Any events that have obtained a negative charge sum PI
(see above) and a
get a positive total charge
PI assigned; if these have
then they
get a positive total charge
PI assigned and the INVALID_PATTERN bit set in the
FLAG column.
In the implementation of version 6.30.3 (and earlier)
single events close to edges or bad pixels
do not get PATTERN=0 but get the
bit set, too, and thus PATTERN=128
All (apparent) singles at the CCD edges, readout window, or close to
bad pixels get PATTERN=128. Additionally, they get the corresponding
flag set, e.g. CLOSE_TO_READOUT_WINDOW. So there is a double-coding,
PATTERN bit says that a FLAG bit is set and the FLAG says
which one. If one is interested in ``safe" single events (as far
as the location with respect to CCD edges, readout window, and bad
pixels is concerned) then the selection expression ``PATTERN==0'' is
already sufficient. This implys that one will not keep single-pixel
photons with RAWX=1 or RAWX=64, so there will be larger gaps
between the CCDs in such images.
If this is not desirable then
select ``(PATTERN==0)||(PATTERN==128)''.
Then one has to keep in mind the effect of possible charge losses:
for broad-band imaging purposes this may be fine,
however, accurate spectral modelling should use ``FLAG==0''.
The first example in
was considered as valid double (here PATTERN=4),
the others not and therefore do not
have PATTERN=1-4 but get PATTERN=205: next unused PATTERN, i.e. 13,
plus the and
bit set.
Similarly, triples (and quadruples) with
the main charge at the CCD egde, readout window, or bad pixel, do get
PATTERN 14+64+128 = 206 (and 15+64+128 = 207, respectively), and the
relevant FLAG setting.
The last invalid quadruple example in
where the mimimum charge is not opposite to the main charge,
is an invalid quadruple, so it gets a ``base'' pattern of 15 plus
the bit set, i.e. PATTERN=79.
Any very large pattern, with pixels involved, gets a
PATTERN = 64+32+(n-5) if no edges or bad pxiels are involved,
and PATTERN = 128+64+32+(n-5) if an edge or bad pixel is touched by
this event ensemble.
Note: as of version 6.30.4 PATTERN values of 128 have been changed to 0
(i.e. bit is not set anymore for singles), and PATTERN values
of 205 have been changed to 1-4
bit are not set anymore for doubles).
All the FLAG coding and all other PATTERN bit coding is unchanged.
Note: a keyword SCR_88=``T'' in the EXPOSURE (and EVENTS) extension of the output file of epevents indicates that this new behaviour was used, if the keyword is absent or contains ``F'' then the old behaviour (PATTERN=128 or PATTERN=205 for singles and doubles close to CCD edges or bad pxiels) is present.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04