ChangeLog for fitsutils ==================== Open SPRs: ---------- Nil Version 1.9.2 - 2014-10-29 (AI) ------------ + (src/FitsCelCoordsSys) Debug lines removed. Version 1.9.1 - 2014-10-28 (AI) ------------ + (src/FitsCelCoordsSys) isNearlyEqual subroutine modified to sort alphabetically the "keys" in the hash table. This modification fixed the error in testfitscelcoordssys. Version 1.9 - 2014-06-04 (AI) ------------ + (src/ foreach syntax corrected. Version 1.8 - 2012-09-25 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - New function fpartab() added in Fitsplutils. Version 1.7 - 2012-07-31 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - New function getAnnularMask() added in fits_utils and tested in testfitsutils, a newly added test-code. - fitsstat now accepts the region constraint (either circle or annulus) via a set of new command-line parameters: withregion, regionstyle, centrecoords, radii, radiiinner. Tests added in testfitsplutils_img . - DEPENDency on ssclib upgraded to 4.27. Version 1.6.1 - 2012-04-17 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - The test harness is more robust, now dealing with the unexpected error from fitsstat. - DEPENDency on ssclib upgraded to 4.26. Version 1.6 - 2011-06-08 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Improved the document of readFitsStatInfo() in . Version 1.5 - 2011-04-08 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - readFitsStatInfo() in Fitsplutils now returns a integer scalar if abnormal ends (tested in testfitsplutils_col). - fitsstat_mod now checks the consistency of the command-line parameters of minareacoords and maxareacoords and may issue an error 'inconsistentMinMaxAreaCoords' if needed. - DEPENDency on ssclib upgraded to 4.22. Version 1.4 - 2010-08-17 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - is modified to support some non-standard FITS WCS keywords appearing in some output files of SAS. - PA_PNT in is now handled as an extra keyword, instead of the third dimension in axis. - Fixed a minor bug in isNearlyEqual() in . - Fixed a minor bug (or bad specification) in tbl2arrays() and sumup_images() in . Version 1.3 - 2010-08-13 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Added a method minglePair in and, as well as their tests. Version 1.2 - 2010-08-06 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Added (module), and (classes), as well as their respective test harnesses, testmultiplecoordssys and testfitscelcoordssys . - DEPENDency on ssclib and testprods upgraded to 4.19 (for Perl libraries) and to 1.19, respectively. Version 1.1 - 2010-07-12 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Now Fitsplutils::getattribute() supports String as well. The corresponding test routines are added to test/testfitsplutils . - The document of Fitsutils has not been compiled, but now is fixed. Version 1.0 - 2009-05-01 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Imported fitsstat , fits_utils.f90 and and related files including the test harnesses and documents from the ssclib package. See ssclib/ChangeLog for the previous history.