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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

odffix (odffix-2.7) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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odffix can be used with any set of correctly named ODF components to generate some of the ODF files usually unavailable when simulating data (because scisim does not have the required satellite data, for instance) but required to make use of the SAS calibration and ODF access layers. odffix also generates the ODF summary file.

odffix can only handle one ODF at a time. This means that all the ODF components must have names starting with the same revolution and proposal identifier (RRRR_PPPPPPOOLL, in the language of the ODF interface control document [1]). If components from several ODFs are found, only those from the first ODF found are used. A warning is issued, and the extraneous components are ignored.

In the current implementation odffix creates the following auxiliary ODF components:

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04