XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
evlistcomb (evlistcomb-4.19.2) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
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Output Files
Imaging (or Spectroscopy) and Timing (or HTR) event files
(for PRODUCT: EPIC or RGS event list and evselect, [1])
with following items:
- primary header propagated from input files, with additional
DATAMODE (if not already present) and keyword.
- merged extension(s) (maintable parameter) with columns
defined by the xxxyyycolnames and xxxyyycoltypes
parameters (xxx is the instrument symbol and yyy the mode symbol),
an additional CCDNR column, some keywords
(extensionchecks, mainattributes, maxattributes
and minattributes parameters),
plus the XMMEA_nn keywords identifying the flags
and the column-specific keywords.
TELAPSE is recomputed if need be.
- secondary extensions (othertables parameter) with names
truncated to 6 characters and CCDNR added
at the end of the name.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04