XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
omdetect (omdetect-5.34) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
Meta Index / Home Page / Algorithm / Summary of the algorithm
Mosaiced image-files are produced by ommosaic and contain three image extendions:
- A count-rate image
- An exposure map containing pixel-by-pixel effective exposure times.
- A quality array containing position-dependent image quality-flags.
All three images are of equal size, pointing and orientation. In preparation for source-detection,
mosaiced images undergo an additional and initial process where the count-rates are multiplied uniformly
by the median exposure time across the whole image. This artificial step is performed only to enable
accurate source detection and is accounted for during aperture-photometry.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04