Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
removetemporaries | no | b | true | yes no |
Remove temporary data sets? |
removeintermediategtis | no | b | true | yes no |
Remove intermediate GTI data sets? |
removeintermediateeventlists | no | b | true | yes no |
Remove the intermediate CCD/node-based event lists? |
selectccds | no | b | false | yes no |
Select the CCDs to process? false = process all CCDs. |
ccd1 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 1? |
ccd2 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 2? |
ccd3 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 3? |
ccd4 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 4? |
ccd5 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 5? |
ccd6 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 6? |
ccd7 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 7? |
ccd8 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 8? |
ccd9 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 9? |
ccd10 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 10? |
ccd11 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 11? |
ccd12 | no | b | false | yes no |
Process data for CCD 12? |
selectmodes | no | b | true | yes no |
Select the modes to process? false = process only imaging. |
imaging | no | b | true | yes no |
Process imaging mode exposure? |
timing | no | b | true | yes no |
Process timing mode exposures? |
burst | no | b | false | yes no |
process burst mode exposures? |
timingsrcposition | no | i | 190 | 1 - 200 |
Source position for TIMING and BURST modes in RAWY pixel coordinates. [Used in epframes.] |
withinstexpids | no | b | false | yes no |
Select exposures to process? |
instexpids | no | S | | |
List of exposures (ie, PNU002) |
withgtiset | no | b | false | yes no |
Use an external GTI dataset to be used when filtering the data? |
gtiset | no | e | gti.ds | |
Name of the external GTI dataset to be used when filtering the data. |
runhkgtigen | no | b | false | yes no |
Generate a GTI dataset based on housekeeping? |
runatthkgen | no | b | true | yes no |
Pre-process attitude data through atthkgen? |
referencepointing | no | s | median | nominal|object|mean|median|user |
Coordinates of the reference poiting used for the calculation of the sky coordinates |
ra | no | u | 0.0 | 0.0 - 360.0 |
User-specified right ascension of s/c attitude (deg) |
dec | no | u | 0.0 | -90.0 - 90.0 |
User-specified declination of s/c attitude (deg) |
posangle | no | u | 0.0 | -180.0 - 180.0 |
User-specified astronomical position angle of s/c attitude (deg) |
filterevents | no | b | true | yes no |
Filter the event lists? |
filterexpression | no | s | | |
Bad events selection expression. |
flagfilteredevents | no | b | false | yes no |
Flag the events that match the filter expression instead of removing them? |
rungtimerge | no | b | no | yes no |
Merge GTIs from each CCD |
applygti | no | b | true | yes no |
Apply GTI filter to the event lists? |
runevlistcomb | no | b | true | yes no |
Merge CCD-level event lists into exposure-level event lists (by mode)? |
deleteexposurecolumns | no | b | true | yes no |
searchforbadpixels | no | b | yes | yes no |
Search for bad pixels? |
searchforbadcolumns | no | b | yes | yes no |
Look for bad columns? |
thresholdlabel | no | s | rate | peak|rate|counts |
Thresholds choice - as percentage of PEAK, as count RATE or pure COUNTS [!badpixfind] |
lothresh | no | r | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Low threshold to search for dead pixels [badpixfind] |
hithresh | no | r | 0.0045 | 0.0 |
High threshold to search for hot pixels [!badpixfind] |
columnsearchlabel | no | s | median | median|total |
Columnsearch thresholds choice - refer to TOTAL column value or MEDIAN column value [badpixfind] |
locolthresh | no | r | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Low threshold to search for dead columns [badpixfind] |
hicolthresh | no | r | 0.00105 | 0.0 |
High threshold to search for hot columns [!badpixfind] |
flickertimesteps | no | i | 1 | 1 |
Number of timesteps to search for flickering pixels [badpixfind] |
flickerksthresh | no | r | 0.55 | 0 - 1 |
K-S threshold for low count flickering pixels [badpixfind] |
flickerchisqthresh | no | r | 15.0 | 0 |
Reduced Chi-sq threshold for high count flickering pixels [badpixfind] |
backgroundrate | no | r | 0.0001 | none |
Background rate (ct/s/pix) - if negative, mean over entire field assumed [!badpixfind] |
narrowerthanpsf | no | r | 1.5 | 0.0 |
PSF-pixel(s) comparison - 1:equal to PSF, >1:more compact [!badpixfind] |
threshabovebackground | no | b | no | yes no |
High thresholds as values above background [badpixfind] |
loenergythresh | no | r | 0.14 | 0 - 30.0 |
Low energy threshold for searching (keV) [!badpixfind] |
hienergythresh | no | r | 10 | 0 - 30.0 |
Hi energy threshold for searching (keV) [!badpixfind] |
randomizeposition | no | b | yes | yes no |
Randomize DETX/DETY within one CCD pixel [epevents] |
randomizeenergy | no | b | yes | yes no |
Randomize PHA within one ADU bin [epevents] |
testenergywidth | no | b | yes | yes no |
Use an energy width of 1eV [epevents] |
gainctiaccuracy | no | i | 2 | 0 - 2 |
Accuracy of gain/cti correction [epevents] |
reemissionthresh | no | i | | none |
Re-emission trigger threshold [epevents] |
withoutoftime | no | b | no | yes no |
Perform out-of-time events analysis instead (Y/N) [epevents] |
mappatterntype | no | s | sssd | |
pattern types of the bands for photon maps [!epevents] |
patternanalysis | no | boolean | Y | Y/N |
no, if pattern recognition has been done already (future development)[!epevents] |
withframecti | no | boolean | N | Y/N |
yes, if TIME-derived frame numbers should be used in CTI correction for
non-imaging modes (TI, BU) instead of the ODF frame numbers. For
FF, eFF, LW, SW modes internally always the TIME-derived frame numbers
instead of the dummy ODF numbers are used
(should not be changed). [!epevents]
withpatternoffset | no | boolean | Y | Y/N |
yes, if pattern energy offset corrections should be applied
withbackgroundgain | no | boolean | Y | Y/N |
yes, if background gain corrections should be applied
ctilongtermsoft | no | boolean | Y | Y/N |
special soft energy function
withrdpha | no | boolean | Y | Y/N |
yes, if a correction for rate-dependent PHA effects for TI and BU modes
should be applied. The logical keyword PHA_RDCO indicates whether
this correction has been applied or not. If applied, then the keyword
PHA_RDCB gives the scaling factor B used in the correction,
derived from block RDPHA_DERIV in the CTI.CCF. [!epevents]
rdphatimebinsize | no | boolean | 100 | |
time-bin size for rate-dependent PHA correction for TI and BU modes [s] [!epevents]
checksasmip | no | boolean | N | Y/N |
yes, if the MIP rejection information obtained by task epframes
shall be printed (only meaningful if on-board rejection is switched off,
i.e. for SW, TI, BU modes).[!epevents]
wrongpixlimit | no | i | 20 | 0 - 100 |
Allowed percentage of wrong pixels without producing a warning [!epframes] |
withsrccoords | no | b | no | yes no |
Use user-supplied RA,DEC coordinates for TIMING and BURST mode ? [epframes] |
srcra | no | u | 0.0 | 0.0 - 360.0 |
User-supplied source position RA [deg] [epframes] |
srcdec | no | u | 0.0 | -90.0 - 90.0 |
User-supplied source position DEC [deg] [epframes] |
mipthreshold | no | i | 3000 | 0 - 4095 |
maximum PHA for non-MIPs [epframes] |
mipmethod | no | s | onboard | none|onboard|com|sas |
method to reject MIPs [epframes] |
mipdist | no | b | no | yes no |
Create MIPDIST columns and MIPHIST extension in output (yes/no) ? [epframes] |
mipdiscard | no | b | yes | yes no |
discard MIPs from event list (yes/no) ? [epframes] |
setupbpx | no | string | nom6 | cal4/nom0/nom1/ nom2/nom3/nom4/ nom5/nom6/none |
setup for badpix/offset correction vector (used only if ccfok=N) [epframes] |
lowerthreshold | no | integer | 20 | 0-4095 |
disregard low-energy
events (with amplitudes lowerthreshold [adu]) already at this stage,
default lowerthreshold=0 preserves recommended (old) behavior.
This may be useful when comparing early mission data with recent observations
as the setup was different (lowertreshold=23 instead of 20 now)[epframes] |
guessdeltap | no | boolean | N | Y,N |
whether to estimate the shift of the
PN oscillator frequency due to temperature and ageing effects from HK data,
could be used to estimate SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE (divide by 6).[epframes] |
withparameters | no | b | false | yes no |
Specify explicit list of HK parameters? [hkgtigen] |
parameters | no | S | | |
List of HK parameters to consider [hkgtigen] |
except | no | b | false | yes no |
Consider all parameters except those specified [hkgtigen] |
withoverrideparameters | no | b | false | yes no |
Specify list of additional parameters? [hkgtigen] |
overrideparameters | no | S | | |
List of override/additional parameters [hkgtigen] |
runepnoise | no | b | no | yes no |
Run epnoise task |
sigmacut | no | real | 3.0 | |
Sigma cut for bright sources |
noisecut | no | int | 2 | 0 |
Noise cut (maximum allowed number of soft events in frame) |
savemasks | no | boolean | no | yes|no |
Save CCDs mask to a file |
runepreject | no | b | no | yes no |
Run epreject task. |
badcolumnset | no | dataset | | |
Name of optional
ascii file containing pairs of <ccd nr.> <bad column nr.> (one per
line), to be omitted from the offset correction [epreject] |
sigma | no | real | 4.0 | |
Sigma threshold for offset correction [epreject] |
withnoisehandling | no | boolean | no | |
enables noise flagging scheme [epreject] |
noiseparameters | no | real | 0.98 12 1.0 | |
Noise fraction parameters (cutoff parameter and 12 chip specific correction factors; only for expert use) [epreject] |
withoffsetmap | no | boolean | yes | |
enables use of offset map to calculate energy shifts [epreject] |
withxrlcorrection | no | boolean | no | |
turns on X-ray loading correction code for TI+BU modes, only meaningful if offset
maps are availbale in the ODF and use of offset map is not switched off. [epreject] |
withsoftflarescreening | no | boolean | no | |
enables soft flare screening (TI mode) [epreject] |
softflarethreshold1 | no | real | 10.0 | |
threshold for flare screening in units of counts/0.1 s [epreject] |
softflarethreshold2 | no | real | 1.0 | |
threshold for flare screening [epreject] |
softflaresmooth | no | string | BOX | |
smoothing method for flare screening [epreject] |
softflareenergyrange | no | list of int | 40 50 | |
energy range for flare screening (in ADU units) [epreject] |
softflaresmoothparams | no | list of real | 2 1 1 | |
smoothing parameters [epreject] |
runepexposure | no | b | yes | yes no |
Run epreject task |
runepxlrcorr | no | b | no | yes no |
Run epxrlcorr task |
runepfast | no | b | no | yes no |
Run epfast task |
analyzingSciSimdata | no | S | | |
Set up the configuration to analyze SciSim data with epproc |
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |