XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
mos-spectra (esas-0.9.32) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
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Output Files
- mosprefix-*obj.pi - The observation data spectrum
from the selected region from the individual ccds. The ccd number,
``*'' in the file name, runs from 1 to 7 including only the
selected ccds.
- mosprefix-*ff.pi - The filter-wheel-closed data
spectrum from the selected region from the individual ccds. The ccd number,
``*'' in the file name, runs from 1 to 7.
- mosprefix-im*-elow-ehigh.fits - The
image of the filter-wheel-closed data from the selected region from the
individual ccds for the selected band. The ccd number, ``*'' in the
file name, runs from 1 to 7 and the band limits, elow and ehigh
indicate the energy band.
- mosprefix-*oc.pi - The corner spectrum from the
observation data from the individual ccds. The ccd number,
``*'' in the file name, runs from 2 to 7.
- mosprefix-*fc.pi - The corner spectrum from the
filter-wheel-closed data from the individual ccds. The ccd number,
``*'' in the file name, runs from 2 to 7.
- mosprefix.arf - The ARF file for the
mosprefix-obj.pi spectrum.
- mosprefix.rmf - The RMF file for the
mosprefix-obj.pi spectrum.
- mosprefix-exp-im.fits - The exposure image for the
observation data in sky coordinates from the field-of-view for all selected
ccds for the full energy band.
- mosprefix-exp-im-elow-ehigh.fits - The
exposure image for the observation data from the selected region for all selected
ccds for the selected band. elow and ehigh indicate the band limits.
- mosprefix-exp-im-elow-ehigh-ccd1.fits -
The exposure image for the observation data from the selected region for ccd #1
for the selected band. elow and ehigh indicate the band limits.
- mosprefix-mask-im.fits - The mask image for the
observation data from the field-of-view for all selected
ccds for the full energy band.
- mosprefix-mask-im-elow-ehigh.fits -
The mask image for the observation data from the selected region for all
selected ccds for the selected band. elow and ehigh indicate the
band limits.
- mosprefix-mask-im-elow-ehigh-ccd1.fits -
The mask image for the observation data from the selected region for ccd #1
for the selected band. elow and ehigh indicate the band limits.
- mosprefix-obj.pi - The observation data spectrum
from the selected region.
- mosprefix-obj-im.fits - The image of the
observation data in sky coordinates from the full field-of-view for all
selected ccds for the full energy band.
- mosprefix-obj-im-elow-ehigh.fits - The
image of the observation data in sky coordinates
from the selected region for all selected ccds for the selected band.
elow and ehigh indicate the band limits.
- mosprefix-obj-im-elow-ehigh-ccd1.fits -
The image of the observation data from the selected region for ccd #1
for the selected band. elow and ehigh indicate the band limits.
- mosprefix-obj-im-sp-det.fits - Image of the
selected region in detector coordinates. This image is used in the task
- mosprefix-obj-im-det-elow-ehigh.fits -
The image of the observation data in detector coordinates from the selected
region for all selected ccds for the selected band. elow and ehigh
indicate the band limits.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04