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epauxcomb (epauxcomb-1.3) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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This task creates a copy of an input PN ODF Auxiliary File, with the first table containing additional columns corresponding to the Second Binary Table of the Auxiliary File. This allows tools such as tabgtigen, which can only handle single tables, to process all the data specified in such files.

The combination is performed as follows:

A copy of the original dataset is made to the dataset specified by the parameter outset. The first table in the new dataset will form the new combined table, and implicitly contains a copy of the First Binary Table.

Combining the data in the Second Binary Table is relatively complex. The combination is based on the two common columns across the tables, the CYCLE column and the QUADRANT column. Each row in the Second Binary Table of the Auxilary File is uniquely identified by the CYCLE and QUADRANT pair. This pair occurs in one or more rows in the First Binary Table (as there is one or more active CCDs listed with in the combined table with that CYCLE/QUADRANT combination).

epauxcomb firstly creates 5 new columns in the combined table corresponding to the remaining columns of the Second Binary Table (ie the NABOVE, NDEFA, NEPDH ,NDISCLIN and MCOMMODE columns). It then loops through each row of the Second Binary Table, noting the values in the columns NABOVE, NDEFA, NEPDH, NDISCLIN and MCOMMODE. For each row in the combined table that the same CYCLE/QUADRANT pair appears, epauxcomb writes out the noted values to the corresponding columns in the combined table.

These noted values may be copied to more than one row in the combined table. There may also be one or more rows remaining in the combined table that contain CYCLE/QUADRANT pairs which are not listed in the Second Binary Table; for these rows, the entries for NABOVE, NDEFA, NEPDH, NDISCLIN and MCOMMODE are set to zero.

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04