XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
evatt (saslib-1.87) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
Meta Index / Home Page / Description / EPIC MOS
- OUT_OF_FOV This event was detected outside the nominal
field of view of XMM. It was most likely a particle event.
- IN_BAD_FRAME This event was detected in a frame where
something was incoherent, hinting at corrupted data.
- COSMIC_RAY This event was detected with one of the large
patterns (30 or 31). It was most likely a particle event.
- ON_BADPIX This event was detected at the location of a
registered bad pixel (not declared on board).
- REJECTED_BY_GATTI This event had E1 truncated at the
maximum value. It was most likely a particle event.
- OUT_OF_CCD_WINDOW This event was detected outside the CCD
or the current window. This is usually noise in the under/overscans.
- OUTSIDE_THRESHOLDS This event had total energy (E1+E2)
lower than the EMDH lower threshold (noise fluctuation) or larger
than the EMDH upper threshold (particle event).
- FLICKERING This event is due to a flickering pixel.
- UNDERSHOOT This event had very negative pixels next to
it (electronic rebound).
- ON_BADROW This event was part of many events in one row in a single frame.
- BAD_E3E4 This event had an incoherent local background.
- ON_BADOFFSET This event is affected by a bit-flip in the
onboard offset table, resulting in wrong energies (and other problems) on
that row/column.
Note that OUTSIDE_THRESHOLDS could be split between
those two cases reflect completely different situations.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04