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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

especplot (especplot-2.9) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
srcspectrumsetyesdatasetNo defaultless than 1024 char.
Name of the FITS file containing the EPIC source spectrum, case sensitive
bkgspectrumsetyesdatasetNo defaultless than 1024 char.
Name of the FITS file containing the EPIC background spectrum, case sensitive
withbinningnoBooleanno'yes' or 'no'
no=Automatic binning. yes=The binning scheme is defined by the user.
binsizenoReal1.0No constraints
The spectrum can be rebinned either with a constant rebinning factor or as a geometric series (to produce nearly equispaced bins in a logX representation). The default value (1) is not to rebin the spectrum. Values greater than 1 indicate a constant rebinning factor (nearest integer of binsize). Geometric series rebinning is obtained by entering a value less than -1, whose modulus represents the step of the geometric series
plotdevicenoString``/PS''Constraint : valid device name
Name of the output device which must belong to the following list : /PS, /CPS, /VPS, /VCPS, /GIF , /VGIF, /XWINDOW, not case sensitive
plotfilenoString``plot.ps``less than 1024 char.
Name of the file containing the plot, case sensitive
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04