ChangeLog for omatt =================== Version 2.56 - 2013-10-04 (VNY) ------------------------------ +(src/omastromcorrect_mod.f90) Accelerated source matching for the large number of detected sources (>2000) by reducing the magnitude range of the mathced sources. Version 2.55.1 - 2013-08-02 (VNY) +(doc/omatt_description.tex) documentation updated. Version 2.55 - 2012-11-20 (VNY) ----------------------------- +(src/ Fixed two syntaxis errors not revealed previously by a different C-compiler Version 2.54 - 2012-10-23 (VNY) -------------- +(src/ Protected against a possible crash when listing the accessed CCF constituents Version 2.53 - 2012-10-23 (VNY) -------------- +(src/omastromcorrect_mod.f90) Added the functionality to generate a subset of the USNO catalogue if it was not among the task input Version 2.52.1 - 2012-03-28 (EO) -------------- + src/Makefile: Added EXTERNALS = pgplot to ger rid of missing pgplot. Version 2.52 - 2012-03-08 (VNY) +(src/omastromcorrect_mod.f90) Added the functionality for working with the new subset of USNO catalogue (containing multiple extensions SSC-SPR-6691) Version 2.51 - 2012-03-05 (ATI) ---------------------------------- +src changes for variable boresight Version 2.50 - 2010-01-25 (CB) ---------------------------------- +doc Amended documentation Version 2.49.3 - 2009-06-12 (CB) ---------------------------------- +src Initiliased logical variable status to false for when no USNO catalogue available (further fix to SPR 6542) Version 2.49.2 - 2009-06-01 (CB) ---------------------------------- +src Amended so that POSCOROK not set to true when no astrometry correction made (fixes SPR 6542) Version 2.49.1 - 2009-05-27 (CB) ---------------------------------- +doc Ammended to fix compilation failure on Version 2.49 - 2009-05-06 (CB) ----------------------------------- +src Initialised astrometry success boolean variables to false, for when no correction attempted. Version 2.48 - 2009-03-13 (CB, VNY) ----------------------------------- Removed the calls to pgplot (to avoid failures on MAC-computers) and cleaned up in order to avoid the compillation warning messages Version 2.47 - 2009-03-13 (CB) -------------------------------- Removed "SSCLIB" from DEPEND file. Modified omrotation_mod.f90 to also rotate the 16-bit QUALITY image. Version 2.46.2 - 2008-06-16 (VNY) +(src/omatt_mod.f90) A test-printing line was removed (continuation of the bug-fixing corresponding to SSC-SPR-6478) Version 2.46.1 - 2008-06-16 (VNY) +(src/omatt_mod.f90, omrotation_mod.f90) A bug is fixed which was causing the setting of the POSCOROK keyword in the header of the rotated image to TRUE when the number of matching sources was too small and the actual value of this parameter must be FALSE (SSC-SPR-6478). Version 2.46 - 2008-04-21 (VNY) +(src/omatt_mod.f90, omrotation_mod.f90) The value of the attribute RA_OFF is divided by cos(dec) - without this the mosaiced images would show a small shifts for high declinations. Version 2.45 - 2008-04-07 (VNY) +(src/omatt_mod.f90, omrotation_mod.f90) Added two new attributes to the rotated (sky) image FITs file: RA_OFF and DEC_OFF (in arcseconds) to indicate the amount of astrometric correction applied to the image (further improvement related to SSC-SPR-3707) Version 2.44 - 2008-02-15 (VNY) +(src/omatt_mod.f90, omrotation_mod.f90) Correcting the values of the attriburtes CRVAL1 and CRVAL2 of the sky (rotated) image in the case of the parameter usecat=yes, which means that the calculated astrometry corrections of RA and DEC are applied not only to the source coordinates in the source list, but also to the sky-image (for its further correct mosaicing by the ommosaic task). SSC-SPR-3707 ------------------------------- Version 2.43 - 2007-03-09 (VNY) ------------------------------- Additional data for grism source positions is itroduced for calculation of the right ascensions and declinations for zero-order features for different combinations of primary instruments, high/low resolution modes and grism filters (UV- or V-grism). Fixing SSC-SPR-3652. Version 2.42 - 2006-11-09 (VNY) ------------------------------ modified to make the grism sources coordinates computation more accurate (SSC-SPR-3633) Version 2.41 - 2006-05-30 (VNY) ------------------------------ introduced the calculation of RA and DECs for Grisms (the modifications will be noticeable only when processing the observations with the grism filter since corresponding flags are introduced in order to distinguish in between the other filters - old code - and the grism filters - the modified code). The changes correspond to SSC-SPR-3605. Version 2.40 - 2005-09-02 (CB) ------------------ Made a minor modification to subroutine modifypositionangles to prevent source position angles exceeding 180 degrees when transformed to celestial equator coordinate system. Version 2.39.7 - 2005-06-06 (CB) ------------------ Added check to prevent source position angles from exceeding 360 degrees. Version 2.39.6 - 2005-05-23 (CB) ------------------ Removed ssc from Makefile to fix build problem. Version 2.39.5 - 2004-06-01 (CB) ------------------ A small correction to the configuration file has been made for SPR 3329. Version 2.39.4 - 2004-05-28 (CB) ------------------ Introduced paramters "maxradecerr" and "maxrmsres" to control acceptance of astrometry fit (SPR 3329). Version 2.39.3 - 2004-03-16 (CB) ------------------ Small ammendmment made to omrotation_mod to fix bright pixels appearing edges of rotated image (fixes SPR 3276) Version 2.39.2 - 2004-03-15 (CB) ------------------ Documentation ammended Version 2.39.1 - 2004-02-27 (CB) ------------------ Modification made to image rotation mod to prevent interpolation at edges going wrong. Version 2.39 - 2003-12-11 (CB) ------------------ Coorection made to image-rotation code Version 2.38 - 2003-12-10 (CB) ------------------ New cal routine om-inversedistortion implemented in image rotation Version 2.37 - 2003-11-21 (CB) -------------- DEPEND file updated for ssclib 3.0 Version 2.36 - 2003-07-11 (CB) -------------- Removed some files that were causing a dependency check problem. Version 2.35 - 2003-06-13 (CB) -------------- +(src/) Ammended omatt_mod.f90 to get various constants from omconstants_mod stored in mssllib Version 2.34 - 2003-04-30 (CB) -------------- Uploaded to make use of mssllib 2.24 Version 2.33 - 2003-03-26 (CB) -------------- Removed spurious appmessage call in omatt_mod.f90 Version 2.32 - 2003-03-15 (CB) -------------- Modified to use the module omastron_mod in msslib to do the astrometry correction- omsrclistcomb will shortly use the same module. Version 2.31 - 2003-02-26 (CB) -------------- Uploaded into development track Version 2.30.1 - 2002-12-04 (CB) -------------- Configuration file ammended. Version 2.30 - 2002-12-02 (CB) -------------- Parameter file ammended- added boolean, optional, parameter "rotateimage" - default value "true" means create rotated image. Parameter "ppsoswset" changed to an optional one. Parameter "catdir" removed. +(src/) Code ammended to implement parameter changes. Version 2.29 - 2002-10-18 (CB) -------------- Uploaded using old param file into release track Version 2.28 - 2002-06-10 (CB) -------------- Modified config and depend file for param version 2.0./ Version 2.27.1 - 2002-05-29 (CB) ----------------- Documentation updated and minor improvement to astrometry correction made. Version 2.27 - 2002-01-08 (CB) Modified DEPEND file for ssclib -------------- Version 2.26 - 2001-12-18 (CB) -------------- +(src/) Added the code to do the astrometry correction. Removed code that reset parameter usecat to FALSE if it had been set to TRUE. Parameter usecat default value changed to FALSE. If usecat set to T then omatt will attempt to do an astrometric fit and if successful will add corrected RA and DEC columns to the sourcelist, and the fitted parameter values will be added to the header. The catalogue file name is presently fixed at "". Version 2.25 - 2001-11-16 -------------- +(src/) Removed code that adds an exposure image map to the product file (fixes SPR 2639). Pixels in the rotated image outside the boundary set to NULL so that ommosaic can work without the exposure map. Version 2.24 - 2001-09-10 -------------- +(src/) Correction to coordinate system to rectify position discrepancy between source on rotated image and the overlaid source positions (fixes SPR 2372) Version 2.23 - 2001-06-14 -------------- +(src/) Modified to output the spacecraft pointing directions RA_SCX, DEC_SCX and PA. Also added pointing keywords RA_PNT and DEC_PNT Version 2.22 - 2001-04-04 -------------- Version number ammended. Version 2.21.4 - 2001-04-03 -------------- +(src/) Boundary of rotated image calculated properly to fix SPR 2237. Version 2.21.3 - 2001-02-29 -------------- +(src/) Warning message "Catalog not used" changed to a message-(fixes SPR 2263) Version 2.21.2 - 2001-02-23 -------------- +(src/) Checks added to ensure that indices of array oswimage stay within the bounds (distortion correction problem-(fixes SPR 2248) Version 2.21.1 - 2001-02-07 -------------- +(src/) Old versions of program deleted. Version 2.21 - 2001-02-02 (CB) -------------- +(src/omatt_mod.f90) Iterative loop added to compute pixel coordinates of rotated image. Extra image added to PPSOW file to store the exposure map. Version 2.20.6 - 2000-11-15 (CB) -------------- +(src/omatt_mod.f90) Some write statements removed. Version 2.20.3 - 2000-11-07 (CB) -------------- +(config/ om added. Version 2.20.2 - 2000-10-13 (CB) -------------- +(src/omatt_description.f90) Fixed syntax error in the documentation. Version 2.20.1 - 2000-10-12 (AMK) -------------- +(src/omatt_description.f90) Fixed syntax error in the documentation. Version 2.20 - 2000-10-11 (AMK) -------------- +(src/omatt_description.f90) Removed test write statments. Version 2.19 - 2000-10-11 (AMK) -------------- +(doc/omatt_description.tex) SSC-SPR-1980. Corrected fatal message in the documentation. Version 2.18 - 2000-10-10 (CB) -------------- +(src/omatt_mod.f90) Changed program so that if parameter "usecat" is TRUE then a warning message is displayed saying that the catalogue is not yet available. usecat is then set to false. Version 2.17 - 2000-10-05 (AMK) -------------- +(src/omatt_mod.f90) Removed mssllib call getFilterId and replaced it by OAL call filterIdToInt. Version 2.16 - 2000-09-29 (AMK) -------------- +(src/Makefile) Changed order of libraries =================== Version 2.15 - 2000-09-26 (AMK) -------------- +(src/Makefile) Changed order of libraries . Version 2.14 - 2000-09-07 (AMK) -------------- +(ChangeLog) Added -90 degree image rotation to correct for error in coordinate system. Maths functions sin and cos replaced by dsin and dcos (double precision versions), & some other changes to double precision made. Output image corrected for image distortion. Function "MissionTime" added to compute the difference between the average of the start and end observations and the mission reference time, in seconds. Function "FilterWavelength" added to give the filter wavelenth (nanometers) for a given filter (presently U, B, V & R). There appears to be no CAL routine for doing this. This is needed to get the correct plate-scale.Unfortunately, the CAL call getplatescale returns 0.5 whatever the input wavelength- the value is therefore currently fixed at 0.4765 Some code added to write standard coordinates to an output file for test purposes (temporary) Some write statements deleted. The +ve signs for the distortion corrections changed to -ve. Attitude matrix read in. Boresight calculation changed - uses [A*(B)^-1]*(1,0,0). Version 2.12.2 - 2000-06-22 (AMK) -------------- + (config/ fixed keyword GROUPS (SSC-SPR-1857) + (src/omatt_mod.f90) Changed poserr to be consistent with arcsecs definition from OMDETECT. Version 2.12.1 - 2000-06-13 (AMK) -------------- + (config/ added (SSC-SPR-1770). Version 2.12.1 2000-06-13 (AMK) -------------- + (src/omatt_mod.f90) Changed RA and DEC to 8 byte data as per specification. Version 2.12.1 2000-06-13 (AMK) -------------- + (src/omatt_mod.f90) Added Galactic coordinates to products. Version 2.12: 7th January 2000 Removed wavelength field from cal call. Version 2.11.1 (Marco Beijersbergen, 1999-12-15) -------------- - fixed obsolete DAL calls. Version 2.11: 8th December 1999 Note Documentation will be updated shortly Added rotation to source list coordinate output to account for satellite rollangle Dummy boresight matrix and dummy distortion applied to RA_PNT and DEC_PNT keywords Altered the boresight matrix which was causing 180 deg. error in RA Altered position of binning determination to make it more secure Version 2.10: 2nd December 1999 Added DISTRIBUTION (world) file. Version 2.9: 30th November 1999 Fixed WCS, boresight and image rotation for Sky FITS Image. Added WCS keywords to Fits Image. Version 2.8: 25th August 1999 Updated SAOIMAGE RA and DEC display keywords CR* to acknowledge binning values. Updated Checkoutput.f90 to fix error relating to changes to CAL boresight call. Version 2.7: 8th June 1999 Updated dependancies for V3. Version 2.6: 28 May 1999 Updated parameter names. Version 2.5: 4 May 1999 Updated DEPEND and src/Makefile for new structure of SAS Updated 'message' calls in code for new error library. Version 2.4: 26 March 1999 removed accuracyLevel=LOW Version 2.3: 10 December 1998 updated dependancy file RE:mssllib Version 2.2: 7th Oct 98 message call changed to warning (line 725) Version 2.1: 17 Sept 1998 intParameter("tol") changed to realParameter("tol") appended || exit 1 after omatt command (test/testomatt) Version 2.0: 21st August 1998 Several bug fixes USNO catalog used tested against DSS images all computations in real64 SPR 402 closed: f90 interface to USNO SA1 implemented SPR 401 closed: f90 interface to USNO SA1 implemented Version 1.5: 28th July 1998 images now in primary array Version 1.4: 16th June 1998 SPR 400 closed: tmp filename now obtained via mssllib routine, getpid removed SPR 404 closed: checkoutput in test harness checks values SPR 403 closed: goto replaced SPR 398 closed: .par file changed SPR 397 closed: omatt.msg deleted SPR 396 closed: access permissions changed Version 1.3: 21 May 1998 Changelog added DEPEND edited Version 1.2: 7 May 1998 SPR 205 closed: Test harness updated SPR 216 closed: see 205 Version 1.1: 27 April 1998 SPR 206 closed: data set in test harness reduced SPR 208 closed: datestamp call removed SPR 209 closed: access privs changed SPR 210 closed: .par file included SPR 211 closed: fatal call changed to error SPR 212 closed: diagnostic output removed SPR 213 closed: boolean parameter workround removed SPR 215 closed: datestamp removed (see 208) Version 1.0: 20th March 1998 Original version submitted to the SOC