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implot (implot-2.19) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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The PGPLOT library routine PGIMAG is used to plot the image. The WCS library of Mark Calabretta is used to compute and plot the optional celestial coordinate grid (or tick-marks).

read parameters;

load the image;

find all null-valued pixels and set them to the minimum non-null image value;

if (--withzclip) {
  calculate the effective minimum and maximum image values effMin and effMax
  by histogram clipping;
} else {
  effMin = minval(image);
  effMax = maxval(image);

set up PGPLOT;

# Avoid irritating phenomenon in which background and foreground colours swap
# for ps/cps output, except within the image itself:
if (pgplot device is 'PS' or 'CPS') {
  if (labelcolour==0 || labelcolour==1) {
    labelcolour = 1 - labelcolour;
  if (usercolours==0 || usercolours==1) {
    usercolours = 1 - usercolours;

# Plot the image:

calculate x and y pixel limits from --trimborder and --xfraclo etc;

call pgimag;

if (--withframe) {
  draw frame;

  write info at the side of the plot;

  draw colour wedge;

  if (--gridstyle eq 'none') {
    annotate frame with X and Y ticks;
  } else {
    annotate frame (using wcs keywords) with RA and DEC ticks;

if (--gridstyle ne 'none') {
  draw RA/DEC grid;

if (withSrcList) {
# Plot the sources:

  filter the source list using --expression;

  calculate source radii;

  if (--ncutsortstyle ne 'none') {
    sort the source list in order of the value of --ncutsortexpression;

  truncate the sorted list at --ncut;

  calculate the source labels;

  foreach (remaining source) {
    calculate the image position of the source;

    plot the source circle;

    add the label;

  if (--withframe) {
    write some stuff to the base and side of the plot;

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04