Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
withfilestem | no | boolean | yes | |
Whether to specify the output file names using the filestem parameter.
filestem | no | string | myfiles | |
Stem for the output filenames. A value "myfiles" will produce
the files, myfiles_src.ds, myfiles_bgd.ds, myfiles_src.arf,
srcspecset | no | string | srcspec.ds | |
Name of the output source spectrum. This is only used if withfilestem
is false in which case it becomes mandatory.
bckspecset | no | string | bckspec.ds | |
Name of the output background spectrum. Only used if withfilestem
is false in which case it becomes mandatory.
srcarfset | no | string | srcspec.arf | |
Name of the output effective area file (ARF). This is only used
if withfilestem is false and witharfset is true.
srcrmfset | no | string | srcspec.rmf | |
Name of the output redistribution matrix (RMF). This is only used
if withfilestem is false and withrmfset is false.
srcexp | yes | string | | |
Expression for extracting the source events.
backexp | yes | string | | |
Expression for extracting the background events.
table | yes | table specifier | | event list table specifier |
A table specifier which must point to an event list table in a data set. It
must be in either of the forms setname or setname:tableid where
setname must be the name of an existing data set and tableid the
name of a table in the specified data set. If the first form, setname,
is used, the event data are sought in the first block of the named data
withbadpixcorr | no | boolean | yes | |
Whether to use bad pixels and chip gaps in the ARF calculation.
useodfatt | no | boolean | no | |
Whether to use the ODF attitude file to construct position info when
calculating the ARF.
extendedsource | no | boolean | no | |
If set true then arfgen
is run with parameters which are relevant
to an extended source.
detxbins | no | int | 5 | |
The number of x bins in the detector map.
detybins | no | int | 5 | |
The number of y bins in the detector map.
witharfset | no | boolean | yes | |
If set false an ARF will not be produced by the task and the
geometrical area of the source and background regions will not be
calculated and written into the BACKSCAL keyword.
withrmfset | no | boolean | no | |
If set false an RMF is produced by running rmfgen. If
true the RMF is taken from the file specified in the parameter rmfset.
rmfset | no | string | | |
The name of the RMF to be used when rmfgen
is not to be run.
If this parameter is not set and withrmfset is true then
the task sets the name of the RMF to be that of the appropriate canned matrix.
withenergybins | no | boolean | false | none |
If true use energy grid specified by energymin,
energymax, and nenergybins, otherwise,
use the grid defined in the CAL.
energymin | no | real | | none |
Used if withenergybins true.
Lower energy bound of matrix, in keV.
energymax | no | real | 15 | none |
Used if withenergybins true.
Upper energy bound of matrix, in keV.
nenergybins | no | integer | 30 | none |
Used if withenergybins true.
The number of bins in the energy grid
number of rows in RMF matrix.
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |