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emsaplib (emsaplib-2.29.1) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

declarations edusoft_mod module inMask Home Index

Meta Index / Home Page / Description / edusoft_mod module


Aim: Get the number of pixels making E2 for all patterns, return mask itself if required. CAL must be initialised beforehand.

The routine declaration is:

  subroutine getpixelInE2(pixelInE2, patabove, npatterns)

! pixelInE2: number of pixels in E2 for each pattern
! patabove : mask of E2 for each pattern
! npatterns: number of patterns

    integer(kind=int16), dimension(0:edu_npat-1), intent(out) :: pixelInE2
    integer(kind=int16), dimension(-1:1,-1:1,0:edu_npat-1),  &
                         intent(out), optional                :: patabove
    integer,             intent(out), optional                :: npatterns

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04