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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

makethumbs (makethumbs-0.5) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

Determination of coordinates Detail of the process Sources out of catalogue Home Index

Meta Index / Home Page / Description / Detail of the process

FITS columns used in processing

Table 2: Required columns in the input source list
Columns Data-Type Mandatory/Optional Note
SRC_NUM Double Mandatory  
RA Double Optional Recommended.
DEC Double Optional Recommended.

Table 3: Required columns in the (optional) external catalogue
Columns Data-Type Mandatory/Optional Note
OBS_ID String Mandatory  
SRC_NUM Int32 Mandatory  
IAUNAME String Optional Source name
DETID Int32 Optional Detection ID
SRCID Int32 Optional Unique source ID
RA Double Optional Usually unnecessary.
DEC Double Optional Usually unnecessary.

Table 4: Name of the possible column names
  Type Names in order of priority
Observation ID String OBS_ID    
Observation ID Integer32 OBSID    
Source ID Integer32 SRC_NUM SUM_SRC_NUM  
Detection ID Integer32 DETID SRC_NUM  
Detection ID Integer32 SRCID SRC_ID  
Is the source in? Logical INCATFLG    
Right Ascension Double RA RA_UNC RA_CORR
Declination Double DEC DEC_UNC DEC_CORR
Source name String IAUNAME XMMSRCNAME  
Note that the lower-case column names are also accepted.

Table 2 and Table 3 tabulate the column names used by this task. Some other column names are also permitted (See Table 4 for the list of candidates).

The order of the priority, in which each source parameter (obviously except for OBS_ID and SRC_NUM) is read, is as follows:

  1. Command-line argument (such as, RA and DEC)
  2. External catalogue
  3. Source list.
This may be of particular importance when an external catalogue is given as a command-line argument, where the source-list is already ingested with some columns, such as IAUNAME.

Determination of coordinates Detail of the process Sources out of catalogue Home Index

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04