution. Therefore, it will
only give a rough estimate of the number of expected spurious sources.
OOT correction.
All EPIC PN source count rates and fluxes written to the emldetect
source list are corrected for photons that arrive during readout of the PN
CCDs and therefore are not detected on the nominal source position
(out-of-time events).
emldetect v4.5 to 4.27: Correction factors of 1.0626 for
PrimeFullWindow mode and of 1.0223 for the PrimeFullWindowExtended mode are
applied by emldetect. Data taken in other observing modes are left
emldetect v4.28 onwards: From eexpmap
v3.31 on, the
OOT events correction is applied to the exposure maps in all observing
modes. emldetect
reads the keyword OOTCORR from the FITS header of
the exposure maps. If OOTCORR is existing and set to ``true'', no further
correction is applied by emldetect.
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Pipeline energy bands [keV] |
1 | 1 | 2 | 0.2 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 |
2 | 2 | 3 | 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.0 |
3 | 3 | 4 | 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 4.5 |
4 | 4 | 5 | 2.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 12.0 |
Hardness ratios. If detection over several energy bands is performed, up to four hardness ratios HRi are calculated from the source count rates in the individual bands (default: four). The hardness ratios are defined as follows:
where denotes the count rates in energy bands
, respectively.
The energy bands
used to calculate the hardness ratios can be
specified for each instrument via the
parameters hrpndef, hrm1def, and hrm2def. The
default band assignments (identical for all instruments) are given in
Table 1. The band numbers
assigned to the individual bands by numbering the corresponding input images
in the order in which they are given on the command line. It is therefore
important that the ordering of the input images is consistent with the
contents of hrdef to obtain meaningful hardness ratios.
Position errors.
The final stage of the source detection process is done via ML-fitting of
the PSF-shape at the given detector position to the observed photon
distribution utilizing the -statistics. The best fitting X-ray position
is determined at the minimum value of
, and the
errors in right
ascension and declination are derived at
. The
two-dimensional positional error RADEC_ERR, written to the output source
list, is calculated as square root of the quadratic sum of the errors in
R.A. and Dec.
It translates into a one-dimensional
, if
symmetric errors in R.A. and Dec are assumed. Individual position errors in
image coordinates can be accessed via the X_IMA_ERR and Y_IMA_ERR
columns in the output source list.
Mosaic images.
From version 5.0 onward, the parameter imagebuffersize
is implemented. The main purpose of this parameter is
to make the processing of mosaic-pointings more efficient, where the
mosaicked sky image will contain large areas without photon data. The value
of imagebuffersize characterizes the memory that is allocated for
each individual image and is given in image pixels: imagebuffersize
is (at least) the size of the sub-image per pointing that contains non-zero
pixels (Fig. 1). Its default is ,
which is the side length of a typical pipeline-produced EPIC image with a
bin size of
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04