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epevents (epevents-6.49.8) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
EPIC PN raw events data-set
EPIC PN events data-set with calibrated and corrected PI channels
reemissionthreshnointeger none
selection parameter: trigger threshold (in adu) for preceding events
yes, if the computation of physical camera detector coordinates is done with randomization (former parameter `randomize')
yes, if the raw amplitudes should be randomized within a pulse-height bin
yes, if use non-standard energy bin width (i.e., 1 eV instead of previously used 5 eV binning in output PI column
Accuracy of gain/cti correction
Whether to create intermediate column PHA_GAIN.
When switching on the energy correction for low-gain mode data then most of the events will fall outside the 2-byte-limit for the PI column (i.e. $> 32757$eV) as the energy range is then about $2-280$keV; if one is interested in this full range the setting ``N" should be used and energy values be multiplied later with 18.4 to obtain ``real" event energies. Only effective for the few low-gain mode exposures, of course.
no, if pattern recognition has been done already (future development, not active yet)
yes, if diagnostic photon map file should be created (see parameter photonmapset)
name of optional output diagnostic photon map file, it will have 4 extensions corresponding to 4 user-definable energy bands (see lothresh and hithresh)
lothreshnoreal-list0 200 500 0 
lower band limits [eV] for parameter photonmapset
hithreshnoreal-list200 500 2000 32000 
upper band limits [eV] for parameter photonmapset
pattern types for the events of the individual band maps (future development, not fully active yet), s = singles, d = doubles, t = triples, q = quadruples, n = non-singles, r = recognized, u = unrecognized, m = multiples (m = d+t+q), a = all, x = doubles in x-direction, y = doubles in y-direction, v = doubles in y-direction with main near CAMEX (i.e. split backward), w = doubles in y-direction with main away from CAMEX (i.e. split forward)
yes, if ``out-of-time events'' file should be created instead of ``normal events'' file (only meaningful for IMAGING modes) (considered as experimental)
yes, if not the RAWY coordinates but the source position SRCPOS should be used in the energry correction routines (only meaningful for IMAGING modes) (considered as experimental). See Sect.3.2.
yes, if corrections for long-term CTI increase should be applied
yes, if special soft energy function should be included in the long-term CTI corrections (considered as experimental)
yes, if special Y-dependence should be included in the long-term CTI corrections
yes, if background gain corrections should be applied
yes, if pattern energy offset corrections should be applied
yes, if CCD offset corrections should be applied (considered as experimental)
yes, if temperature-gain corrections should be applied
yes, if the MIP rejection information obtained by task epframes shall be printed (only meaningful if on-board rejection is switched off, i.e. for SW, TI, BU modes).
yes, if a correction for rate-dependent PHA effects for TI and BU modes should be applied. The logical keyword PHA_RDCO indicates whether this correction has been applied or not. If applied, then the keyword PHA_RDCB gives the scaling factor B used in the correction, derived from block RDPHA_DERIV in the CTI.CCF.
time-bin size for rate-dependent PHA correction for TI and BU modes [s]
yes, if TIME-derived frame numbers should be used in CTI correction for non-imaging modes (TI, BU) instead of the ODF frame numbers. For FF, eFF, LW, SW modes internally always the TIME-derived frame numbers instead of the dummy ODF numbers are used (should not be changed).
apply special gain if BURST mode ?
apply special gain if TIMING mode ?
apply special gain if FULL FRAME mode ?
apply special gain if EXTENDED FULL FRAME mode ?
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04