ChangeLog for omdrifthist ========================= Version 1.29 - 2012-07-20 (VNY) (+src/omdrifthist_mod.f90) increased the length of the file names for the output FITS and PS files; removed the usage of the binBPE keyword as this was wrong; the layout of the exposure information header is improved. Version 1.28.2 - 2009-10-12 (CB) ------------------------------ +doc Corrected documentation to fix +src/omdrifthist_mod,.f90 Changed graph label "percentage of excursions outside 1.0 arc sec" to "percentage of excursions outside 1,0 pixels" SPR 6564 Version 1.28.1 - 2009-07-20 (CB) ------------------------------ +src Deleted ssc from Makefile to fix gcc4 build failure Version 1.28 - 2009-02-11 (CB) ------------------------------ Deleted ssclib from DEPEND file to fix build problem on xmac02 machine Version 1.27.1 - 2004-05-18 (CB) ------------------------------ Removed mssl from src Makefile usedlibs line and use getfilterid_mod from main module, to fix run-time bus-error problem on mac. Version 1.27 - 2003-11-21 (CB) ------------------------------ DEPEND file ammended for ssclib 3.0 Version 1.26 - 2003-11-11 (CB) ------------------------------ (+/src/omdrifthist_mod.f90) Rectified a bug in a call to pgplot routine pgpnt. Version 1.25 - 2003-11-11 (CB) ------------------------------ (+/src/omdrifthist_mod.f90) Ammended a couple of format statements to try to fix problem with call to sas warning Version 1.24 - 2003-06-30 (CB) ------------------------------ Makefile ammended to correct Mac OS X build failure- removed reference to msslplot (fixes SPR 3137) Version 1.23 - 25/09/02 (VNY) ------------------------------ file DEPEND updated (dependence on SAS-1.321 included) Version 1.22 - 13/05/02 (VNY) ------------------------------ files DEPEND and PAR updated to work with new PARAM-2.0 Version 1.21.3 - 2002-03-14 (CB) ------------------------------ Documentation corrected. Version 1.21.2 - 2002-02-18 (CB) ------------------------------ Makefile ammended to cure static-build (fixes SPR 2756) Version 1.21.1 - 2002-01-28 (VNY) ------------------------------ (+/config/omdrifthist.par) Parameter types have been updated for obligatory and optional parameters. Version 1.21 - 2002-01-08 (VNY) ---------------------------- Dependencies file has been updated to work with higher version of ssclib (2.0) Version 1.20 - 2000-10-03 (CB) ----------------- +(src/omdrifthist_mod.f90) Check added to make sure that the number of guide-stars in a tracking frame is at least 3 and then another one to make sure that the number of good tracking frames is at least 1- warning message issued, no plots produced and ZERODRIFT block added to tracking-history file enabling the omichain to continue (fixes SPR 2574) Version 1.19 - 2000-12-16 (CB) ----------------- +(src/omdrifthist_mod.f90) Target name and tracking information added to graph, and graph tidied up (SPR 2125) Version 1.18.1 - 2000-11-07 (CB) ----------------- +(config/ "om" added. Version 1.18 - 2000-09-08 (AMK) ----------------- +(src/omdrifthist_mod.f90) General tidy of code. Version 1.17.4 - 2000--6-27 (AK) ------------------------------ Removed spurious files from task Version 1.17.3 - 2000-06-22 (AK) ------------------------------ + (config/ fixed keyword DESCRIPTION (SSC-SPR-1860) Version 1.17.2 7th June 2000 (AMK) SPR 1719 info files included Tidied up memory allocations Version 1.17.1 30th May 2000 (AMK) Included info files with task Updated task to exit gracefully when no tracking information is available. Updated documentation - spr 1656 Version 1.16 29 March 2000 (JES) Updated documentation - spr 1551 Version 1.15 17 March 2000 (JFR) Added PAGES parameter to command line. List of pages to be plotted. Version 1.14 2nd December 1999 Added DISTRIBUTION (world) file Version 1.13 16th June 1999 Replaced -e with -s in second test call in testomdrifthist (-e works on LINUX but not on SOLARIS) Version 1.12 11th June 1999 Removed 'test' from testomdrifthist. Version 1.11 9th June 1999 Replaced if-test statement with rm -f in testomdrifthist. Version 1.10 8th June 1999 Updated dependancies for V3. Version 1.9 27th May 1999 Changed testomdrifthist wrt removal of output file. Version 1.8: 20th May 1999 'Spring clean' of code (tidy, comment and fix bugs). Changed input parameters to conform to new standards. Added checks on input file types. Update testomprep and checkoutput for new dataset. Update dependancy file. Trailing newline added to all Makefiles prompted by "make dist". SPR 931 closed: test harness now works properly. Version 1.7: 1999-04-22 - SOC upload to fix a problem with missing trailing new line in src/Makefile Version 1.6: 19th August 1998 bpe binning bug corrected Version 1.5: 16th June 1998 SPR 413 closed: postscript output tested with gs SPR 412 closed: .par file changed SPR 411 closed: permissions changed Version 1.4: 21 May 1998 ChangeLog added DEPEND edited Version 1.3: 14 May 1998 SPR 4 closed: input filename extended to 1024 characters SPR 5 closed: task now produces error if output file not opened Version 1.2: 8 May 1998 Code tidied Version 1.1: 27 April 1998 SPR 231 closed: .par file added Version 1.0: 20 March 1998 Original version submitted to SOC