Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
inpdirectory | no | string | none | |
Directory path-name of the input files directory - defaults to the current directory.
outdirectory | no | string | none | |
Directory path-name of the output files directory - defaults to inpdirectory
comment | no | string | none | |
User's comments for output
nsigma | no | real | 2 |  |
Number of above the background required for a detection
(this parameter is passed to omdetect, see the description
of omdetect.
combine | no | boolean | yes | |
Condition for combining the Engineering-2 subwindows
spectrumhalfwidth | no | real | -8.0 | -20 to 20 |
Half-width of the spectrum extraction region (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise)
bkgoffsetleft | no | real | 0. | -20 to 20 |
Offset of the left background extraction region from the edge of the
spectrum extraction area; in pixels, if negative, or in FWHWs otherwise.
bkgwidthleft | no | real | -8. | -40 to 40 |
Width of the left background extraction region; in pixels, if negative,
or in FWHWs otherwise.
bkgoffsetright | no | real | 0. | -20 to 20 |
Offset for the right background extraction region; in pixels, if
negative, and in FWHWs otherwise.
bkgwidthright | no | real | -8. | -40 to 40 |
Width of the right background extraction region; in pixels, if negative,
or in FWHWs otherwise.
spectrumsmoothlength | no | integer | |  |
Length of the smoothing window for smoothing the extracted
spectra, if necessary. Values 0 or 1 of this parameter imply
no smotthing.
extractionmode | no | integer | |  |
Switch between different extraction modes. The
value 0 corresponds to the normal extraction (summation of
counts in the cross-dispersion direction); 1 corresponds to the Optimal
Extraction (Horne's algorithm [2]);
2 corresponds to the spline smoothing of the spectrum cross-section;
3 corresponds to the Gaussian fit of the spectrum cross-section.
extractfieldspectra | no | boolean | no | |
Condition for extraction either only the target object spectrum or
all available spectra of the sources in the field
mod8correction | no | integer | 1 | 0 to 3 |
Condition for removing the modulo-8 noise: 0: correction not applied;
1: correction applied using the modulo-8 map extracted from the
input image; 2: correction applied using the modulo-8 map extracted
from the OM CCF flat field; 3: correction applied multiplying
the input image by the OM CCF flat field.
plotbinsize | no | integer | | Å |
Size of spectrum wavelength bins for the output plot
(in Å)
plotflux | no | integer | 2 | 0 to 2 |
Flag for plotting the spectrum only (value 0), the background only
(value 1), or both of them (value 2)
scalebkgplot | no | boolean | no | |
Condition for scaling the background plot differently from the spectrum
removescatteredlight | no | boolean | no | |
Condition for removing scattered light features by the task omgprep
All parameters are optional, since omgchain
searches for the
grism images in the working directory. If at least one such image
is found it is processed, otherwise omgchain
finishes without producing any file output.
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |