XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
epchain (epchain-8.74.5) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
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Output Files
In the case of usenanonicalnames=N the output files have fixed
names or can be given via parameter settings. If usenanonicalnames=Y
then the task creates the file names automatically according to the ODF,
where oooooooooo denotes the 10-digit observation identifier
and PNxnnn is the exposure identifier with x being the
schedule flag (S or U) and nnn the 3-digit exposure number.
- merged and calibrated event list file (one per exposure, EVENTS),
as defined in the Data Products ICD ([1])
with CCD specific bad pixel (BADPIXnn),
exposure (EXPOSUnn),
GTI extensions (STDGTInn), as well as
OFFSETS with all columns with a non-zero offset and
CALINDEX with all relevant CCF entries (EPN, XRT3, XMM).
If usenanonicalnames=Y: depending on the setting of
withoutoftime and withctisrcpos:
NN: PooooooooooPNxnnnPIEVLI0000.FIT
(imaging modes, i.e. FF, eFF, LW, SW) or
PooooooooooPNxnnnTIEVLI0000.FIT (fast modes, i.e. TI, BU)
YN: PooooooooooPNxnnnOOEVLI0000.FIT
NY: PooooooooooPNxnnnPSEVLI0000.FIT
YY: PooooooooooPNxnnnOSEVLI0000.FIT
(note that this setting is possible but not very meaningful ;-)
- atthk.dat: output file from atthkgen
containing the entire
attitude information (ATTHK).
If usenanonicalnames=Y: PooooooooooOBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT
- gti##.dat (with ## replaced by CCD number):
CCD specific GTI files (STDGTInn)
- mask_##.fits: CCD specific (source-free) background masks
with ## replaced by CCD number (created by badpixfind
if runbackground set to ``true").
If usenanonicalnames=Y: PooooooooooPNxnnnBPFMSK00##.FIT
- bpxf_##.fits: CCD specific bad pixel list
with ## replaced by CCD number (created by badpixfind
if runbadpixfind set to ``true").
If usenanonicalnames=Y: PooooooooooPNxnnnBPXFLI00##.FIT
- eventmap##.dat (with ## replaced by CCD number):
CCD event intensity maps (if witheventmap=Y),
for details see epframes
- photonmap##.dat (with ## replaced by CCD number):
CCD photon intensity maps (if withphotonmap=Y),
for details see epevents
- flag0_map_##.dat (with ## replaced by CCD number):
CCD maps with regions FLAG=0 set to 1
(if withpatplot=Y), for details see epatplot.
If usenanonicalnames=Y: PooooooooooPNxnnnFLGMSK00##.FIT
- value of parameter rateset:
background lightcurve using source masks with columns
where the latter is scaled by timebinsize and
the sum of all non-masked pixels, in units of cts/ks/arcmin
There is also a GTI file created with name bkg_GTI.fits.
If usenanonicalnames=Y: PooooooooooPNxnnnFBKTSR0000.FIT
for the lightcurve and
PooooooooooPNxnnnFBKGTI0000.FIT for the GTI file.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-12