XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
epatplot (epatplot-1.19) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
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Input Files
- EPIC pn or EPIC MOS events file (after any selection, e.g. source region)
with at least extension EVENTS,
columns PI and PATTERN,
if withflag=Y then also column FLAG;
if column RAWY is present then the average Y-position
is used as well;
keyword SUBMODE (if present) is used to determine the relevant
model pattern distribution (for EPIC pn),
keyword FILTER (if present) is only used as plot label,
keyword INSTRUME (if present) is used to determine instrument
specific quantities (not yet in current implementation).
If withoutputmask=Y then also bad pixel (BADPIX,
BADPIXnn) and offset column (OFFSETCO,
OFFSETnn, OFFSETS) extensions are looked for.
- optional background event set
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04