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badpixutils_mod module badpixutils_mod module writeBadpix Home Index

Meta Index / Home Page / Description / badpixutils_mod module


Aim: Read bad pixels table into an array.

The routine declaration is:

    subroutine readBadpix(bad_tab, incremental,  &
                          xbad, ybad, yext, tbad, fbad, nbad)

! bad_tab : Handle to the bad pixels table
! incremental : Should normally be set to True. If False, no bad pixel
!           is read (nbad is set to 0) and the bad pixels columns
!           (RAWX,RAWY,TYPE,YEXTENT,BADFLAG) are added to the bad_tab table
! xbad    : array of RAWX coordinates
! ybad    : array of RAWY coordinates
! yext    : array of RAWY extensions (YEXTENT)
! tbad    : array of bad pixel types (TYPE)
! fbad    : array of bad pixel status (BADFLAG: uplinked, CCF or new)
! nbad    : number of bad pixels
! Those arrays must be dimensioned (large enough) in the calling program.

    type(TableT),                      intent(in)  :: bad_tab
    logical,                           intent(in)  :: incremental
    integer(kind=int16), dimension(:), intent(out) :: xbad, ybad, yext,  &
                                                      tbad, fbad
    integer,                           intent(out) :: nbad

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04