ChangeLog for flspec =================== Version 3.4.1 - 2011-02-14 (RDS) -------------- + (src/ - support for mask arrays contained in the MASK extn. (SCR-314) Version 3.4 - 2009-04-01 (MC) -------------- + test: solved error in test script regarding location of test data Version 3.3 - 2009-03-31 (MC) -------------- + test: moved test data to testprods package Version 3.2 - 2009-02-05 (MC) -------------- +(DEPEND): updated ssclib version to 4.0 Version 3.1 - 2005-05-26 (MC) -------------- +(src/ closes SSC-SPR-3460:"flspec crashes when the source list is empty". - It now does not run 'region' when the source list is empty. Calculations are the same but no sources are removed from the images before the extraction of fluctuations spectra. Version 3.0 - 2004-10-21 (MC) -------------- +(config/flspec.par): - replace parameter 'spectrumset' by parameter 'spectrumsets' (list of output spectral sets) - added new parameter noffaxis (number of equal-area offaxis regions) +(src/ - replace output multiple spectral file by list of spectral sets (one for each offaxis value) - remove hard-coded number of offaxis values - remove call to 'specadd' task +(doc/flspec_description): updated to account for changes +(test/testval.f90): adapted to the changes in output products Version 2.43 - 2004-05-21 (MC) -------------- + (src/ add lost attributes to fluctuations spectra: use cphead to propagate attributes from positive and negative spectra extracted with evselect. Closes SSC-SPR:3325 + (test): remove temp files from test directory + (doc/flspec_description.tex): updated Version 2.42 - 2004-05-14 (MC) -------------- + (src/ use standard binsize and spectral ranges in spectral extraction instead of TLMIN/TLMAX values from input event list. Closes SSC-SPR:3322 Version 2.41 - 2004-05-13 (MC) -------------- + (src/ "int" function by 'sprintf("%.0f")' Closes SSC-SPR:3320 Version 2.40 - 2004-05-07 (MC) -------------- + (src/createpseudoevt_mod.f90):remove "print" lines used for debugging Version 2.39 - 2004-05-03 (MC) -------------- + (src/createpseudoevt_mod.f90): remove unused ra,dec in deg (it now uses correct units) Version 2.38 - 2004-04-30 (MC) -------------- + (src/createpseudoevt_mod.f90): + parts of code replaced by calls to ssclib subroutines + brought in line with ssclib-3.9 + (src/ + removed search of some attributes/columns which are unnecessary after createpseudoevt_mod.f90 modifications + x/yimagebinsize parameters in evselect calls now calculated: removed hard-wired values + (src/flmask_mod.f90): + part of code replaced by calls to ssclib subroutines + removed obsoletes functions/subroutines (not used now) + DEPEND: now ssclib-3.9 Version 2.37 - 2004-03-18 (MC) -------------- + Changes in version 2.36.3 propagated to 2.37 Version 2.36.3 - 2004-03-15 (MC) -------------- +(flspec_description): updated documentation Version 2.36.2 - 2003-12-31 (EO) -------------- + Added oal to USEDLIBS for static building since libssc depends on oal. Version 2.36.1 - 2003-12-19 (IMS SSC/LUX) ---------------------------- +Fixed a couple of bugs introduced by 2.36 changes: (i) no 'my' declaration for $temp4; (ii) the test script did not have run permission; (iii) call to region was incorrect. -Commented out the calls to fstruct with a totalhdu parameter. Version 2.36 - 2003-11-18 (IMS SSC/LUX) ---------------------------- +DEPENDs now on ssclib-3.0 and region-7.0 +Updated interface to ssclib calls in createpseudoevt_mod.f90. +Adapted the region call in to changes in the region interface. +Global bkg region file rather than reversed all-src region file now used (comes to the same thing AFAICS) +Introduced new parameter --tmpsrclistset to flspec since region now makes use of a temp file. Version 2.35 - 2003-02-17 (MC) ---------------------------- +(src/Makefile): remove USEDLIBS = perlutils remove EXTERNALS = perl +(src/ replace perl-mediated use of DAl by FTOOLs tasks +(doc/flspec_description.tex): update documentation Version 2.34 - 2002-06-12 (MC) ---------------------------- +(config/createpseudoevt.par): fixed tag mismatch Version 2.33 - 2002-05-10 (MC) ---------------------------- +DEPEND: param-2.0 +config/*.par: brought in line with param-2.0 +src/Makefile: exchaged cal/dal order in USEDLIBS Version 2.32.7 - 2002-03-18 (MC) ---------------------------- +(doc/flspec_description.tex): updated documentation Version 2.32.6 - 2002-03-12 (MC) ---------------------------- +(src/ removed event selection for spectral extraction Version 2.32.5 - 2002-03-08 (MC) ---------------------------- +(src/createpseudoevt_mod.f90): brought in line with ssclib-2.3.9 Version 2.32.4 - 2002-03-04 (MC) ---------------------------- Closes SSC-SPR 2796: output spectra should be binned +(src/ : removed unnecessary fparkey call : new binning and improved selection criteria for output spectra +(doc/flspec_description.tex): documentation updated Version 2.32.3 - 2002-03-01 (MC) ---------------------------- Closes SSC-SPR 2793: ROWID column with incorrect values. +(src/ sets appropriate values for ROWID column +(doc/flspec_description.tex): updated documentation Version 2.32.2 - 2002-02-18 (MC) ---------------------------- Closes SSC-SPR 2763: Should set CAL state +(src/createpseudoevt_mod.f90): sets CAL state Version 2.32.1 - 2002-02-18 (MC) ---------------------------- Closes SSC-SPR 2759 :Incorrect area units for fluctuations spectra +(src/ new spectral area units: 0.05 arcsecs pixels +(doc/flspec_description) updated to account for new units Version 2.32 - 2002-02-14 (MC) ---------------------------- Brought in line with flspec2.29.3 and: +(DEPEND): added emask, ssclib and cal +(src/ removed use of backscale to calculate area. Brought in line with region6.2.1 and ssclib 2.3.1 Exposure map borders eliminated using 'emask' +(src/createpseudoevt_mod.f90): new routine to create a pseudo evt list from input image and to use it to create mask files to filter de input event list. +(doc/flspec_description): updated to show task changes. Version 2.29.3 - 2002-02-01 (MC) ---------------------------- Closed SSC SPR 2728: fails test harness at mathpha +(src/ numerical value in mathpha expression formated in %.3f Version 2.29.2 - 2002-01-30 (MC) ---------------------------- Closed SSC SPR 2724: fails test harness +(src/ corrected error introduced while solving SPR 2716 Version 2.29.1 - 2002-01-29 (MC) ---------------------------- Same as 2.30 for the release track. Version 2.30 - 2002-01-29 (MC) ---------------------------- Closed SPR SSC 2716: fails test at mathpha call +(src/ formated numerical factor in 'mathpha' expression so that it only has 5 decimal places. Closes SPR. Version 2.29 - 2002-01-18 (MC) ---------------------------- Brought in line with region 6.2 + (DISTRIBUTION) moved to world +(src/ new parameter in 'region' call: outunit=xy +(test/flspec_test) now it uses 'emldetect' output source list. (region does not read EPIC combined src list) Version 2.28 - 2002-01-18 (MC) ---------------------------- Open SPRs: none + (DEPEND) Updated dependencies (region 6.0) + (src/ In call to region, moved 'eventfile' to 'eventset' according to new 'region' parameter interface. Version 2.27 - 2002-01-14 (MC) ---------------------------- Open SPRs: none + (DISTRIBUTION) Distribution moved from world to ssc until tasks required by flspec close SPRs. Version 2.26 - 2002-01-04 (MC) ---------------------------- Open SPRs: none + (DEPEND) Updated dependencies (daltools 1.0, sasperl 1.0) Version 2.25 - 2001-12-13 (MC) ---------------------------- Open SPRs: none + (DEPEND) Updated dependencies (backscale 1.0) Version 2.24 - 2001-11-6 (MC) ---------------------------- Open SPRs: none + (src/ Corrected use of Solid Angle values Improved some warning messages + (doc/flspec_description.tex) updated Version 2.23 - 2001-11-2 (MC) ---------------------------- Open SPRs: none + (DEPEND) Include backscale and specadd + (config/flspec.par) included default values + (src/ BACKSCAL calculated through backscale Included more explanatory SAS messages. Source regions now calculated with option radiusmode=enfrac in task region Spectra stored in output file with specadd + (src/fladdspec_mod.f90) removed. It now uses specadd task + (doc/flspec_description.tex) updated + (test/) new test files (real obervations) + (test/testval.f90) new test harness adapted to changes in perl script Version 2.22 - 2000-10-12 (GV/SOC) ------------ + (DEPEND) updated. Version 2.20 (2000-08-17) (MC) --------------------------- Open SPRs: none + (src/ Now it reads BACKSCAL keyword from the spectral files generated by evselect (although waiting for more modifications in evselect) + (config/ Removed "interactive" from GROUPS line + (doc/flspec_description.doc) Updated macros Version 2.19.3 (2000-06-15) (MC) --------------------------- + (doc/flspec_description.tex) Fixed (SSC-SPR-1826), and updated + (config/flspec.par) Changed default for parameter tmpnegmaskset to match documentation value. Version 2.19.2 (2000-06-14) (MC) --------------------------- + (config/flspec.lyt) Fixed (SSC-SPR-1783) Version 2.19.1 (2000-06-01) --------------------------- - Fixed SPR 1699: now flspec gets an updated EXPOSURE keyword for the output spectrum. It required selectlib work properly with expressions such as: "(X,Y) in mask(...)" (solved in selectlib 4.34) Version 2.19 (2000-05-29) --------------------------- - Modified call to evselect to avoid error given by inconsistent parameter values (since evselect 3.23) Version 2.18 (2000-05-26) --------------------------- - Selected option in evselect so that it does not update the exposure of the spectra (data subspace not written) due to a problem with data subspace anf the mask filters. - CREATOR keyword now removed through an ftool task due to a problem with "dspurify". Version 2.17 (2000-05-24) --------------------------- - Code modified to adapt it to new version in evselect (3.22) and dal (1.121): - If input event file is an XMM file and it has the correct structure, the output spectral files have the exposure keywords updated. - CREATOR and DATE present only in file header. Version 2.16.1 (2000-05-11) --------------------------- -Changed incorrect word GROUP in info files Version 2.16 (2000-05-09) --------------------------- -Closed SPR-1636: problem with evselect expression -Removed Spectral area calculation: note included in Developer's notes Version 2.15 (2000-04-07) --------------------------- - Closed SPR-1633: flspec verbosity level - Closed SPR-1634: errstr declaration problem - Closed SPR-1635: CDELT1 keyword detection problem Version 2.14 (2000-04-04) --------------------------- - Improved task errors description. Solved documentation build problem - Added info file to config directory and Make file Version 2.13 (2000-03-09) --------------------------- - Removed some superfluous tests and Error messages (now made through the DAL) - Removed optional parameters assignment in code (now just done in parameters file) Version 2.12.1 - 2000-03-09 (GV/SOC) --------------------------- -(flmask_mod.f90) fix 'pure virtual method' erros that were caused by the fact that datasets were released before their children (tables/arrays). Version 2.12 (2000-02-25) ------------------------- - Minor modifications in code to adapt it to evselect 3.16 Version 2.11 (2000-01-27) ------------------------- - Modified version number in documentation to adapt it to new task version number convention - Added GUI layout file (flspec.lyt) - Minor modifications in code Version 2.10.1 (Marco Beijersbergen, 1999-12-15) -------------- - fixed obsolete DAL calls. Version 2.10 (1999-11-26) ------------------------- -Included word "world" in DISTRIBUTION file Version 2.9 (1999-10-06) ------------------------ - Open SPR: SSC-SPR-1255: flspec fails on Linux (at ESTEC) - Removed "interpr" from USEDLIBS and DEPEND which made the task crash on DEC - Solid Angle of spectra correctly calculated. New FTOOL (fimgstat) and SAS task (arithmetic) used. - New version of documentation to account for these changes : 2.2 Version 2.8 (1999-09-06) ------------------------ - Fixed a syntax error for \warn in the documentation: SPR 1232 Version 2.7 (1999-08-31) ------------------------ - Fixed a bug that made it crash in the Linux build: EXTERNALS= ftools - Closed SSC-SPR-0854: FITS output Version 2.6 (1999-08-6) --------------------------- - Modified to take into account changes in Region 4.0 Version 2.5 (1999-08-4) --------------------------- - Modified to take into account changes in evselect 3.0 Version 2.4 (1999-07-8) --------------------------- - Modified to take into account changes in Region_3.4 Version 2.3 (1999-06-3) -------------------------- - Identical to V2.2 (delivery problem in uploadsas) Version 2.2 (1999-06-2) --------------------------- - Adapted to new parameters in evselect 2.0 - Include SAS:error for Perl - Closed SSC-SPR-0850: incorrect error message - Closed SSC-SPR-0849: incorrect error message - Closed SSC-SPR-0848: incorrect error message - Closed SSC-SPR-0847: incorrect error message Version 2.1 (1999-05-12) --------------------------- - Adapted to new parameters in region_3.0 Version 2.0 (1999-04-26) --------------------------- - New parameter names - Adapted to new Perl functionality - Error Routines removed: waiting for SAS:error for Perl Version 1.7 (1998-12-14) ---------------------------- - Closed SSC-SPR-0902: region added to DEPEND file - Closed SSC-SPR-0863: version number - Closed XSSSC-SPR-0862: Output file format - Closed SSC-SPR-0857: verbosity - Closed SSC-SPR-0856: output file ICD compliance - Closed SSC-SPR-0854: FITS output - Closed SSC-SPR-0852: parameter...not identified - Closed SSC-SPR-0563: report version number Version 1.6 (1998-12-9) ---------------------------- - interpr, sasperl and sasperllib added to DEPEND file Version 1.5 (1998-12-2) ---------------------------- - Adapted to PEDAL version 1.10 Version 1.4 (1998-11-16) ---------------------------- - Closed SSC-SPR-0823: spurious file Version 1.3 (1998-11-10) ---------------------------- - Closed SSC-SPR 0814: adapted to pedal 1.2 Version 1.2 (1998-11-03) ---------------------------- - Closed SSC-SPR 0549 : test file too large - Closed SSC-SPR 0575 : Obsolete message call - Adapted to evselect v 1.11 : masks use - Adapted to region 2.1: ASC Fits format files - Errors now reported through DHS - Use of PEDAL to access FITS file attributes in Perl script. Version 1.1 (1998-09-25) ---------------------------- - Corrected wrong entry in DEPEND file (Closed SSC-SPR 0530) - Clobber parameter no longer used (SSC-SPR 0541) Version 1.0 (1998-09-11) ---------------------------- -Submitted Version 0.1 ---------------------------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.