XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
hkgtigen (hkgtigen-1.14.2) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
Meta Index / Home Page / Description
The scientific quality of data acquired with any instrument is usually
directly related to the values of its key housekeeping (HK) parameters during
the data taking period. Events that were detected during periods when
one or more of those parameters was out of valid boundaries must therefore
not be taken into account in the generation of images, spectra, and
rate curves. This is achieved by filtering out the ``bad'' events
with one or more Good-Time-Interval (GTI) data sets before the
product generation takes place. An event is considered to be
valid if its arrival time is within one of the GTIs in the set.
For more details on this issue, please consult the descriptions of
task evselect and
generates for a specified instrument a single GTI data
set from a list of given HK parameter validity intervals. These
are read from the Current Calibration File (CCF) constituent HKParmInt
through the Calibration Access Layer (CAL) and can optionally be
augmented by user-specified validity ranges. The created GTI set
is applicable to all science data from that instrument in one
Observation Data File (ODF). hkgtigen
makes use of the generic
task tabgtigen
for the actual generation of the GTI data set.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04