ChangeLog for epframes =============================== open SPRs: - none Version 8.104 - 2014-06-02 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): read also column FD130 from PNPMH1 file (FILTER), and write it to keyword "derived filter" FD130 Version 8.103 - 2014-05-27 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): correct FILTER keyword a posteriori according to a list if obviously wrong "Closed/CalClosed". This makes the final event file to contain the proper FILTER, but can not correct SUM file (etc.). Write a warning "FILTERwrong" in this case. - (doc/epframes_description.tex): as above Version 8.102 - 2013-11-06 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): made SAS MIP rate determination more robust against counting mode or other exposure losses (otherwise rate too low) - (src/epframes_mod.f90): increased MFEXTRA from 500 to 2500 due to problems with Q3 in mosaic pseudo-ODF 2266_0411780834_PNS001 Version 8.101 - 2013-07-04 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): obtain real-valued CCD coordinates for source position and write to header keywords SRCPOSX and SRCPOSY - (DEPEND): needs "epmpelib-0.6" which needs "cal-3.216" Version 8.100 - 2013-05-31 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): further informational messages concerning multiple FIFO resets and related count rate reduction Version 8.99 - 2013-05-28 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): check for multiple FIFO resets that would cause an underestimated deadtime due to FIFO losses and resets Version 8.98 - 2013-05-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): read a few more HK values related to NCR-138 Version 8.97.4 - 2013-04-29 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (test/epframes_test_*): make these files executable again (had been accidentally set to "rw" but not to "rwx" in last version) Version 8.97.3 - 2013-04-24 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): added warning "FreqShiftLarge" if estimated frequency shift exceeds corresponding SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE or CCF values - (doc/epframes_description.tex): as above Version 8.97.2 - 2013-03-20 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): prevent call to OAL time routine before SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE is set/read from CCF or environment Version 8.97.1 - 2013-03-08 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): fixed typo in estimated shift Version 8.97 - 2013-02-18 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): added new parameter "guessdeltap" (default NO), estimates the PN oscillator frequency shift in [Hz] from HK data, this accounts only for temperature and ageing effects, not for time correlation problems. - (config/epframes.*): as above - (doc/epframes_description.tex): as above - (DEPEND): needs "cal-3.213" Version 8.96 - 2013-02-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (test/epframes_test_no): do not set SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE but use CAL - (test/epframes_test_IM): do not set SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE but use CAL, - (test/epframes_test_TI): set SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE=22 - (test/epframes_test_BU): do not set SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE but use CAL - (test/epframes_test_SW): set SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE=10.2 - (DEPEND): needs "testccf-1.117" (EPN_TIMJUMPTOL CCF) Version 8.95 - 2013-01-23 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): if SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE is undefined then call CAL_timeJumpTol(revolution) and call OAL_setState(timeJumpThreshold = timeJumpThresh) - (DEPEND): needs "oal-3.121" and "cal-3.211" Version 8.94 - 2012-12-03 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): call OAL_getPosition() to get orbital phase - (src/epframes_mod.f90): extract further HK information on temperatures - (doc/epframes_description.tex): extended subsection on time jumps Version 8.93 - 2012-08-21 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): propagate further info on MIP analysis like 3rd and 4th momen of DLI to event file header keywords (SOC-SPR-6760) - (DEPEND): needs "epmpelib-0.5" Version 8.92.5 - 2012-08-13 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): propagate further info on MIP analysis like mean and median of DLI to event file header keywords (SOC-SPR-6760) Version 8.92.4 - 2012-08-08 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): evaluate discarded line counter during counting mode intervals and write result to event file header keyword, may be useful for task "epexposure" (SOC-SPR-6760) Version 8.92.3 - 2012-07-18 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): make SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE internally real-valued and thus handling more robust (SOC-SPR-6751) - (doc/epframes_description.tex): as the SAS environment variable SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE is not documented anywhere, a short description has been added, which could remain after a more detailed documentation has been added to OAL (SOC-SPR-6752) - (test/epframes_test_SW): SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE=10.2 (robustness test only) Version 8.92.2 - 2012-04-03 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write OTFILTER keyword always - not only if different from FILTER, see v.8.61 (SOC-SCR-331) - (doc/epframes_description.tex): as above Version 8.92.1 - 2012-04-01 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): look explicitely also for HBR_OFFSET_DATA files, not only for OFFSET_DATA (just for informational purposes, not used here) Version 8.92 - 2012-03-27 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): changed variable TIME to EVTTIME in the main part and TIME to XTIME in subroutine as the NAG compiler claims the name TIME - (src/epframes_mod.f90): use f90_unix_env - (src/Makefile): added "NAGSUPMODS = yes" - (test/epframes_test_SW): sets SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE to 10 Version 8.91 - 2012-03-21 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): subroutine for frequency shift detection - (test/epframes_test_SW): changed call of "set" parameter Version 8.90 - 2012-03-17 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): read/write more temperature related HK values - (src/epframes_mod.f90): read SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE via intrinsic getenv() - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE to header keyword Version 8.89 - 2011-08-22 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): tuned FIFO reset related messages and warning - (src/epframes_mod.f90): changed type of few MIP related keywords from INTEGER to REAL due to future requirements in task "epexposure" Version 8.88 - 2011-04-29 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): more/better time information for debugging purposes - (src/epframes_mod.f90): reduce memory usage in TI mode closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-3654: memory allocation problem for 