Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
set | yes | dataset | No default | |
Name of the FITS file
containing the time series. Case sensitive. |
plotdevice | no | String | ``/PS'' | Constraint : valid device
type |
Not case sensitive. |
plotfile | no | String | ```` | less than 1024 char. |
of the output file containing the plot. Case sensitive. |
binsize | no | Integer | 5 | Constraint : positive value |
bkgdyscale | no | boolean | no | yes/no |
To scale the y-axis of the plot of the background counts to be the same as the y-axis of the plot of the source counts |
tests | no | string | both | both/chi/ks |
Should both (both) tests be
carried out or simply the chi-squared (chi) or the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test |
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |