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SAS_ORBIT Environment variables Data Mode Identifiers Home Index

Meta Index / Home Page / User-visible functionality / Environment variables


There can be two types of star tracker attitude data in an ODF, viz. Attitude History Data (AHF) and Raw Attitude Data (RAF) both of which can serve as the primary source of spacecraft attitude data during the ODF processing. The environment variable allows the user to control this in the following manner:
value of SAS_ATTITUDE meaning
AHF consider AHF data only; raise error condition if missing from ODF
AHF:RAF first consider AHF data; if missing but RAF is present read RAF data; raise error condition otherwise, i.e. if both are missing
RAF:AHF first consider RAF data; if missing but AHF is present read AHF data; raise error condition otherwise, i.e. if both are missing
RAF consider RAF data only; raise error condition if missing from ODF
If the variable is not set the default behavior is identical to the setting SAS_ATTITUDE=AHF:RAF. The source of ODF attitude data shall be recorded in the data set attribute ATT_SRC.

SAS_ORBIT Environment variables Data Mode Identifiers Home Index

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04