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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

emosaicproc (emosaicproc-0.3.4) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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Output Files

The output is located in different directories. All the output corresponding specifically to a pointing is left at each input pointing directory, while the general output is under a general directory called by default prep_mosaic but changeable as it is an input parameter of emosaicproc. Therefore, if several runs using different input directories are started from the same working directory you have to be careful and avoid overwriting the output located in prep_mosaic. Optimally you will name this directory according to the combination of pointings you are using.

The main products of emosaicproc are:

  1. exposure maps (from task eexpmap) per pointing, instrument and energy band
  2. detector mask images (from task emask) per pointing, instrument and energy band
  3. background maps (from task esplinemap) per pointing, instrument and energy band
  4. mosaic eboxdetect source list
  5. mosaic emldetect source list
  6. emosaic obtained mosaic image of all instruments and pointings

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04