ChangeLog for omgrism =============================== Version 1.25.1 - 2012-03-28 (EO) -------------- + src/Makefile: Added EXTERNALS = pgplot to get rid of missing pgplot. Version 1.25 - 2011-03-24 (VNY) +(config/ Adding the group OM to correct the location of the task web page. Version 1.24 - 2008-11-06 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) A bug is fixed, which was causing a crash when processing images with crowded fields (the parameter for the smoothing window size was reduced to zero for a field with more than 550 sources) Version 1.23 - 2008-10-01 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) Added some useful log messages Version 1.22 - 2007-11-07 (VNY) The same as 1.21, the version number was increased to align it with the SAS patch release Version 1.21 - 2007-11-07 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) Restoring the omgsource flag when extracting the target spectrum: in the case when omgrism is called from the interactive tool omgsource the target spectrum shouldn't be extracted (fixing the SSC-SPR-3702) Version 1.20 - 2007-11-07 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90, config/omgrism.par) Added a parameter enabling the output of an additional region file that contains newly detected point-like sources (zero-order features) Version 1.19 - 2007-10-20 (VNY) +(src/omgextraction_mod.f90) Fixed a bug that could result in a crash of the task when processing crowded fields (SSC-SPR-3700) Version 1.18.1 - 2007-07-08 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) Fixing a bug that results in a wrongly calculated available spectrum length of the target (SSC-SPR-3694) Version 1.18 - 2007-05-22 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) A small bug fixed Version 1.17 - 2007-05-21 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90, omgextraction_mod.f90) Improving distinguishability of close spectra (fixing SSC-SPR-3660) Version 1.16 - 2007-04-15 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) More improvement in the field spectra extraction (SPR-3644) Version 1.15 - 2007-04-02 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) Improved the field spectra extraction by allowing slightly fainter spectra to be extracted (SSC-SPR-3644) Version 1.14 - 2007-03-29 (VNY) +(src/omgextraction_mod.f90) The code is cleaned up, the possible division by zero operation is eliminated (fixing SSC-SPR-3658) Version 1.13 - 2007-03-27 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) A bug is fixed which was causing a subscription error for the array sourceXcoord (fixed SSC-SPR-3657) Version 1.12 - 2007-03-12 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) The quality flag type in the input source list table is changed: now it can be either int*8 or int*16 (fixing SSC-SPR-3653). A warning message is isssued when the number of input sources exceeds 1000. Such a field cannot be processed yet (SSC-SPR-3643). Also the target detection is improved: in the cases of a bright target overlapped with a first order-features such a target was sometimes not detected. Now it is working better. Version 1.11 - 2006-11-09 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) Adjusted to the changes in other tasks related to more accurate computation of grism source sky positions (SSC-SPR-3633) Version 1.10 - 2006-07-03 (VNY) +(scr/omgrism_mod.f90) A slightly more complicated analysis of the target position and brightness is introduces in order to prevent missclassification of obvious bright targets (they sometimes are classified as "default extraction" although being correctly extracted) - SSC-SPR-3617 Version 1.9 - 2006-02-27 (VNY) +(scr/omgrism_mod.f90, omgextraction_mod.f90) The slight inconsistency between the code for scaling the spectrum counts and the wavelength calibration file is removed (this problem was reported in SSC-SPR-3588). Version 1.8 - 2005-12-12 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90, findsourceslist_mod.f90) The algorithms for spectra identification and classification are improved (SSC-SPR-3552) Version 1.7 - 2005-10-30 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) Production of empty spectra fits-files in the case of too small windows is suppressed (SSC_SPR-3534) Version 1.6.1 - 2005-10-27 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) The previous bug is finally fixed (SSC-SPR-3535) - it was found still revealing itself Version 1.6 - 2005-10-25 (VNY) +{src/omgrism_mod.f90) A bug introduced during the previous upload of the task was fixed (SSC-SPR-3533) Version 