XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
evatt (saslib-1.87) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
Meta Index / Home Page / Description / EPIC PN
- CLOSE_TO_CCD_BORDER This event was immediately next to a
border of the CCD, so that part of its charge may have been lost.
- CLOSE_TO_CCD_WINDOW This event was immediately next to a
border of the current CCD window (when not in full frame mode), so
that part of its charge may have been lost. For EPIC/MOS only events
next to the left and lower borders are affected and flagged.
- CLOSE_TO_ONBOARD_BADPIX This event was immediately next
(to the left, right, above or below but not diagonally) to a bad
pixel declared on board. Its energy will be imprecise, but since
this may happen only when the bad pixel is inactive it should be a
true X-ray.
- CLOSE_TO_BRIGHTPIX This event was immediately next (to the
left, right, above or below but not diagonally) to a bright pixel
not declared on board. Its energy will be imprecise, and it could be
a false event if the bright pixel next to it was active.
- CLOSE_TO_DEADPIX This event was immediately next (to the
left, right, above or below but not diagonally) to a dead pixel, so
that part of its charge may have been lost.
- NEXT_TO_OFFSETCOL This event was immediately next to a
column that has a higher lower threshold than the rest of the CCD.
Part of its charge may have been lost.
- ON_OFFSETCOL This event was immediately on a column that
has a higher lower threshold than the rest of the CCD. Part of its
charge may have been lost.
- IN_SPOILED_FRAME This event was detected in a frame where
other events were detected in wrong readout order or with illegal
coordinates. The information related with this events is not
- INVALID_PATTERN This event is part of a pattern that
cannot be produced by a single photon. It is either caused by
pile-up or is a remnant of charged particle events (MIPs) that
were rejected on-board (or in epframes if on-board rejection
was switched off).
- OUT_OF_FOV This event was detected outside the nominal
field of view of XMM. It was an out-of-time event recorded during
CCD readout or due to internal noise.
- FLICKERING This event is due to a flickering pixel.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04