ChangeLog for epatplot =============================== Open SPRs: - none Version 1.19 - 2013-11-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): plot also real-valued SRCPOSX and SRCPOSY for EPIC-pn if new parameter "withsrcxy=Y" (default "Y") and SRCPOSX and SRCPOSY keywords found in event file header - (config/epatplot.*): as above - (doc/epatplot_description): as above Version 1.18 - 2013-06-07 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): plot also average DETX and DETY for EPIC-pn if new parameter "withdetxy=Y" (default "N", old behaviour) - (config/epatplot.*): as above - (doc/epatplot_description): as above - (test/epatplot_test): run with "withdetxy=Y" Version 1.17 - 2012-08-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): split "doubles" into "horizontal doubles" (PATTERN==2 and PATTERN==4) and "vertical doubles" (PATTERN==1 and PATTERN==3) in addition to the sum of both double types (for PN only) - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): "invalid patterns" now changed into "invalid triples" and "invalid quadruples" (not yet implemented, but prepared for) - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): write out average RAWX position for all modes - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): write out also LIVETIME keyword if present - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): write out also OBJECT keyword if present - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): use CCDLIMSEL in average RAWY computation - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): corrected typo in MOSMODE list - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): use empirical model for lower threshold 100 for SW mode instead of CAL model (to be used for 0056_01223307010_PNU002) Version 1.16.1 - 2012-06-15 (AI) ------------------------------ - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): "CALstat_node" variable initialization in case of MOS analysis. - (test/epatplot_mos_test): New MOS test harness added. Version 1.16 - 2010-02-24 (HB) ------------------------------ - (doc/epatplot_description.tex): three example plots were updated; this closes SPR-6590 Version 1.15 - 2006-10-30 (HB) ------------------------------ - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): forced background colour to white closed SSC-SPR-3632 Version 1.14 - 2006-06-01 (HB) ------------------------------ - devtrack version (same as 1.13.7) Version 1.13.7 - 2006-06-01 (HB) -------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): new parameter modifyInSet: skip keyword writing to increase speed if set to "N" (default: "Y"); mean RAWY calculation now correctly reflects RAWX/RAWY range set on command line - (doc/epatplot_description): new parameter added to description - (config/epatplot.par): new parameter added Version 1.13.6 - 2006-01-13 (HB) -------------------------------- - (doc/epatplot_description.tex): images reduced in size to prevent problems with latex to html converison; SSC-SPR-3431 closed Version 1.13.5 - 2004-07-26 (HB) -------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): weights of model pattern fractions for pile-up number calculation corrected - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): prevented division by zero in the case of inappropriat energy band for pile-up number calculation - (doc/epatplot_description.tex): new warning (no signal in observed-to- model band) added Version 1.13.4 - 2004-06-30 (HB) -------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): new task parameter to specify energy range for pile-up-number - (doc/epatplot_description.tex) | - (config/epatplot.par) | - (config/epatplot.lyt) | new parameter added Version 1.13.3 - 2004-03-26 (HB) -------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): MOS channel-nr. calculation for obs-to-mod fraction corrected Version 1.13.2 - 2004-03-18 (HB) -------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): CALstat_ccd set to 4 for PN multi-chip eventsets to avoid missleading warning Version 1.13.1 - 2004-03-16 (HB) -------------------------------- - (config/epatplot.lyt): two missing parameters added Version 1.13 - 2003-12-03 (HB) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): wrong average rawy value correct; task now doesn't attempt to modify gzip'ed input files; problems with some background sets solved (doc/epatlot_description.tex): description of parameter backscal extended Version 1.12 - 2003-07-11 (HB) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): optional input of background set to determine background subtracted pattern fractions. Output of pile-up diagnostic numbers. (doc/epatplot_description.tex): some updates; low energy noise explained. Version 1.11 - 2003-06-05 (HB) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): usermode fixed. Now works for PN and MOS. CAL_setState call corrected for MOS. (doc/epatplot_description.tex): new warning described Version 1.10 - 2003-05-09 (HB) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): pattern fraction calibration values added to qdp output Version 1.9 - 2003-05-07 (HB) ------------------------------- - (config/epatplot.par): modified to enable param-2.0 functionality Version 1.8 - 2003-02-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): new parameters "ccdlimits" (only active for PN, to select range in RAWX, RAWY, CCDNR for the distributions) and "plotyrange" to fix the Y range (in log10 values) for an easier comparison with other observations (if second value is not larger than first value then do an automatic determination as before, default "0 0") - (config/epatplot.*): as above - (doc/epatplot_description.tex): as above Version 1.7 - 2002-12-19 (HB) ------------------------------ - SSC-SPR-3038 (src/epatplot_mod.f90): treatment of PN and MOS has been unified: the MOS code now also uses pattern fractions in channel space. - SSC-SPR-3052 (scr/epatplot_mod.f90): RAWY set to center value of chip if no RAWY column in input file (as in MOS timing mode) Version 1.6 - 2002-11-13 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): removed obsolete code using hardcoded numbers [as in 1.1.6] Version 1.5 - 2002-11-12 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): call "CAL_getPatternFraction*()" routines for EPIC MOS - (doc/epatplot_description.tex): updated Version 1.4 - 2002-11-11 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): call "CAL_getPatternFraction*()" routines for EPIC pn - (DEPEND): needs `cal-3.149' Version 1.3 - 2002-07-17 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): show also invalid PN patterns and its energy fraction (as in 1.1.5) - (doc/epatplot_description.tex): added remark about invalid patterns (as in 1.1.5) - (DEPEND): added "sas" as required by new infrastructure (sas-1.302) Version 1.2 - 2002-05-15 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (config/epatplot.par): updated for `param-2.0' - (DEPEND): needs `param-2.0', updated all other entries to latest Version 1.1.4 - 2002-05-15 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): updated LW and TI model for EPIC pn - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): plot also singles+doubles for EPIC pn - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): moved model and RAWY label - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): use SRCPOS instead of mean RAWY for EPIC pn TI+BU modes Version 1.1.3 - 2002-03-28 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (doc/epatplot_description.tex): added an example output plot with pile-up Version 1.1.2 - 2002-03-05 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): updated TI model and new BU model for EPIC pn Version 1.1.1 - 2002-02-22 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): write also revolution number on plot Version 1.1 - 2002-01-23 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (src/epatplot_mod.f90): made more robust against missing or empty extensions Version 1.0 - 2002-01-10 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (*) converted all occurences of "eppatplot" to "epatplot" Note: after the first "official" support of MOS in `eppatplot-1.9' the task is renamed from `eppatplot' to `epatplot' and maintained under the new name Version 1.9 - 2002-01-09 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): activated MOS1 model curves - (config/eppatplot.par): changed default from "xaxisadu=Y" to "N" - (config/ added "MOS" to description Version 1.8 - 2002-01-09 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): added MOS support for parameter `withoutputmask' Version 1.7 - 2002-01-08 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): activate "xaxisadu=N" (i.e. X axis: adu -> eV) - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): allow creation of CCD map with FLAG==0 positions - (config/eppatplot.*): new parameters `withoutputmask' and `outmaskname', defaults "N" and "flag0_map_##.dat" - (doc/eppatplot_description.tex): see above, sections: description, parameters Version 1.6 - 2001-12-20 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): update SW model (calpnalgo-2.29) - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): allow user-defined Y-postion instead of event file average value for the spatial model dependence - (config/eppatplot.*): new parameters `withuserrawy' and `userrawy', defaults "N" and "190.0" - (doc/eppatplot_description.tex): see above Version 1.5 - 2001-12-18 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): add average RAWY position to plot - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): strip redundant "/" and "./" from file paths - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): allow user-defined mode instead of SUBMODE to be plotted as model curve in pattern distribution - (config/eppatplot.*): new parameters `withusermode' and `usermode', defaults "N" and "0" - (doc/eppatplot_description.tex): see above Version 1.4 - 2001-12-17 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): accept pn FastBurst mode even if no model exists Version 1.3 - 2001-12-09 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): updated models, implemented spatial dependence Version 1.2 - 2001-08-07 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): implemented eFF model, check if model of event file is already implemented (otherwise do not try to plot model labels) - (doc/eppatplot_mod.tex): updated models part Version 1.1 - 2001-06-11 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): updated SW model (new high-energy CTI correction) Version 1.0.2 - 2001-06-05 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): added support for FLAG column via new parameter "withflag", default=Y (i.e. select only events with FLAG=0), added new warning if FLAG column is not present (continue without FLAG selection) - (config/eppatplot.*): see above - (doc/eppatplot_description.tex): see above - (test/eppatplot_test): call explicitly with "withflag=Y" (default) Version 1.0.1 - 2001-05-11 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): added support for LW and TI model - (doc/eppatplot_description.tex): updated for new models Version 1.0 - 2001-04-23 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (src/eppatplot_mod.f90): read INSTRUME attribute Version 0.2 - 2001-04-19 (MJF) ------------------------------ - (doc/eppatplot_description.tex): included suggestions by DL and JB - (test/): moved test data file to new package `eptestdata' - (DEPEND): depend on `eptestdata-0.2' Version 0.1 - 2001-03-26 (MJF) ------------------------------ - first draft version