XMM-Newton SAS Home Page
XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

espfilt (espfilt-2.1.1) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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Output Files

Common files to both current methods have the same names.

  1. Object filtered event list Pobsidinstexp-objevlifilt.FIT
  2. Object filtered image file Pobsidinstexp-objimgfilt.FIT
  3. Object lightcurve file Pobsidinstexp-objlc.FIT
  4. Object 'raw' image file Pobsidinstexp-objimg.FIT
  5. Corners filtered event list Pobsidinstexp-corevli.FIT
  6. Corners filtered image file Pobsidinstexp-corimg.FIT
  7. Corners lightcurve file Pobsidinstexp-corlc.FIT
  8. Good Time Interval (GTI) file Pobsidinstexp-gti.FIT
  9. FOV annulus event file Pobsidinstexp-fovevli.FIT
  10. FOV annulus spectrum Pobsidinstexp-fovspec.FIT
  11. Corner spectrum Pobsidinstexp-corspec.FIT
  12. QDP text file of histograms and lightcurves Pobsidinstexp-hist.qdp

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04