Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
srcspectrumset | yes | dataset | No default | less
than 1024 char. |
Name of the FITS file containing the EPIC source
spectrum, case sensitive |
bkgspectrumset | yes | dataset | No default | less
than 1024 char. |
Name of the FITS file containing the EPIC
background spectrum, case sensitive |
withbinning | no | Boolean | no | 'yes' or 'no' |
binning. yes=The binning scheme is defined by the user. |
binsize | no | Real | 1.0 | No constraints |
The spectrum can be
rebinned either with a constant rebinning factor or as a
geometric series (to produce nearly equispaced bins in a logX
representation). The default value (1) is not to rebin the
spectrum. Values greater than 1 indicate a constant rebinning
factor (nearest integer of binsize). Geometric series rebinning
is obtained by entering a value less than -1, whose modulus
represents the step of the geometric series |
plotdevice | no | String | ``/PS'' | Constraint : valid device
name |
Name of the output device which must belong to the following
list : /PS, /CPS, /VPS, /VCPS, /GIF , /VGIF, /XWINDOW, not case
sensitive |
plotfile | no | String | ```` | less than 1024 char. |
of the file containing the plot, case sensitive |
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |