Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
General parameters |
eventset | no | string | | none |
list of event files |
method | no | string | | corner |
which method to use. |
withsmoothing | no | boolean | N | Y/N |
Smooth data? |
smooth | no | integer | 50 | 1 |
Smoothing factor in seconds |
withbinning | no | boolean | N | Y/N |
Bin data? |
binning | no | integer | 50 | 1 |
Bin width in seconds |
withspecranges | no | boolean | N | Y/N |
Use upper/lower spec chans? |
specchanmin | no | integer | 2500 | 1 ev, 32766 |
Low Spectral Channel |
specchanmax | no | integer | 12000 | 2 ev, 32767 |
High Spectral Channel |
ratio | no | real | 1.2 | 0.01, 10.0 |
Flaring ratio of annulus_cnts corn_area corn_cnst annu_area |
clobber | no | boolean | yes | T/F |
Clobber existing files?
Parameters for individual tasks |
Standard SAS parameters |
Some SAS options are also interpreted by espfilt
before being passed to its constituent tasks:
- '-V' (verbosity) is used in the same way as the SAS_VERBOSITY
environment variable.
- '-o' (odf) is used to define the directory where the data resides
in the same way as the SAS_ODF environment variable. Normally,
the task checks the environment variable SAS_ODF, then checks if
a valid odfingest-produced ASCII file is present, but the
user can enter the odf directory or file on the command line with
this option.
- '-i' (ccf) is used to define the directory where the Calibration
(CCF) data resides in the same way as the SAS_CCF environment
variable. Normally, the task checks the environment variable
SAS_ODF, then checks if a valid cifbuild-produced ASCII
file is present, but the user can enter the ccf directory or
ccf.cif file on the command line with this option.
- There is emulation of the '-h' (help), '-m' (manpage), '-p' (param)
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |