NotImg | fatal | |
The input image does not contain an EPIC image | ||
NotExpMap | fatal | |
The input exposure map does not contain an EPIC exposure map | ||
NonStandardInput | fatal | |
The WCS keyword CDELT1 is missing in the input image | ||
InvalidData | fatal | |
Input image does not have valid data | ||
ErrStat | fatal | |
It cannot calculate statistics for input Event List File using FTOOLS task fstatistic | ||
ErrFarith | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task farith cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrFcolpar | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task fcolpar cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrFimgstat | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task fimgstat cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrFkeypar | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task fkeypar cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrCphead | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task cphead cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrFparkey | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task fparkey cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrFpartab | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task fpartab cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrFstruct | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task fstruct cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrFappend | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task fappend cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrMathpha | fatal | |
Error raised while trying to run the FTOOLS task mathpha to subtract positive and negative spectra | ||
ErrRegion | fatal | |
The task region
cannot be run on the input source list | ||
ErrFlmask | fatal | |
Mask files cannot be created | ||
ErrEvselect | fatal | |
Problem raised while trying to run the task evselect
in the process described by the associated message | ||
ErrPseudo | fatal | |
Cannot create Pseudo Event List | ||
ErrEmask | fatal | |
Error raised while trying to run the emask | ||
BadParamValue | fatal | |
The requested binsize in parameter binsize is smaller than the input image bin size, larger than the input image size or it results in a meaningless binned image with only one pixel | ||
NoPixLeft | fatal | |
The binned image does not have any pixels left after source subtraction | ||
NullSpecPos | warning | |
Positive spectrum has null extraction
area for offaxis value and fluctuations spectrum number given in the message | ||
NullSpecNeg | warning | |
Negative spectrum has null extraction
area for offaxis value and fluctuations spectrum number given in the message | ||
NullSpec | warning | |
Positive and Negative spectrum have null extraction
area for offaxis value and fluctuations spectrum number given in the message | ||
NullExpos1 | warning | |
Exposure value for positive and negative spectra cannot be properly updated by evselect
in a given fluctuations spectrum (number specified)
corrective action: EXPOSURE is updated to 1.000 s | ||
NullExposDs | warning | |
Exposure value for positive and negative spectra cannot be properly updated by evselect
in a given fluctuations spectrum (number specified) but Dataset has an EXPOSURE keyword
corrective action: EXPOSURE is updated to value in Dataset |