Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
General parameters | ||||
set | yes | data-set | odfset | |
input EPIC PN ODF (actual or
symbolic) data-set name | ||||
eventset | yes | data-set | rawevents.dat | |
output EPIC PN raw events
data-set | ||||
gtiset | yes | data-set | gti.dat | |
output GTI data-set name | ||||
withsrccoords | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
whether to use user-supplied values
for RA and DEC for TIMING and BURST modes, default is N.
If withsrccoords=Y then withsrcrawy and
srcposition are ignored. If both
withsrccoords=N and withsrcrawy=N then the RA_OBJ and
DEC_OBJ from the ProposalInfo are used as input position.
Warning: For an offset pointing (there may be scientific reasons for this) the values RA_OBJ and DEC_OBJ do not represent the desired source position but just the pointing position, you have to set withsrccoords=Y for this case and supply the proper source coordinates via srcra and srcdec or to provide the pixel position via withsrcrawy=Y and srcposition, otherwise the absolute timing and the energy corrections will be incorrect. There is no other way to handle this offset case, you have been warned. This is irrelevant for all IMAGING modes. | ||||
srcra | no | angle | 0.0 | 0 .. 360 |
source right ascension (J2000) for withsrccoords=Y | ||||
srcdec | no | angle | 0.0 | -90 .. +90 |
source right ascension (J2000) for withsrccoords=Y | ||||
withsrcrawy | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
whether to use user-supplied value
for source RAWY position for TIMING and BURST modes, default is N, if both
withsrccoords=N and withsrcrawy=N then the RA_OBJ and
DEC_OBJ from the ProposalInfo are used. See the warning at
withsrccoords! | ||||
srcposition | no | integer | 190 | 1-200; 181-200 should be used for BURST mode |
source position for TIMING and BURST mode (in RAWY pixel coordinates) | ||||
withfinetime | no | boolean | Y | Y,N |
whether to apply fine time correction
for TIMING and BURST modes by using source RAWY position, default is Y | ||||
lowerthreshold | no | integer | 0-4095 | |
disregard low-energy
events (with amplitudes ![]() | ||||
guessdeltap | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
whether to estimate the shift of the
PN oscillator frequency due to temperature and ageing effects from HK data,
could be used to estimate SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE (divide by 6). | ||||
withfifogti | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
whether to search for short duration
FIFO overflow data gaps (in preparation) | ||||
fifogtithresh | no | real | 76.0 | 0-4095 |
threshold for FIFI GTI search (in preparation) | ||||
witheventmap | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
Create several event CCD maps ?
These may be useful as they visualize the raw data without any corrections. | ||||
eventmapset | no | data-set | eventmap.dat | |
Name of output event CCD map fileoutput GTI data-set name | ||||
nomipthresholdlow | no | integer | 40 | 0-4095 |
minimum PHA value for non-MIP events
to be included in NOMIPMAP, cf. witheventmap | ||||
nomipthresholdhigh | no | integer | 1600 | 0-4095 |
maximum PHA value for non-MIP events
to be included in NOMIPMAP, cf. witheventmap | ||||
softthresholdlow | no | integer | 20 | 0-4095 |
minimum PHA value for non-MIP events
to be included in SOFTMAP, cf. witheventmap | ||||
softthresholdhigh | no | integer | 30 | 0-4095 |
maximum PHA value for non-MIP events
to be included in SOFTMAP, cf. witheventmap | ||||
Diagnostic and debug parameters | ||||
wrongpixlimit | no | integer | 10 | 0-100 |
allowed percentage of wrong events
before stopping to send detailed messages | ||||
showccx | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
whether to internally increase
the verbosity for CCX related information | ||||
showaux | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
whether to internally increase
the verbosity for AUX related information | ||||
showpmh | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
whether to internally increase
the verbosity for PMH related information | ||||
showpah | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
whether to internally increase
the verbosity for PAH related information | ||||
showve | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
whether to internally increase
the verbosity for subroutine ValidEvents related information,
optimization critical | ||||
MIP rejection (commissioning phase) | ||||
mipthreshold | no | integer | 3000 | 0-4095 |
maximum PHA value for non-MIP events
(mainly for commissioning phase and calibration) | ||||
mipmethod | no | string | onboard | none onboard sas com |
method to flag MIPs in raw data:
none = flag only events but not discarded column, sas = flag events and discarded
column, com = flag events and discarded column and neighbouring column,
onboard = similar to `com' but without full frames rejection
(mainly for commissioning phase and calibration) | ||||
mipdiscard | no | boolean | Y | Y,N |
whether to discard flagged MIP
events from the output list (for check of fast instrument modes or
in case of no onboard rejection, not active yet) | ||||
qualmax | no | integer | 0-2100000000 | |
maximum value of quality flag to include event in
output list
(mainly for commissioning phase and calibration).
This parameter will be removed, use mipdiscard then. | ||||
mipdist | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
whether to create columns
in EVENTS extension and histogram extension MIPDHIST
(mainly for commissioning phase and calibration) | ||||
PMSFITS parameters (not relevant for GO phase) | ||||
f1294 | no | integer | 0-15 | |
Quadrant wait states [F1294],
defines the length of the Extended Full Frame Mode frame time,
typical values are 0 (for all modes except eFF), 3, or 5
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH files in ODF available) | ||||
f1052 | no | integer | 32400 | 0-32767 |
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH files in ODF available) | ||||
f1118 | no | string | UNKNOWN | UNKNOWN Closed Thin1 Thin2 Medium Thick Open CalClosed CalThin1 CalThin2 CalMedium CalThick CalOpen |
HK value of filter wheel [F1118],
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH files in ODF available) | ||||
anchop | no | integer | 0-255 | |
An_CHOP [F1534 F1634 F1734 F1834],
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH files in ODF available) | ||||
ancmloth | no | integer | 532 | 0-4095 |
An_CMLOTH [F1515 F1516 F1517 F1615 F1616
F1617 F1715 F1716 F1717 F1815 F1816 F1817],
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH files in ODF available) | ||||
ancmcorr | no | integer | 512 | 0-4095 |
An_CMCORR [F1525 F1625 F1725 F1825],
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH files in ODF available) | ||||
aneamipsel | no | integer | 1 | 0-63 |
An_EAMIPSEL [F1536 F1636 F1736 F1836],
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH files in ODF available) | ||||
anmaxmip | no | integer | 63 | 0-4095 |
An_MAXMIP [F1527 F1627 F1727 F1827],
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH files in ODF available) | ||||
anmip | no | integer | 3512 | 0-4095 |
An_MIP [F1526 F1626 F1726 F1826],
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH files in ODF available) | ||||
anmaxfrc | no | integer | 20 | 0-63 |
An_MAXFRC [F1538 F1638 F1738 F1838],
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH files in ODF available) | ||||
ansendmode | no | string | MIP CORREC.2 | ``NO MIP CORR.'' ``MIP CORREC.1'' ``MIP CORREC.2'' |
An_SENDMODE [F1535 F1635 F1735 F1835],
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH files in ODF available) | ||||
ecntempqb1 | no | real | -9999.9 | |
quadrant box temperature [![]() | ||||
hcettmpfpf | no | real | -90 | |
CCD fine temperature [![]() | ||||
automode | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
try to determine mode from the data itself | ||||
autofilter | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
try to determine filter from the HK files itself | ||||
odfok | no | boolean | Y | Y,N |
Is ODF/SDF correct/nominal (yes/no)
(for PMSFITS data setting ``N" prevents some warnings) | ||||
hkok | no | boolean | Y | Y,N |
Is PMH/PAH correct/nominal (yes/no)
(for PMSFITS data setting ``N" prevents some warnings) | ||||
ccfok | no | boolean | Y | Y,N |
Is CAL/CCF correct/nominal (yes/no)
(for commissioning phase setting ``N" enables hard-coded offset shifts as there
are no correct CCFs yet for this period;
setupbpx must (!) then be correctly set) | ||||
setupbpx | no | string | nom3 | none nom0 nom1 nom2 nom3 nom4 cal4 nom5 nom6 |
setup for badpix/offset correction vector, activated by ccfok=N
(will be removed once complete PAH and PMH and CCF files in ODF available) | ||||
Data check parameters | ||||
withallobtgti | no | boolean | Y | Y,N |
whether to use also frames for the
GTI file after the first occurence of the warning ``invalidObtValue''.
If set to ``N'' then all events after that time will be lost for this CCD.
Has no effect if the warning does not occur. | ||||
withinvalidobt | no | boolean | Y | Y,N |
whether to use also
frames as input to OAL routine that lead to warning ``invalidObtValue''.
This is for data checks only and should not be changed for processing. | ||||
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |