ChangeLog for omdetect ========================= Version 5.34 - 2014-03-19 (VNY) ------------------------------- +src/omdetect_mod.f90: the calculation of the coincidence-loss corrected error bars is modified by using the postulation of the s/n ratio being the same for the corrected count rates as for the raw count rates; Setting to NULL the corrected count rates for the sources with raw+nkg count rate >0.97 counts per frame. Version 5.33.2 - 2013-11-12 (VNY) ------------------------------- +src/omdetect_mod.f90: Fixed the problem of changing variable photometryRadius reported in SSC-SPR-0007155. The problem consisted in the fact that the variable apertureRadius declared as a local variable in omdetect was also declared as a global variable in the library mssllib. This was leading to the same memory location for the variables photometryRadius and apertureRadius, which was wrong. Version 5.33.1 - 2013-11-10 (VNY) ------------------------------- +src/omdetect_mod.f90: added two new columns for the background errors, BKG_RATE_ERR and CORR_BKG_RATE_ERR by using mssllib module omsrctable_mod.f90; updated the calculation of source and background count rate errors to fix the problem reported in SSC-SPR-7153. Introduced the rounding the source x- and y- coordinates to the accuracy of 0.1 pixel size in order to make the source photometry output similar on different computers. Version 5.33 - 2013-08-16 (VNY) +(src/omdetect_mod.f90) Skipping the check of the binning factor for mosaiced images as this check is designed for detector-coordinate images only. -------------------------------- +(doc/omdetect_description.tex) Documentation corrected -------------------------------- Version 5.32 - 2013-07-13 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(doc/omdetect_description.tex) Documentation corrected -------------------------------- Version 5.31 - 2013-07-11 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(src/omdetect_mod.f90) Introduced the check of the binnig factor by using the header-based window size and the actual window size. -------------------------------- Version 5.30 - 2012-11-23 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(src/omdetect._mod.f90, src/omdetectdetection_mod.f90) Improved the algorithm for detecting large scattered-light features (in terms of computer time usage). -------------------------------- Version 5.29 - 2012-11-23 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(src/omdetect._mod.f90, src/omdetectdetection_mod.f90) Included the detection of large scattered-light features (large extended sources) whose masks are transferred to the quality map extension of the input image file; the sources within these regions are flagged as sitting on an extended source (bit 8 of the quality flag). -------------------------------- Version 5.28 - 2011-11-20 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(ompsfphotometry_mod.f90) Further improvements of the psf-photmetry algorithm: the calculation of the slope of the psf-profile is removed; the psf-photometry of close neighbouring sources is made by using the calibration PSF from CAL -------------------------------- Version 5.27.2 - 2011-02-19 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(config/omdetect.par): the use of the parameter psfphotometryenabled is restricted for test purposes only; documentation updated. -------------------------------- Version 5.27.1 - 2010-12-10 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(/test/createtest.f90) Changes in calling the random_seed routine introduced by Eduardo Ojero to make the task working on 64-bit machines (SSC-SPR-6639). -------------------------------- Version 5.27 - 2010-11-14 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(ompsfphotometry_mod.f90) The psf-photmetry algorithm is improved: a few bugs are fixed; new method for calculating the slope of the psf-profile is introduced; the least-squares solution is removed from one of the subroutines to accelerate the calculation. -------------------------------- Version 5.26 - 2010-11-07 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(ompsfphotometry_mod.f90) Fixed a bug in the subroutine findNeighbours, which might cause a crash due to the usage of unallocated pointer; +(omdetect_mod.f90) a new parameter (neighboursforpsfphotometry) is introduced to get more flexibility in implementing the PSF-photometry of sources Version 5.25 - 2010-10-17 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(config/omdetect.par): new parameter (psfphotometryset) is introduced to separate the source lists with the aperture photometry and PSF-photometry. The range of the parameter psfphotometryenabled is returned to normal (yes/no) as now the aperture photometry source list is not overwritten when PSF-photometry is requasted. +(src/omdetect_mod.f90, ompsfphotometry_mod.f90, omphotometry_mod.f90) The algorithm for PSF-photometry is improved. Version 5.24.5 - 2010-04-20 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(config/omdetect.par): The range of the parameter psfphotometryenabled is restricted to a single "no" value because the performance of the task using the psf-photometry is not yet satisfactory (following the recommendation of SAS-CCB panel of 2010-04-20). Version 5.24.4 - 2010-04-02 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(src/parameters_mod.f90): Better protection against source duplication in the Fast-mode detection is introduced (further fixing of SSC-SPR-6601). Version 5.24.3 - 2010-04-01 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(src/omdetect_mod.f90, omdetectdetection_mod.f90, parameters_mod.f90): modified the algorithm for calculation of the source position in the case of processing Fast-mode images. Instead of using the moments the coordinates are obtained by weighting the image pixels around the brightest source pixel (fixing SSC-SPR-6605). Version 5.24.2 - 2010-03-19 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(src/omdetect_mod.f90): Introduced checking of the source proximity to each other in order to avoid duplicated detections of the same source in the Fast mode (SSC-SPR-6601) Version 5.24.1 - 2010-03-03 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(src/ompsfphotometry): introduced the re-calculation of the coincidence-loss correction factor after implementing the psf-photometry Version 5.24 - 2010-01-29 (CB) -------------------------------- +src ompsfphotometry_mod reduced memory requirements Version 5.23 - 2010-01-27 (CB) -------------------------------- +doc Corrected description about psf photometry Version 5.22 - 2010-01-25 (CB) -------------------------------- +src Amended bounds on psf fitting when source near an edge Version 5.21 - 2010-01-22 (CB) -------------------------------- +doc Corrected a section of the documentation Version 5.20 - 2010-01-22 (CB) -------------------------------- +src Introduced the ability to do photometry through psf fitting through new module ompsfphotometry_mod Introduced new default parameters psfphotometryenabled and maxrawcountrate for this purpose (SCR's 289 and 295). Introduced new parameter backgroundmethod for changing the method to determine the background. Version 5.19.5 - 2009-07-20 (CB) -------------------------------- +src Deleted ssc from Makefile to fix gcc4 build failure Version 5.19.4 - 2009-06-08 (CB) -------------------------------- +src Added short subroutine modifyQualityImage to omdetect_mod.f90 to reset quality pixels to false if image pixels are >= 0, not nans and not "hot" to fix SPR 6544. Version 5.19.3 - 2009-05-28 (CB) -------------------------------- +doc Further minor Amendment to document to fix compilation failure on Version 5.19.2 - 2009-05-27 (CB) -------------------------------- +doc Ammended doc to fix comp failure on Version 5.19.1 - 2009-05-18 (CB) -------------------------------- +src Set parameter nsources to 0 in subroutine fastdetection in omdetect_mod.f90 to prevent spurious source-list when no actual sources on image (SPR 6533) Version 5.19 - 2009-04-28 (CB) -------------------------------- Added some pointer nullify statements to point-source detection algorithm to prevent possible dangling pointers Version 5.18 - 2009-04-24 (CB) -------------------------------- Ammended documentation Removed some obsolete modules Version 5.17 - 2009-03-11 (CB) -------------------------------- Modified to be able to process mosaiced sky-images containing an exposure image. Added a few extra checks in source-parameterisation routines for nan values. Version 5.16 - 2008-10-07 (CB) Modified omdetectdetection_mod- added a few nullify statements in extended-source detection routines. This is a further fix for SPR 3704. Version 5.15 - 2008-07-30 (CB) Adjusted a parameter for FAST-mode detection to pick up fainter sources Version 5.14.1 - 2008-06-18 (CB) Added two checks for nan values in subroutine sourcecircle in omdetectdetection_mod to exclude them before calling median function (which couldn't cope with them). Fixes SPR 6483 Version 5.14 - 2008-05-07 (CB) Made some small improvements to the documentation. Version 5.13 - 2008-05-02 (CB) Made some small improvements for detecting smoke rings Version 5.12 - 2008-04-23 (CB) Made some improvements of flagging of smoke-ring sources and some small mods to reduce execution time and improve detection reliability Version 5.11 - 2008-03-13 (CB) Added a nullify statement after the pointer "image" is deallocated to fix SPR 3711 Version 5.10 - 2008-01-17 (CB) Made small modification to omdetect_mod.f90 to stop rare problem where program stops prematurely (SPR 3704). Version 5.9.1 - 2007-06-20 (CB) -------------------------------- Made some small modifications to subroutine "refinesourcemap3" in omsourcemap_mod and a further few minor mods in module "omdetectdetection_mod" to fix SPR 3670. Version 5.9 - 2007-05-21 (CB) -------------------------------- Made a small modification to function "checkvicinity" in omdetectdetection_mod Version 5.8 - 2007-03-28 (CB) -------------------------------- Made a small modification to parameters_mod Version 5.7 - 2007-03-09 (CB) -------------------------------- Made a few minor modifications to reduce run-time. Version 5.6 - 2006-05-31 (CB) -------------------------------- Removed some test write statements Version 5.5 - 2006-05-30 (CB) -------------------------------- Made a small modification to the way the background image is computed to reduce the cpu time. Also made a minor change the faint-source detection algorithm Version 5.4.3 - 2005-12-01 (CB) -------------------------------- Small bug fixed on omdetectdetection_mod.f90 in subroutine isvalidfirstordersource to fix crash processing a grism image(to fix SPR 3558) Version 5.4.2 - 2005-12-01 (CB) -------------------------------- Made small modification to background estimation in central enhancement region (to fix SPR 3528) Version 5.4.1 - 2005-10-07 (CB) -------------------------------- Removed a subroutine call that masks out the centre region prior to extended-source detection (to fix SPR 3527) Version 5.4 - 2005-09-12 (CB) -------------------------------- Updated documentation and a couple of minor tweaks made to module omdetecdetection_mod. Version 5.3 - 2005-08-25 (CB) -------------------------------- Removed all mention of minim_mod to fix build problem. (fixes SPR 3510). Version 5.2 - 2005-08-25 (CB) -------------------------------- Removed module minim_mod to fix build problem. Version 5.1 - 2005-08-16 (CB) -------------------------------- Modified subroutine fastdetection in omdetect_mod.f90 so that point-source detection pointers only deleted after call to extendedsource algorithm (fixes SPR 3499) Ammended test harness. Version 5.0.7 - 2005-08-09 (CB) -------------------------------- Made a small modification to omdetectdetection_mod.f90 to make the number of pixels above the background to be a minimum of 2 for those pixels to be checked for a possible source (fixes SPR 3492). Also made minor modification to grism detection module to fix zeroth order sources lying close to first order sources being missed. Removed some test statements to reduce execution time. Updated documentation. Removed some redundant code. Version 5.0.6 - 2005-06-10 (CB) -------------------------------- Additional line of code added to subroutine mergeextendedsources in omdetect_mod.f90 to fix SPR 3477 (extended sources being misclassified).. Version 5.0.5 - 2005-06-09 (CB) -------------------------------- Reduced image size in test harness and increased parameter nsigma to prevent test-harness failure due to timing-out (fixes SPR 3475) Version 5.0.4 - 2005-06-08 (CB) -------------------------------- Added a call to subroutine aperturephotometry in suboutine fastdetection to make the fast-mode source-list files similar to those produced by earlier versions (fixes SPR 3466) Version 5.0.3 - 2005-05-24 (CB) -------------------------------- Further small mod to fix SPR 3459. Version 5.0.2 - 2005-05-24 (CB) -------------------------------- Added check to prevent an array-bound error when a source is detected close to edge (fixes SPR 3459). Version 5.0.1 - 2005-05-23 (CB) -------------------------------- Ammended Makefile in config directory to fix SPR 3456. Version 5.0 - 2005-05-20 (CB) -------------------------------- Incorporates many improvements - better detection of faint- sources, sources with close neighbours and extended sources. Better classification of sources and additional flags set. A background image is produced which can be viewed. Version 4.19.5 - 2004-03-02 (CB) -------------------------------- Made a minor modification to subroutine imagedetection to fix a failure when the parameter detectextended=false (couldn't raise an SPR because netscape not working here). Version 4.19.4 - 2004-02-27 (CB) -------------------------------- A small modification has been made to the grism-detection routine, so that the actual source-detection routine is run 3 times with decreasing image threshold values. This reduces the risk of bright detected spectra being contaminated by scattered light which prevents omgrism from constructing spectra for them (fixes SPR 3261). Version 4.19.3 - 2004-02-19 (CB) -------------------------------- Ammended omdetectdetection_mod.f90 to carry out another search for point-sources after main search, using smaller radii to compute counts, which enables more fainter sources to be detected and also more sources that are in close proximity to another one (fixes SPR 3252). Version 4.19.2 - 2004-01-06 (CB) -------------------------------- Ammended module omdetectdetection_mod to fix compilation failure on TRU 64 at MPE (fixes SPR 3192). Ammended parameter constant in omdetectdetection_mod and added check in omdetect_mod for fast mode data to check that a source has been detected by point-source detection algorithm- if not extended-source detection made to find possible source. Version 4.19.1 - 2003-12-12 (CB) -------------------------------- Module matrix_mod deleted to fix build problem on Darwin 6.8 (fixes SPR 3174) Version 4.19 - 2003-12-11 (CB) -------------------------------- Some source-detection parameters adjusted. Version 4.18 - 2003-12-09 (CB) -------------------------------- Some paremeters for grism source-detection tweaked. Version 4.17 - 2003-12-05 (CB) -------------------------------- Improved detection alogorithim added for grism spectra. Version 4.16 - 2003-11-21 (CB) -------------------------------- DEPEND file ammended for ssclib 3.0 Version 4.15 - 2003-11-19 (CB) -------------------------------- A couple of minor changes for ssclib version 3.0. Version 4.14 - 2003-11-12 (CB) -------------------------------- Added check for zero detected sources to prevent array problem. Version 4.13 - 2003-10-10 (CB) -------------------------------- Added optional parameter "background" to enable the user to fix the global background value for source-detection. Module omdetectdetection moved into mssllib, since it is now also needed by omgsource. Version 4.12 - 2003-08-13 (CB) -------------------------------- Documentation correction for SPR 3088. Version 4.11 - 2003-07-16 (CB) -------------------------------- + (src/omdetection_mod.f90) A parameter adjustment to extended source detection routine for grism data. Version 4.10 - 2003-07-14 (CB) -------------------------------- + (src/omdetection_mod.f90) A couple of minor modifications made to reduce executiuon time. Version 4.9 - 2003-07-11 (CB) -------------------------------- + (src/omdetecttest_mod.f90) Parameter adjustment for grism data.. Version 4.8 - 2003-06-17 (VNY) -------------------------------- + (test/testomdetecttest) some lines in the testomdetect script are uncommented to ensure the correct finishing of the test Version 4.7 - 2003-06-03 (CB) -------------------------------- + (src/omdetecttest_mod.f90) Minor mod to fix build problem. Version 4.6 - 2003-05-07 (CB) -------------------------------- + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) Added OmConstants_mod to list of modules to fix build problem. Version 4.5 - 2003-05-01 (CB) -------------------------------- Minor modification made to enable it to be used in the omgrism chain. Version 4.4 - 2003-04-29 (CB) -------------------------------- A couple of minor modifications made to rectify problem reported on xmmsas-20030427-0057. Version 4.3 - 2003-03-15 (CB) -------------------------------- Now uses modules in mssllib to perform photometry, smooth image, create source-list file and compute magnitudes, as will omsource shortly. Version 4.2 - 2003-14-02 (CB) -------------------------------- Uploaded into development track. Version 4.1.11 - 2003-14-02 (CB) -------------------------------- Corrected 0.5 pixel error in positions & reduced size of centroiding box to reduce contamination by nearby sources (fixes SPRs 3071 & 3077). Made small improvements to source-detection routine (to fix SPR 3078). Point-source detection algorithm now searches for sources in order of decreasing pixel value. Faint sources now less likely to be missed. Version 4.1.10 - 2003-01-08 (CB) -------------------------------- + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) Modified to obtain ccdframe time and deadfraction from wdx file if not present in image header, so that omdetect is backwards compatible with old images. added optional parameter wdxset to config file to get information. Version 4.1.9 - 2002-12-20 (CB) -------------------------------- Remove write statement in omdetectbackground_mod.f90 Version 4.1.8 - 2002-12-18 (CB) -------------------------------- Documentation correction. Version 4.1.7 - 2002-12-03 (CB) -------------------------------- Test harness ammended to fix test failure. Version 4.1.6 - 2002-12-03 (CB) -------------------------------- Ammended program to fix SPRs 3039 & 3035. Version 4.1.5 - 2002-11-01 (CB) -------------------------------- Ammended program to fix SPRs 3018 & 3019. Version 4.1.4 - 2002-11-01 (CB) -------------------------------- Blundered in making minor code modification.. Version 4.1.3 - 2002-11-01 (CB) -------------------------------- Minor ammendment to code that validates extended source. Version 4.1.2 - 2002-10-29 (CB) -------------------------------- Test harness modified to cure failure. Version 4.1.1 - 2002-10-24 (CB) -------------------------------- + (src/omdetectdetection_mod.f90) Modified to deal better with sources surrounded by strong mod-8 patterns. Version 4.1 - 2002-10-15 (CB) -------------------------------- + (src/omdetectphotometry_mod.f90) modified to do extended photometry more accurately. New columns in source-list added. Source detection algorithm improved. Program tidied up. Version 3.5.7 - 2002-07-11 (CB) -------------------------------- Code tidied up. Number of connected pixels in a source limited to maximum of 10000 to prevent program crashing (fixes SPR 2851) New source detection routine (in module sourcedetection) added to detect point sources that the original source detection code misses in extended source regions. Memory requirements reduced. Two minor bugs fixed. Version 3.5.5 2002-03-26 (CB) -------------------------------- Some write statements removed. Version 3.5.4 2002-03-14 (CB) -------------------------------- Documentation corrected. Version 3.5.3 2002-01-28 (CB) + (src/omdetectphotometry_mod.f90) Code for getting the background mode from a histogram of sky values replaced with a more reliable method and pixels in the vicinity of sources excluded (fixes SPR 2780). In doing this the magnitudes are more reliable (fixes SPR 2731). Background map found to be okay (SPR 2764). Version 3.5.2 2002-01-28 (CB) + (src/omdetectphotometry_mod.f90) Removed some write statements. Test harness ammended to prevent occasional failure when in fact program is working satisfactorily. Version 3.5.1 2002-01-28 (CB) + (src/omdetectphotometry_mod.f90) Modification made to trap a problem that occurred (SPR 2682) analysing a strange image that caused the source detection algorithm to go hay-wire, resulting in a crash- One initially detected source was subsequently analysed and split into about 80 sources (normally no more than 3), causing an array bound crash. If this problem now occurs omdetect will add the keyword "SRC_DET" to the source list file header, mentioning the problem- warning message also output (Fixes SPR 2682). Version 3.5 2002-08-02 (CB) ___________ DEPEND file ammended for SSCLIB Version 3.4 2001-15-12 (CB) Minor improvements to source detection made - code for smoothing images modified so that a rectangle instead of a box can be made. Documentation ammended (SPR 2653) ====================== Version 3.3 - 2001-11-22 (JBa) ------------ + (doc/omdetect_description.tex): fixed documentation Version 3.2.5 2001-11-02 (VNY) + (test/createtest.f90, test/checkoutput.f90) calculation of exp and division operations are made more robusts Version 3.2.4 2001-10-30 (CB) + (test/checkoutput.f90) Array subscripting error rectified. Version 3.2.3 2001-10-23 (VNY) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) A protection against negative values was introduced before calculation of log and lnFactrl Version 3.2.2 2001-09-20 (CB) + (src/omdetectsourceparams_mod.f90) Negative background-subtracted pixel values reset to zero to prevet crashing (fixes SPR 2605). Version 3.2.1 2001-09-20 (CB) + (src/omdetectsourceparams_mod.f90) Sources were being rejected if the source semi-minor axis squared, computed from the moments, was negative (usually a the source is close to another one). A minor modification has been made to overcome this (fixes SPR 2602). Test harness modified to conduct a test for the fast-chain. Version 3.2 2001-09-20 (VNY) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) A bug in the sourcePars array indexation has been fixed. Version 3.1 2001-09-17 (VNY) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) Correction of X and Y positions was introduced for the cases when the source is near the edge of the field of view (only for the FAST mode). Version 3.0.5 2001-08-20 (CB) + (test/createtest.f90) The dimensions of the quality array set equal to those of the image (instead of 1, 1 as in previous versions)- fixes SPR 2539. Some compiler warning messages eradicated. Version 3.0.4 2001-08-07 (VNY, CB) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) A code in the COMPUTEMODE routine which causes underestimation of the background median value has been removed. The parameter TOLERANCE has been set to 1 pixel for the IMAGING mode and to the maximum of two sources semi major axis for the FAST mode chain (within the code eliminating multiple sources). omMode variable has been introduced to differentiate FAST and IMAGING modes. In order to improve the program's detection ability, negative values appearing after background substraction have been zeroed (in the detection routine) + (config/omdetect.par) Default value for contrast parameter set to 0.001 to improve source detection in regions contaminated by scattered light (fixes SPR 2515). Bug in background computation fixed (also SPR 2515). Version 3.0.3 2001-07-28 (CB) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) The photometry aperture radius is now fixed at 12 pixels, instead of being obtained from a call to get CAL_getApertureRadius (fixes SPR 2495). Version 3.0.2 2001-07-24 (CB) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) In the first call to subroutine "smoothImage", the smoothing parameter has been changed back to its original value of 3 (it had been changed for the fast-chain but further tests have shown that the value 3 works okay for the fast-chain) (fixes SPR 2490). Version 3.0.1 2001-07-24 (CB) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) Array bounds for quality image array changed to start at 0 instead of 1 (fixes SPR 2482) Version 3.0 2001-07-20 (CB/VNY) Module "omdetectphotometry_mod.f90" added to do aperture photometry on the sources (SPR 2091). Quality flag for each source now set by omdetect (SPR 2092). Extra columns (source aperture radius, x and y positions) output by omdetect so that ommag can correctly convert the source counts to instrumental magnitudes. The extended flag for each source now set by comparing the gaussian-fit parameters with those fitted to the point-spread function. The confusion flag for each source set according to the distance to its nearest neighbour source. Boxscale parameter now should be given in arcsecs (SPR 2094). Program split-up into more modules to make it easier to read and maintain. Some minor changes made to make it run faster. Program now works with filter "MAGNIFIER" (SPR 2192) Algorithm for searching for overlapping sources modified. Some momory leaks rectified. The improvement in the photometry is quantified in the tex file. Version 2.24.2 2001-05-01 (CB) Limiting plate count rate ammended so that the limiting counts per pixel is multiplied by the photometry aperture area (fixes SPR 2090). Aperture radius obtained from CAL routine. Parameter "device" deleted and all pgplot code. Program also tidied up. Version 2.24.1 2001-02-06 (CB) Removed old versions of omdetect. Version 2.24 2001-01-11 (CB) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) Program checks that mediam background > 0.0 before calculating background limitomng count rate (fixes bug - SPR 2204) Version 2.23 2001-01-11 (CB) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) Program now stores the source background count rates in the source-list file so that ommag can correctly apply the corrections for coincidence losses, etc. Version 2.22.2 2000-11-08 (JPDM) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) Program now calculates the detection-limit count rate and outputs the value to the source-list file. Version 2.22.1 2000-10-25 (JPDM) + (src/omdetectsourceparams_mod.f90) Fix argument list error in simplex code and rewrote nexttopostion to nearestNeighbourNewParam to remove recursive nature of call (fix run time problem at estec) Version 2.22 2000-10-03 (AMK) ------------------------------ + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) Added 'White ' to the list of possible filters. Just covers the lower case of 'WHITE' which has been seen in cycle 0070 SAS file. Filter WHITE is also in the list. Version 2.20 2000-10-03 (AMK) ------------------------------ + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) REplace call to getFilterId by OAL call to filterIdToInt Version 2.19 2000-0904 (AMK) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) Reinstated the call to CAL_omGetPLa teScale. Version 2.19 2000-0904 (AMK) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) added code to read in the quality array. The task will have to be modified eventually so that the quality array is processed in order to deal with image pixels that are zero in the flatfield. Currently these problem image pixels have been sent to zero. Version 2.18.3 2000-06-22 (JPDM) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) changed tolerance for extent flag (SSC-SPR-1865) Version 2.18.2 2000-06-21 (JPDM) + (config/ fixed VISIBLE keyword (SSC-SPR-1859) Version 2.18.1 2000-06-16 (AMK/JPDM) -------------- + (config/ added (SSC-SPR 1701)` + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) changed RA/DEC from 32 to 64 bit numbers in output file. (SSC-SPR-1769) + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) fixed problem with deblending sources giving spurious bad sources + (src/omdetect_mod.f90) fixed some memory leaks. + (src/omdetectsourceparams.f90) fixed part of deblending code. Version 2.18: 28 April 2000 Modified documentation to conform to new requirements - SPR 1644 Also fixed checkoutput in test bed Version 2.17: 14 March 2000 Removed superfluous call release causing seg. fault. Version 2.16: 1 March 2000 Test harness fixed. array oveflow problem fixed Version 2.15: 21 February 2000 Added Cal to Makefile Version 2.14: 27 January 2000 Effectively complete rewrite of main routines in OMDETECT. New source detection (multiple scales) + extractor like deblend algorithm and source parameterisation Fixed small bug with background determination Version 2.13: 06 January 2000 Add in flat field and mod8 noise image to create background map to compare against raw image (maintains poisson nature of data) Version 2.12.1 (Marco Beijersbergen, 199-12-15) -------------- - fixed obsolete DAL call - fixed message calls version 2.12: 25 November 1999 Fixed problem with stripy images version 2.11: 22 November 1999 Fixed problem with very small windows (i.e. fast mode windows) version 2.10: 12 November 1999 Fixed bug in getCounts changed an nx-1 to ny-1 version 2.9: 09 November 1999 Changed background determination method to smoothing+sigma clipping Changed source detection to sliding box including Poisson statistics if needed version 2.8: 29 September 1999 Made omdetect exit cleanly when image is empty. version 2.7: 28 September 1999 Added error when image is empty. version 2.6: 24 September 1999 Added checks to allow processing of images with blank areas. version 2.5: 8 June 1999 Updated Dependencies for V3 delivery. Updated testomdetect for exit values. Updated parameters to comply with Standardisation Rules. Added new subroutine getCounts to sum counts in an elliptical apperture. Version 2.4: 4 May 1999 Updated DEPEND and src/Makefile for new structure of SAS Updated 'message' calls in code for new error library. RA column now produces sensible values Version 2.3: 10 December 1998 updated Dependancy file RE: mssllib Version 2.2: 22 October 1998 bug fix in checkoutput in test harness Version 2.1: 15th Sep 1998 diagnostic message added to print out number of iterations Version 2.0: 17th August 1998 Algorithm changed to an island search Test harness improved Version 1.5: 28th July 1998 images moved to primary array Version 1.4: 25th June 1998 A workaround was included for the nagace do,while bug. This work around simply consists of an additional line of output per iteration - it has no impact on the scientific functionality Version 1.3: 16th June 1998 SPR 410 closed: gotos replaced by exit SPR 409 closed: file deleted SPR 408 closed: .par file editted Version 1.2 ChangeLog added DEPEND file edited Version 1.1: 8 May 1998 Task test harness updated SPR 224 closed: access privs changed SPR 225 closed: .par added SPR 226 closed: fatal call changed to error SPR 227 closed: copy deleted SPR 230 closed: datestamp call removed Version 1.0: 20 March 1998