1183_0406430201_PNS003 Version 8.87.2 - 2010-12-20 (AI) -------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90). If all the frames are rejected we can have a problem with arrExpTime array. So before we use it, we check that the memory was previously allocated. Version 8.87.1 - 2007-06-26 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write FIFO info not only into EXPOSUnn headers but also into FRACEXP column (similar to the MIPs, same interface). No extra memory allocated, instead fill existing arrays which are not used yet or anymore ("aux2Mcommode" is renamed). closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-3692: no time resolution for FIFO info Version 8.87 - 2007-05-24 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): read FIFO reset deadtime values from MISCDATA CCF (i.e. FIFO_DEADTIME_## present in XMM_MISCDATA_0022, and later) Version 8.86 - 2006-06-09 (AI) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): Check for NaNs in "all good AUX1 entries" loop. Version 8.85 - 2006-05-01 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): check also the other occurences of "InvalidObtValue" warnings and write OBT_WARN correspondingly additional fix to SPR: - SSC-SPR-3594: Add LOGICAL keyword OBT_WARN to EXPOSURE extension Version 8.84 - 2006-04-05 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): updated quantities for non-standard BU mode exposures - (src/epframes_mod.f90): added logical keyword OBT_WARN to EXPOSURE extension to indicate whether the "InvalidObtValue" feature has occured or not - (src/epframes_mod.f90): added new parameter "withallobtgti" (default YES, preserves current behaviour); setting "withallobtgti=NO" will create a GTI file that stops at the first occurence of the "InvalidObtValue" warning, i.e. later times are set to BAD. - (config/epframes.*): as above - (doc/epframes_description.tex): as above closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-3594: Add LOGICAL keyword OBT_WARN to EXPOSURE extension Version 8.83 - 2006-01-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write proper threshold and CMCORR related keywords to EVENTS, EXPOSURE, and GTI extensions, so that subsequent tasks could make use of this information (e.g. for pattern fractions, response functions) - (test/checkoutput_OBT.f90): further diagnostic messages Version 8.82 - 2006-01-11 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): turned obsolete CMCORR related warning into a message - (test/checkoutput_OBT.f90): further diagnostic messages Version 8.81 - 2006-01-10 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): determine proper energies from comparison of CMCORR_DB and CMCORR_HK Version 8.80 - 2006-01-09 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): read and evaluate CMCORR related IPPVs - (test/epframes_OBT): test of platform (compiler, library, ...) dependent issues, re-enable test of version 8.74 (i.e. intentional verbose failure of just the test harness) Version 8.79 - 2005-10-20 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): updated the list of FF masked mode observations that will escape automatic detection due to lack of HK telemetry coding Version 8.78 - 2005-06-24 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): changed value of offset for 0026_0116160601_PNU002 in black-list: CMCORR is 0, ODF generation had incorrectly used 512 now. - (src/epframes_mod.f90): check if non-constant filter values for "Unknown" filter IPPV by `odfingest', in such a case try to diagnose real filter and give proper message. Such a feature usually occurs when the onboard watchdog function moves the filter wheel to CLOSED after longer loss of connection to XMM. closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-3484: Onboard watchdog function causes non-constant filter values Version 8.77 - 2005-06-07 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): allowed larger number of wrong OAL frames per exposure (internal parameter "mfextra" set to 500) closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-3428: Subscript 1 of ARREXPTIME (value 1285780) is out of range (0:1285779) [0624_0148170101_PNS016] Version 8.76 - 2005-01-20 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): check of SubscriptOutOfRange to prevent F90 error. Instead exit via SAS error "InconsistentTimeInfo" plus diagnostic messages. - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added error "InconsistentTimeInfo" Version 8.75 - 2005-01-19 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): check for NULL attitude values in ProposalInfo - (src/epframes_mod.f90): adjusted the internal "late-time-reset" parameter from 4 to 5 for LW mode (due to problems with 0596_9059600003_PNS003) - (test/Makefile): disable epframes_test_OBT Version 8.74 - 2004-10-18 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): new parameter "withinvalidobt" that controls handling of frames with "InvalidObtValue" warning of OAL. Default = Y reproduces old behaviour [should not be changed]. Consequences apparently depend on platform. - (config/epframes.*): as above - (doc/epframes_description.tex): as above - (test/epframes_test_OBT): run with both values of "withinvalidobt", the "success condition" is to have identical results with MPE (which is not fulfilled and thus the test harness fails and gives diagnostics) - (test/checkoutput_OBT.f90): further diagnostic messages Version 8.73 - 2004-10-17 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): changed "intent" of data variables in routine "determineWindow" from "out" to "inout" [as in version 8.71.4] - (test/checkoutput_OBT.f90): further diagnostic messages Version 8.72 - 2004-10-15 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (test/epframes_test_OBT): processing of CCD6 of "testodf/epodf_OBT/": this contains a time anomaly entry leading to the warning ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #6188 is invalid (-100) which might have platform dependent effects depending on SAS infrastructure - (test/checkoutput_OBT.f90): checks for number of EVENTS and EXPOSURE entries - (DEPEND): needs "eptestdata-0.8" Version 8.71.3 - 2004-10-15 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): added a few messages (NOISY level) to enable tracing of platform dependent features - (test/epframes_test_IM): changed VERBOSITY from 5 to 6 Version 8.71.2 - 2004-10-14 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): read masked mode related quantities from XMM_MISCDATA - (src/epframes_mod.f90): special treatment of 4 non-standard BU mode exposures - (src/epframes_mod.f90): updated black-list of ODFs with wrong CMCORR - (config/epframes.par): changed default of "lowerthreshold" from 20 to 0 [adu] - (doc/epframes_description.tex): as above Version 8.71.1 - 2004-01-28 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): ensure that COUNTMOD is always properly initialized closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-3231: apparent illegal value of COUNTMOD keyword Version 8.71 - 2003-12-11 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): determine CCD temperature at time of offset map calculation Version 8.70 - 2003-12-10 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): determine probability for empty quadrant frame Version 8.69 - 2003-12-08 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): check whether ODI files exist Version 8.68 - 2003-12-07 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): read FIFO quantities also from PNPMH1 table Version 8.67 - 2003-12-06 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): read FIFO quantities from PNAUX2 table Version 8.66 - 2003-12-05 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): moved some code to "epmpelib" - (src/Makefile): added "eputils" - (DEPEND): needs "epmpelib-0.2" Version 8.65 - 2003-12-04 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): prepare for FIFO GTI search - (config/epframes.*): added new parameter "fifogtithresh" (in preparation) - (DEPEND): added "sas" as required by new infrastructure (sas-1.302) Version 8.64 - 2003-11-17 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): added a few additional diagnostic keywords/messages and adjusted several verbosity levels - (config/epframes.*): added new parameter "withfifogti" (in preparation) - (doc/epframes_description.tex): corrected a few typos Version 8.63 - 2003-08-27 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): adjust filter wheel position sensor ranges for the various filters and make sure that data drop-outs do not influence the determination of the filter Version 8.62 - 2003-07-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): check whether offset map computation interval is included in HK period and immediately before current exposure - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added missing warning "HKoffsetmap" Version 8.61 - 2003-07-08 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): modified a few messages - (src/epframes_mod.f90): issue new warning "OffsetMap" if filter during offset map calculation interval is different during science exposure, write keyword OTFILTER with corresponding filter name in this case - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added new warning "OffsetMap" Version 8.60 - 2003-05-08 (HB) ------------------------------- - (config/epframes.par): modified to enable param-2.0 functionality Version 8.59 - 2003-05-06 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): fix a compiler problem on linux Version 8.58 - 2003-05-05 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): corrected spatial DLIMAP inhomogeneities due to incomplete "whole frame MIP rejection" accumulation - (src/epframes_mod.f90): adjusted the internal "late-time-reset" parameter to 4 for FF and eFF modes (due to problems with 0608_0145840201_PNU014) closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-3104: Whole frame MIP rejection not fully accounted for - SSC-SPR-3121: Subscript 1 of ARRFRACEXP (value 8645) is out of range [0608_0145840201_PNU014 Q2] Version 8.57 - 2003-03-10 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): adjusted the internal "late-time-reset" parameter from 11 to 100 for SW mode (due to problems with 0583_0137750201_PNU003) - (src/epframes_mod.f90): check against rejection of all time entries, in this case create empty output file closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-3095: too late time reset in 0583_0137750201_PNU003 - SSC-SPR-3091: Crash if all time entries are rejected Version 8.56 - 2003-02-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): new parameter "lowerthreshold" to disregard low-energy events (with amplitudes < lowerthreshold [adu]) already at this stage, default "lowerthreshold=0" preserves recommended (old) behaviour. This may be useful to compare early mission data with recent observations as the setup was different (lowertreshold=23 instead of 20 now) - (src/epframes_mod.f90): updated list of "nom" values for offset columns - (config/epframes.*): added new parameter "lowerthreshold" - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added new parameter "lowerthreshold" closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-2981: Subscript 1 of ARREXPTIME is out of range [0482_0111290601_PNS003 Q2] - SSC-SPR-3000: Subscript 1 of ARREXPTIME is out of range [0103 0111020201_PNS003 Q1] Version 8.55 - 2003-01-15 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): if "withfinetime=N" then call CAL_correctTime() with the source Y position instead of the RAWY position for TI+BU modes Version 8.54 - 2003-01-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): new parameter "withfinetime" to switch off the fine time correction for TI+BU modes for easier identification of time jumps, default "withfinetime=Y" preserves recommended (old) behaviour. - (config/epframes.*): added new parameter "withfinetime" - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added new parameter "withfinetime" Version 8.53 - 2003-01-13 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): access F1828,1829,F1830 and F1628,1629,1630 columns instead of F1528,1529,1530 to identify the uploaded BadPixelTable code, this automatically enables the identification of masked mode flavours [as in 'epframes-8.46.12' for the RT] closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-2417: Inconsistent time related keywords - SSC-SPR-3064: BadPixelTable coding accesses wrong HK columns Version 8.52 - 2002-10-09 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): added 0045_0120300101_PNS005 to black-list Version 8.51 - 2002-10-03 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): removed CATEGORY keyword from event list - (doc/epchain_description.tex): changed \subsection{} to \taskparametersnote{} in the parameters section, however, the new sub-parts now do not have an automatic number anymore due to infrastructure definition closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-2989: please remove CATEGORY keyword - SSC-SPR-2962: HTML parameter documentation broken Version 8.50 - 2002-08-29 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): extract DLI rate also from PMH file as this quantity is not affected by counting mode (unlike the AUX2 derived values) Version 8.49 - 2002-08-12 (MJF) -------------------------------- - merged all fixes of releasetrack until `epframes-8.46.8', such as: - (src/epframes_mod.f90): initialize variables at run time instead of during variable declaration so that metatask usage does not fail [SSC-SPR-2819] - (src/epframes_mod.f90): enable analysis of DLI files (preliminary version) Note: starting with `oal-3.92' and `caloalutils-1.72' this is not a dummy anymore, so the same code does now really do something and is more than just "preliminary" as in the releasetrack - (src/epframes_mod.f90): add warning in case of "MIP CORREC.1" - (doc/epframes_description.tex): as above - (src/epframes_mod.f90): adjusted the internal "late-time-reset" parameter from 1 to 2 for FF and eFF modes [SSC-SPR-2815], this fixes also problems that occured for 0032_0117500201_PNS011 (CCD 10) and 0042_0119100201_PNU003 (CCDs 4-9), increased this parameter from 16 to 100 for TI and BU modes to solve a similar problem with 0411_0153750301_PNS001 (CCD 4). No changes for SW and LW modes (no problems known). closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-2815: Event time computation fails for 2 ODFs [0193_9019300003_PNS003, 0224_0093620801_PNU003] - SSC-SPR-2819: Implicitly saved variables cause epproc to fail Version 8.48 - 2002-05-23 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (config/epframes.par): updated for `param-2.0' - (DEPEND): needs `param-2.0', updated all other entries to latest Version 8.47 - 2002-03-20 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): restrict warning "tooLongExposure" to cases where the time elapsed between the first and last photon exceeds the exposure duration (DATE-OBS, DATE-END) by more than 10s [SSC-SPR-2816] - (src/epframes_mod.f90): internal "late reset parameter" for TI and BU modes raised from 11 to 16 to be more robust [SSC-SPR-2776] closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-2776: ARRFRACEXP out of range [0044_0119710201_PNS001] - SSC-SPR-2816: Too many warnings in uncritical cases Version 8.46.4 - 2002-03-08 (MJF+UL) ------------------------------------ - (src/epframes_mod.f90): resolved exposure confusion case (e.g. S003 and U003 in ODF like 0238_0029340101, SSC-SPR-2628) - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write warning "tooLongExposure" if the observation duration (DATE_END - DATE_OBS) is shorter than the elapsed time of this exposure (derived via TSTOP - TSTART) - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added warning "tooLongExposure" - (doc/epframes_description.tex): completed sections "OAL usage" and "CAL usage" - (test/*_SW.*): added check for RA/DEC to RAWX/RAWY conversion Version 8.46.3 - 2002-02-21 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (test/*_SW*): added basic run for SW mode - (src/epframes_mod.f90): made MIP rejection even more robust [SSC-SPR-2779] - (src/epframes_mod.f90): added 0044_0119710201 (all 4 exposures) to black-list of incorrectly produced data sets (wrong energy scale) [SSC-SPR-2776] closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2779: MIP rejection not robust against meaningless HK parameters Version 8.46.2 - 2002-02-20 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): slight modifications for messages in high verbosity levels to ease debugging of memory problems - (src/epframes_mod.f90): made MIP rejection robust against meaningless HK values by using then default FF mode values [SSC-SPR-2779] - (src/epframes_mod.f90): implemented call "OAL_addCommonAttributes()" [SCR-84] - (DEPEND): needs `oal-3.87' Version 8.46.1 - 2002-02-06 (MJF+UL) ------------------------------------ - (src/epframes_mod.f90): minor changes related to "OBT=-1" values [SOC-SPR-2231] - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added error "NoGoodObtValues" Version 8.46 - 2002-01-23 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): minor changes related to messages - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added a warning about the use of the default parameter setting "withsrcrawy=N withsrccoords=N" in the case of non-default pointings (source put intentionally off-axis); the occurence of this case cannot be determined by the software, so it is in the user's responsiblity. For TIMING and BURST modes offset pointings (or boresight changes) will lead to incorrect absolute timing and wrong energy corrections if the proper source coordinates are not supplied. This is irrelevant for all other modes. Version 8.45 - 2002-01-22 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): allow input of source position (decimal RA,DEC) and output of corresponding RAWX,RAWY for all modes (if "withsrccoords=Y"), used for time and energy corrections only for TIMING and BURST modes (as before) - (src/epframes_mod.f90): new parameter `withsrcrawy' to enable switch-on of TIMING and BURST source position parameter `srcposition' in cases when there is no reliable attitude available but one knows where the source should be. The default setting is "withsrccoords=N" and "withsrcrawy=N" which means that the source pixel position shall be derived from RA_OBJ DEC_OBJ values - (config/epframes.*): added new parameter "withsrcrawy" - (doc/epframes_description.tex): extended and re-ordered parameter section, details about the various HK-related messages and keywords Version 8.44 - 2002-01-18 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): reorganized a few messages and warnings, write several additional keywords to exposure extension, obtain offset map parameters in a more robust way Version 8.43 - 2002-01-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): warning 'singleBoresightBurst' if unusual RAWY range occurs for BURST mode, warning 'doubleWindowTiming' if unusual RAWX range occurs for TIMING mode. The window parameters may then be incorrect in ODF and/or CCF, and consequently associated event flags. This is added to be prepared for a change in the window sizes during the next SAS period - (doc/epframes_description.tex): see above Version 8.42 - 2002-01-11 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): a few minor changes to make the MPE optimizer happy - (src/epframes_mod.f90): initialize EXPOSURE extension columns (e.g. FRAMELIM) before filling them to avoid memory corruption closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-2566: FRAMELIM value incorrect [0140_0112230101_PNU014, low-gain mode, CCD 3] - SSC-SPR-2577: FRAMELIM value incorrect [0219_0087940101_PNU002, short 26s, CCD 7] Version 8.41 - 2001-12-21 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): new parameter `showve' to show valid events in the loops where the optimizer has problems to ease the debugging on the various platforms, will be removed once it is obsolete (hopefully soon) - (doc/epframes_description.tex): see above - (config/epframes.*): see above Version 8.40 - 2001-12-19 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write keyword EXPIDSTR to primary FITS header - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write keywords REVOLUT and BPT_CODE to EVENTS header - (src/epframes_mod.f90): moved CCD temperature parameter from task `epevents' to epframes, only active when no HK file (PMH) found - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added new parameter `hcettmpfpf' (well, that IS the housekeeping parameter name) that is only active if PMH file is absent - (config/epframes.*): see above Version 8.39 - 2001-12-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): implemented BadPixelTable coding, compare BPT code from PAH file with ADUCONV.CCF for revolutions 293 and later (first implem.) and if different issue new warning (BPTcode) - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added new warning (BPTcode) - (test/epframes_test_IM): use in-orbit data of Rev.146 for FF mode - (DEPEND): needs `cal-3.129' and `eptestdata-0.3' Version 8.38 - 2001-11-21 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): adapt to new OAL state interface - (DEPEND): needs `oal-3.81' (probably some older version were sufficient) Version 8.37 - 2001-11-21 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): if "automode=Y" then try to determine the nominal frametime, the frame time parameter (F1294), and the chopper value (An_CHOP) from the data itself which may be useful if no PMH or PAH file is available (PMSFITS), default "N" - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write bad-pixel-table related HK values as keyword BPT_CODE into the events file (prepare for comparison with CCF) - (src/epframes_mod.f90): rename OFFSETCO extension and its PHA column to OFFSETS and OFFSETX (prepare for `evlistcomb-4.17') - (doc/epframes_description.tex): rename offset column extension Version 8.36 - 2001-09-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): new warning (invalidODF) if (DATE-OBS == DATE-END) or (DATE-END > last HK entry) as an attempt to avoid ODF SPRs on pn tasks that are due to false ODFs, but e.g. the CAL may nevertheless crash later - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added new warning "invalidODF" and a subsection how to deal with those ODFs that should not have been delivered in this form closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2554: Problems with ODF in Rev 185 (ODS 10.2.3) Version 8.35 - 2001-09-01 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write correct FRMTIME value (as integer), this avoids repeated CAL warnings in subsequent tasks - (src/epframes_mod.f90): stop with error if FRAME_TIME_PARAMETER is outside valid range [0..15] instead of just giving a warning (see epframes-8.31) - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added new error message "illegalIPPVvalue" - (config/epframes.par): add parameter "automode" (not active yet) Version 8.34 - 2001-08-17 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): issue (new) warning "CCDlowGain" if a CCD has a GAINCAME value of "LOW" instead of "HIGH" - (src/epframes_mod.f90): check eFF/FF modes for consistency (if not issue new warning "changedMode" and continue with correct value) - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added new warnings Version 8.33 - 2001-08-08 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): removed obsolete section related to "maxwrong" - (src/epframes_mod.f90): added 0026_0116160601_PNU002 to black-list closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2504: error (maxwrong), More wrong events than maxwrong allows Version 8.32 - 2001-07-17 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): identify position of Low Gain Mode HK entries - (src/epframes_mod.f90): if time reset at start of AUX1 file do not reject the following entries anymore (only relevant for `releasetrack') - (test/check_output_*.f90): issue better error messages for OPTIMIZATION=yes Version 8.31 - 2001-06-14 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): give warning if the IPPV "FRAME_TIME_PARAMETER" has illegal values (the task may still crash as a consequence later) - (src/epframes_mod.f90): give number of computed counting mode cycles as real value instead of integer to better indicate incorrect cycle times closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2423: Frame time mismatch Version 8.30 - 2001-06-11 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): make sure that too short PNAUX2 files cannot cause out-of-range indices Version 8.29 - 2001-06-08 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): synchronize PNAUX2 NDISCLIN column with event file EXPOSURE extension Version 8.28 - 2001-06-08 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): extract offset map HK parameters for later reference - (src/epframes_mod.f90): correct TIMEDEL keyword for imaging modes: FRMTIME_SECONDS*fc0 -> PSFTIME*1.E-3 [SSC-SPR-2417] Version 8.27.2 - 2001-05-28 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): do not release non-existing HK columns (PMS data) - (test/epframes_test_*): call with setting "hkok=Y" Version 8.27.1 - 2001-05-14 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write map description into output event map files - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write offset columns to extension OFFSETCO - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write specific warnings and error messages if AUX file contains garbage values [SSC-SPR-2379] - (doc/epframes_description.tex): updated warnings closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2379: frame not found Version 8.27 - 2001-04-10 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): corrected column offset for CCD5/Col10 for "ccfok=N" - (src/epframes_mod.f90): removed obsolete debug statement - (test/*): split the test harness for the various instrument modes - (epodf/*): files moved to new package `eptestdata' - (DEPEND): depend on `eptestdata-0.2' Version 8.26 - 2001-03-30 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): explicit "default" in all "select case" clauses - (src/epframes_mod.f90): new optional parameters `eventmapset' `witheventmap' that will supersede the old optional `crmap' parameter [SSC-SPR-1723] - (doc/epframes_description.tex): updated examples and parameters Version 8.25.13 - 2001-03-15 (MJF) ---------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write number of time resets if more than one - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added examples section Version 8.25.12 - 2001-03-12 (MJF) ---------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write keyword FROFFMAP (number of frames used in calculation of offset map, might be useful later in CTI correction) - (doc/epframes_description.tex): completed warnings section closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2278: Subscript of ARREXPTIME wrong [SPR already fixed in 8.25.9] Version 8.25.11 - 2001-03-09 (MJF) ---------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): write keyword GAINCAME (gain mode LOW or HIGH) - (src/epframes_mod.f90): check whether last PNAUX2 entry has valid PNAUX1 time, remove error PNAUX2cycleException as this case is not exceptional in pn data closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2197: PNAUX2cycleException error Version 8.25.10 - 2001-03-02 (MJF) ---------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): new optional (temporary) parameter `ecntempqb1' to mimick the HK parameter E_Cn_TEMPQB1 (ignored if "real" HK file found), interface needed to prepare gain-temperature-corrections in `epevents', default behaviour unchanged - (src/epframes_mod.f90): corrected units in a few header keywords - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added parameter `ecntempqb1' - (config/epframes.*): added parameter `ecntempqb1' - (test/epframes_test): one call with `ecntempqb1=19.115' Version 8.25.9 - 2001-02-27 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): activate ON_OFFSET_COLUMN and NEXT_TO_OFFSET_COLUMN event attributes for default task calling sequence - (src/epframes_mod.f90): made estimation of number of empty frames more robust to prevent out-of-range failures [SSC-SPR-2230] - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added a few missing CAL and OAL calls - (doc/epframes_description.tex): moved event attributes to output section closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-2104: out of memory problem - SSC-SPR-2230: error within epchain [ARREXPTIME subscript out of range] - SSC-SPR-2222: Subscript out of range for one CCD Version 8.25.8 - 2000-12-13 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): update keyword LIVETIME as required by task badpixfind in epchain (do not subtract counting mode twice), also update of call to CAL_offsetCorrect() to have correct amplitudes for bright column search in epchain [SSC-SPR-2147] - (src/epframes_mod.f90): decrease use of memory (deallocate arrays earlier, release columns earlier) [not sufficient to solve SSC-SPR-2104 but works now for other problematic cases] closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2147: [epchain] New recommended parameter values for task badpixfind Version 8.25.7 - 2000-11-23 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): add call OAL_setState(), call OAL_selectFile() before computing event times to reset OAL closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2117: Event times shifted for long exposures Version 8.25.6 - 2000-11-22 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): improve time system related attribute comments closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2102: better MJDREF attribute comment Version 8.25.5 - 2000-11-17 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): fix shift of GTIs and EXPOSUnn times [SSC-SPR-2044] Version 8.25.4 - 2000-11-11 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): handle exception if PNAUX2 extension is too small closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2044: Strange behaviour of PN rate curve Version 8.25.3 - 2000-11-09 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): changed warning `wrongEvents' to plain message - (src/epframes_mod.f90): fill `empty frames' into EXPOSURE extension - (src/epframes_mod.f90): handle GTIs with help of AUX files closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-1998: `wrongEvents' should not be a warning but just a message - SSC-SPR-2000: Handling of `empty frames' - SSC-SPR-2002: empty gti if no events Version 8.25.2 - 2000-10-13 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): removed "illegal character" closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-1984: compiler error due to "illegal character" Version 8.25.1 - 2000-10-12 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): check LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q*_CCD* consistency closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-1983: wrong IPPV for lower threshold Version 8.25 - 2000-10-11 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): change order of CAL_setstate() and output file access Version 8.24 - 2000-10-10 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): read correct FILTER IPPV Version 8.23 - 2000-10-02 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): adapt to new `caloaldefs.f90' Version 8.22 - 2000-09-30 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): adapt to new `caloaldefs.f90' [caloalutils-1.34] Version 8.21 - 2000-09-29 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): add warning if IPPV not found - (doc/epframes_description.tex): added new warning "missingIPPV" Version 8.20 - 2000-09-26 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): read IPPVs from ODF summary file Version 8.19 - 2000-09-12 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): change TIMEDEL from column to keyword in EXPOSUnn - (test/checkoutput.f90): update TIMEDEL existence check Version 8.18 - 2000-09-10 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): updated "setupbpx=nom3" Version 8.17 - 2000-07-25 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): change access of housekeeping files - (epodf/): remove PEH files, update SUM file Version 8.16 - 2000-07-21 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): initialize FRACEXP, update TIMING fine-time correction Version 8.15.8 - 2000-07-11 (GV/SOC) -------------- + (src/epframes_mod.f90) modified the way the summary file name is inquired, as otherwise the state of the OAL is undefined. Version 8.15.7 - 2000-07-05 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): ensure initialization of "alloc"-variables Version 8.15.6 - 2000-06-30 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (doc/epframes_description.tex): corrected typo in \block{} closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-1897: wrong \block in doc Version 8.15.5 - 2000-06-26 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (doc/epframes_description.tex): \param{} -> \tt{} for outdated parameters etc. Version 8.15.4 - 2000-06-19 (MJF) --------------------------------- - (src/epframes_mod.f90): change determination of lengths of file names Version 8.15.3 - 2000-06-10 (MJF) --------------------------------- - clarified time related attributes in code, now compliant with ICDs, added more user friendly keywords EXPSTART,EXPSTOP,OBSSTART,OBSSTOP, added TIMEREF, TASSIGN, CLOCKAPP to primary header - added `SSC-SPR-' to all SPR numbers in `ChangeLog' closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-1718: Output has DATE_OBS, DATE_END, DATE-OBS, DATE-END keyword (and the values differ) Version 8.15.2 - 2000-06-08 (MJF) --------------------------------- - check whether the required extensions are in the relevant file if this file exists (cf. SPR-1716) - corrected a couple of typos in the documentation - make all time attributes the same in all extensions (required by SPR-1718), corresponding names still under discussion closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-1722: showpah parameter not found in task description: was included but contained typo (`showpmh', therefore not `grep'ped) Version 8.15.1 - 2000-06-02 (MJF) --------------------------------- - check existence of CCX, AUX, PMH, and PAH files via new OAL function `OAL_hasAssociatedSet()' before trying to access the files closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-1716: task fails if CCX file belongs to different exposure: use new function `OAL_hasAssociatedSet()' to check existence of file Version 8.15 - 2000-05-27 (MJF) ------------------------------- - warning if no PNAUX2 extension in AUX file - separate handling of PNAUX1 and PNAUX2 completely - change initializations of several variables - write keyword TRESET (reset time to be added to PN times) - reduce Change History in LaTeX file Version 8.14 - 2000-05-25 (MJF) ------------------------------- - updated documentation: section input/output files - updated list of ODFs with erroneous PHA values - extended check for backjump vs. time reset - changed default for parameter `F1294' from 3 to 0, use for `eFF' processing - introduce again temporary EXPOSURE keyword (cf version 8.12) - extended handling for parameter `crmap=1' or `crmap=2' - new optional parameters to control verbosity of AUX, CCX, HK file handling Version 8.13 - 2000-05-09 (MJF) ------------------------------- - check for small backjumps in FTCOARSE/FTFINE and FRAME/CYCLE - deallocate array AUX2CYCLE - updated `' Version 8.12 - 2000-05-08 (MJF) ------------------------------- - write keyword `ONTIME', remove temporary EXPOSURE keyword (cf version 8.7) - subtract sum of `Counting Mode intervals' and write keyword LIVETIME - change event attribute `REJECTED_BY_GATTI' to `MIP_ASSOCIATED' - take care of erroneous PHA values in some ODFs - updated DEPEND file Version 8.11.2 - 2000-04-25 (GV/SOC) -------------- + change column names (ftcoarse/ftfine) in the testodf (PMH). + (epframes_test): change ODF(...) to OAL(...) + (DEPEND) updated Version 8.11.1 - 2000-04-17 (GV/SOC) -------------- + change column names (ftcoarse/ftfine) in the testodf (PEH). Version 8.10.1 - 2000-04-14 (UL) -------------------------------- - brought in line with oal-3.50 (also updated DEPEND) - in epof/*PEH*|*PMH*: replaced FTCOARSE/FTFINE with real column names F1030/FU036 - in test/epframes_test: changed all 'odf(...)' to 'oal(...)' Version 8.11 - 2000-04-13 (MJF) ------------------------------- - changed default for parameter `mipmethod' (com -> onboard) - changed default for parameter `aneamipsel' (1 -> 2) - extend `mipmethod=onboard' for `aneamipsel>32' - extended `epframes.lyt', updated documentation about MIP rejection Version 8.10 - 2000-04-13 (MJF) ------------------------------- - added `' to `config' subdirectory and Makefile - moved offset correction vector after frame processing - several new temporary HK parameters/switches (not for general use) - improved/reduced use of message/warning/error - added `ONBOARD' mip rejection mode closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-1415: Timing mode behaviour: - SSC-SPR-1416: srcposition parameter: implemented TIMING formula according to EPIC-EST-OP-002 Sect.8.3.1 (Sep.'99) implemented BURST formula according to EPIC-EST-OP-002 Sect.8.3.2 (Sep.'99) - SSC-SPR-1632: 'Subscript out of range' with SAS_VERBOSITY = 10: corrected loop index Version 8.9.1 - 2000-03-31 (MJF) -------------------------------- - included check for FTCOARSE = FFFF and simultaneous error in FRAME number Version 8.9 - 2000-03-31 (MJF) ------------------------------- - prepare task to deal with HK data - new optional parameters f1294, f1052, anchop (fake missing HK information) - discarded frames with FTCOARSE = FFFF in PNAUX1 extension of auxiliary file - change order of subroutine calls, e.g. create output file after frame loop - warning if event times are unreasonable - included event fine time correction for TIMING and BURST modi according to EPIC-EST-OP-002 Sects.8.3.1 and 8.3.2 instead of CAL call Version 8.8 - 2000-03-22 (MJF) ------------------------------- closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-1594: Inappropriate CONTENT keyword: added words `INTERMEDIATE' and `SINGLE CCD' to previous CONTENT values - SSC-SPR-1595: Missing rejection flag (XMMEA_EP): XMMEA_EP is now set via `call setEpnRejectionMask(outccd)' Version 8.7 - 2000-03-10 (MJF) ------------------------------- - write preliminary EXPOSURE keyword (will be removed again in later version) - write also DATE_OBS (DATE-OBS is sometimes not liked by non-SAS utils) - adopt new ChangeLog header line style Version 8.6 (07.03.00) ----------------------- - new optional parameter "mipdist" for cosmic ray analysis - write several attributes also in case of empty extensions Version 8.5 (23.02.00) ----------------------- - replace explicit use of EPN mode numbers by `caloaldefs' - new parameter "crmap" for cosmic ray CCD map - fixed config-Makefile Version 8.4 (18.02.00) ----------------------- - added CCD-submode attribute (CCDSMODE) to exposure extension - corrected burst mode window nominal value for NYDIM (200 -> 199 -> 179) - empty EXPOSURE extension: check for any events Version 8.3 (17.02.00) ----------------------- - added window size check against nominal values Version 8.2 (16.02.00) ----------------------- - fixed "no events case" for EXPOSURE extension Version 8.1 (15.02.00) ----------------------- - new parameter "mipthreshold", updated EXPOSURE extension Version 8.0 (02.02.00) ----------------------- - reduced allocation of memory to handle large data sets - changed WINDOWX0/Y0/DX/DY keywords to account for different modes (and e.g. bottom left corner at (1,2) for full frame IMAGING) - created a new attribute 'SRCPOS' to propagate srcposition parameter on to e.g. epevents - creates additional exposure extension columns NDSCLIN# (#1..4) to store per frame info on columns containing MIPs closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-1444: Keywords not written: set TLMIN=0 and TLMAX=4095 for PHA column Version 7.0 (17.01.00) ----------------------- - updated epodf test ODF for unsigned columns - removed setting of attribute DETNAM as this is not applicable for EPN - changed 'bad' to 'wrong' in documentation and code to avoid confusion with bad pixels - therefore also renaming of parameter 'badpixlimit' to 'wrongpixlimit' - removed EXPOSURE and added TELAPSE = TSTOP - TSTART attributes (following proposal by JOB, 17.12.99) - added reference to paper by M. Kuster which describes the conversion from FRAME to event times closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-1403: Bit code for flags has been removed from the documentation - SSC-SPR-1404: Test ODF directory: now has different CCD/exposure numbers for imaging, timing and burst mode data - SSC-SPR-1405: badpixlimit is mandatory: changed to optional in the epframes.par file - SSC-SPR-1406: Timing keywords in GTI file: added TIMESYS, TIMEUNIT and MJDREF to STDGTI extension and event list extension - SSC-SPR-1407: RAWX is not read as unsigned: RAWX is now read as unsigned - SSC-SPR-1408: TSTART and TSTOP: computation has been changed to pick up start time of first frame and stop time of last frame - SSC-SPR-1409: epframes takes too long: placed vector assignments outside of the 'per frame' loop - SSC-SPR-1413: Warnings depend on verbosity level: this has been fixed - SSC-SPR-1414: FRMTIME has no unit: changed description of FRMTIME attributes in epodf example ODF - SSC-SPR-1417: srcposition in Burst mode: a warning is given if srcposition < 181 for BURST mode data Version 6.1 (20.12.99) - UL ---------------------- - in `epodf/0001_0000000000_PNS00101IME.FIT' changed values of attributes QUADRANT/CCDID to 0/0 to make it consistent with CCDID in set name Version 6.0 (30.11.99) ----------------------- - new parameter srcposition to specify source position for TIMING/BURST mode - included CAL_correctTime for mode dependent fine time correction - updated creation of exposure extension - changed setting of EXP_ID attribute from 3 to 13 digits (including OBS_ID) to be in agreement with ODF-ICD - introduced new attribute DATASUBMODE to describe different readout submodes - changed SAS_ODFDIR to SAS_ODF in test harness Version 5.9 (12.10.99) ----------------------- closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-1276: noEvents warning should be message - SSC-SPR-1252: test harness fails on linux Version 5.8 (24.09.99) ----------------------- - minor changes in test/checkoutput.f90 - fixed test harness exit status Version 5.7 (18.09.99) ----------------------- - doc updated for new LaTeX macros Version 5.6 (06.09.99) ----------------------- - creates TSTART, TSTOP, TIMEUNIT and TIMESYS attributes (adopting the convention proposed by Dean Hinshaw, namely that TSTART and TSTOP are the smallest and largest times of the TIME column of the event list, respectively) - writes TLMIN, TLMAX attributes for RAWX/Y columns Version 5.5 (01.09.99) ----------------------- - uses the OAL to inquire the number of exposures for a particular mode closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-1195: Problem with ODF_DIR unset Version 5.4 (23.08.99) ----------------------- - new epodf test directory: now contains TIMING and BURST mode data with bad events all ODF constituents have been removed which are not needed for PN tests - now fills in TIME, TIMEDEL and FRACEXP columns in exposure extension - changed the fine time calculation in case of TIMING and BURST mode data closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-1194: BadPixLim: the task does not do a usefull job Version 5.3 (10.08.99) ----------------------- - new test harness includes event file with no events - event attributes stored as keywords closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-1173: cannot handle event file with no event - SSC-SPR-1174: wrong use of fatal Version 5.2 (03.08.99) ----------------------- - now adds RA_NOM and DEC_NOM attributes closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-1151: Does not populate (RA/DEC)_NOM from ODF Version 5.1 (02.08.99) ----------------------- - changed warning messages, added statistics about bad events closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-1138: Epchain gives repeated warnings... Version 5.0 (08.06.99) ----------------------- - makes use of event attributes (GV/XMM/1999-01) - brought in line with cal v3.0 - removed offsetfile parameter and offset FITS file closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-0990: ad hoc calibration file Version 4.6 (31.05.99) ----------------------- - fixed a bug related to SAS_VERBOSITY setting Version 4.5 (28.05.99) ----------------------- - fixed OBS_ID attribute in primary and extension header Version 4.4 (25.05.99) ----------------------- closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-0995: cannot handle event file in other directory open SPRs: - SSC-SPR-0990: ad hoc calibration file Version 4.3 (06.05.99) ----------------------- - changed place of 'use oal' command to fix segmentation fault under solaris - use sas provided latex commands Version 4.2 (03.05.99) ----------------------- - updated for processing of TIMING and BURST mode ODF data sets - comes with a new (epodf4) ODF example file which includes IMAGING and TIMING mode data Version 4.1 (28.04.99) ----------------------- - increased loop index to allow for processing of testodf/scisimlong Version 4.0 (20.04.99) ----------------------- - changed parameter names according to GV/XMM/1992-02 - changed subroutine 'offset' to 'corr_offset' to avoid redeclaration error Version 3.3 (23.03.99) ----------------------- - fixes a bug in the testing and writing of the RAWY column Version 3.2 (22.03.99) ----------------------- - fixes a bug in the writing of the OBS_ID keyword - fatal error if input events list is empty Version 3.1 (19.03.99) ----------------------- - updated creation of mandatory keywords for PPS products - now deallocates ixx d_rawYCol iyy for epproc Version 3.0 (5.03.99) ----------------------- - removed odfdir parameter (covered by taskmain functionality) - new odf example data set in epodf subdirectory - introduced string parameter 'offsetfile' It points towards a data set listing onboard PHA offsets per CCD and column. Offsets are needed to reconstruct the original raw energie values and should become part of the CCF - Changed CCDID column to CCDNR column (see DCP for SSC Data Products ICD) - FLAG column changed from Int16 to Int32 - new check if events are ordered by FRAME, RAWY, RAWX (TBC) - changed GTI extension name to STDGTIxx where xx is the overall CCD number (01 - 12) - CCD modes extension created - as part of the EXPOSURE extension (TBC) - GUI layout file config/epframes.lyt created Version 2.0 (23.11.98) ----------------------- removed redundant parameters datamode, expnr, ccdnr closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-0875: Task requires CCD & exposure number as parameter - SSC-SPR-0866: should not write messages with (*,*) - SSC-SPR-0714: Reaction to wrong input files - see SPR 477 on oal v2.2 - SSC-SPR-0700: The parameter datamode seems redundant Version 1.9 (30.10.98) ---------------------- - epframes now adds 1 to the X and Y raw coordinates from the ODF to create RAWX and RAWY for the PPS in the range 1-64 and 1-200 - overall CCD numbering is now in agreement with CAL/SciSim standard - the ODF summary file has been updated to be in agreement with oal-2.3 - new use of datamode parameter: 1=Imaging, 2=Timing, 3=Burst - new input parameter 'badlimit' to trigger warning if too many events are bad closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-0698: documentation error for RAWX and RAWY - SSC-SPR-0699: Error "too many bad events" - handled by 'badlimit' parameter - SSC-SPR-0701: fault on parameters missing - SSC-SPR-0704: Problem with the interval between frames open SPRs: - SSC-SPR-0700: The parameter datamode seems redundant - SSC-SPR-0714: Reaction to wrong input files Version 1.8 ---------------------- - Code updated to be in agreement with F90 coding standards - odf example now includes AUX and PMH Files in correct format - copyAttribute replaced by setAttributes - in agreement with new error interface v1.9 - uses new OAL_proposalInfo to add more standard primary header keywords closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-0574: CAL/OAL error messages - epframes now in agreement with oal v2.2 Version 1.7 ---------------------- - parameter file fixes Version 1.6 ---------------------- - new version to account for OAL v2.0 routine/type name changes - prlev parameter replaced by global VERBOSITY variable Version 1.5 ---------------------- closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-0506: mssllib is missing from DEPEND Version 1.4 ---------------------- added new parameters: 'datamode', 'expnr' - to allow for selection of different readout modes (up to now only Imaging mode is supported) and exposures 'prlev' - to switch between different levels of task verbosity 'infile' - to make use of the new oal/cal v1.2 functionality to get a valid ODF file name Change in GTI calculation: startTime is outtimeCol(i) - halfdt stopTime is outtimeCol(j) + halfdt where halfdt = 0.5 * FRMTIME Closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-0353: use type f for file names - SSC-SPR-0354: remove memdal from USEDLIBS - SSC-SPR-0355: do not use goto and labels - SSC-SPR-0142: Test harnesses are base tests - SSC-SPR-0012: GTI output - SSC-SPR-0011: Behaviour for wrong CCD number Version 1.3 ---------------------- ChangeLog added DEPEND edited Closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-0140: file permissions fixed - SSC-SPR-0141: config/epframes.msg and reference in config/Makefile removed - SSC-SPR-0143: call error now used instead of 'stop' - SSC-SPR-0144: source code improved (to implement nested loops) - SSC-SPR-0145: epframes.par file fixed - SSC-SPR-0146: make test passed on SSC system (ermintrude) Version 1.2 ---------------------------- - Original version submitted to the SOC