1.5 - 2005-10-18 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) A warning message is introduced in the case of impossibility of extraction the spectrum due to the smallness of the window (SSC-SPR-3526) Version 1.4 - 2005-09-26 (VNY) (+src/findsourcelist_mod.f90, omgexcratcion_mod.f90, omgrism_mod.f90) Fixing a small bug, which could lead to a crash when working with some non-standard data sets (SSC-SPR-3522) Version 1.3 - 2005-09-12 (VNY) (+src/findsourcelist_mod.f90) reducing the used stack memory, since in some systems this resource is limited> This change is additional to fixing SSC-SPR-3515. Version 1.2 - 2005-09-07 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90, omgextraction_mod.f90) The computation of the coordinates of the zero-order spectrum is made the same for all the possible cases (SPR-3515) Version 1.1.30 - 2005-07-14 (VNY) (+src/omgextraction_mod.f90) A bug in the Marquardt optimisation code is fixed. This was affecting the optimal extraction mode (SSC-SPR-3434). The main (default) extraction mode remaines unchanged. Version 1.1.29 - 2005-06-10 (VNY) (+src/findsourceslist_mod.f90, omgrism_mod.f90) Additional check is introduced in order to ensure that the bright zero-order features have right coordinates (they could be erroneous because of numerous bright spots due to coincidence losses and modulo-8 noise). Fixed SSC-SPR-3479 Version 1.1.28 - 2005-06-10 (VNY) (+src/findsourceslist_mod.f90) A bug introduced in the previous version is fixed Version 1.1.27 - 2005-06-09 (VNY) (+src/findsourceslist_mod.f90, omgrism_mod.f90, omgextraction_mod.f90) Cleaned out of the unused variables (to reduce the number of warnings durung the compilation) Version 1.1.26 - 2005-06-08 (VNY) (+src/findsourceslist_mod.f90) Protected against excessive nesting of stack memory, which was causing a crash on some mashins (SSC-SPR-3468) Version 1.1.25 - 2005-06-06 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90, omgextraction_mod.f90, marq_mod.f90) Additional checks are introduced to ensure the correct extraction of the target spectra in the cases when its zero-order image is badly affected by the modulo-8 noise (SSC-SPR-3465). The common block is deleted from marq_mod.f90 (this was not used but caused a build failure on the Mac). Version 1.1.24 - 2005-05-23 (CB1) +(src/omgextraction_mod.f90 Ammended routine to fix build problem. Version 1.1.23 - 2005-02-22 (VNY) +(src/omgextraction_mod.f90): the negative counts that could appear when subtracting the background from a faint spectrum are taken into account. Omitting the negative counts might result in a slight overestimation of the spectrum (SSC-SPR-3444) Version 1.1.22 - 2005-01-27 (VNY) +(src/omgextraction_mod.f90): correction of an additional small (logical) bug related to the background interpolation limits across the spectrum (SSC-SPR-3433) Version 1.1.21 - 2005-01-25 (VNY) +(src/omgextraction_mod.f90): a small bug related to wrong background interpolation limits across the spectrum is fixed (SSC-SPR-3433). Version 1.1.20 - 2004-10-18 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) The bug related to the missed target on the full-frame low-resolution images is fixed (SSC-SPR-3408) Version 1.1.19 - 2004-10-14 (VNY) )+src/omgrism_mod.f90) An additional patch improving the solution of SSC-SPR-3407 is added Version 1.1.18 - 2004-10-14 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90, +src/omgextraction_mod.f90) Logical sequence in determination of the target is improved - to eliminate the possibility of labelling the default extraction region as target (SSC-SPR-3407) Version 1.1.17 - 2004-10-07 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) One more small bug is fixed related to SSC-SPR-3398 Version 1.1.16 - 2004-10-05 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90) A small bug is fixed, which was causing imroper labelling of the target spectrum (SSC-SPR-3398) Version 1.1.15 - 2004-10-01 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90, +src/omgextraction_mod.f90) The procedure of decontamination of the output spectrum, in the case when it is overlapped with zero-order features, is removed (SSC-SPR-3396). It is supposed that this procedure is more appropriate in the task omgrismplot. Version 1.1.14 - 2004-09-08 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90, +src/omgextraction_mod.f90) Interpolation of the wavelengths and fluxes at the end of the flux calibration array is improved in order to avoid missing points at the end of the output flux table (SSC-SPR-3381) