Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
set | yes | string | none | |
name of OM product FITS image file (either one produced by ommodmap or one produced by ommosaic).
outset | yes | string | none | |
name of output OM source list file
wdxset | no | string | ``'' | |
name of OM priority-window data auxiliary file - needed for images produced by pre 5.4 sas
nsigma | no | real | 2.0 | 1.0- |
number of above background required for a detection
minsignificance | no | real | 1.0 | 0.0- |
minimum significance of sources to be included in the SRCLIST table of the output source-list file.
if 0 then no checking done.
levelimage | no | string | none | |
name of image of island detections
backgroundimage | no | string | none | |
name of background image file
regionfile | no | string | | |
name of ds9 region file
detectextended | no | bool | true | |
Determines whether algorithm for detecting
extended sources should be used
psfphotometryenabled | no | bool | false | |
If set to true the photometry for FAST mode images
will be performed using psf fitting, and for IMAGING
mode for those sources with close neighbours. In the current
version of the task the use of this parameter is disabled.
neighboursforpsfphotometry | no | integer | 1 | 0-7 |
Determines the minimal number of neighbours of a source to implement
its PSF-photometry (in the case of the parameter psfphotometryenabled
set to true). To save computing time, PSF-photometry is not applied to
the sources having the number of close neighbours less
than neighboursforpsfphotometry.
psfphotometryset | no | string | | |
name of the output file for the source list with PSF-photometry
maxrawcountrate | no | real | 1.0 | 0.0- |
Maximum raw count-rate (as determined by aperture photometry) above
which psf photometry should not be used.
backgroundmethod | no | integer | 1 | 1-5 |
Determines which background method should be used- 1=current SAS method,
2=mean, 3=median, 4-mode, 5=using background image.
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |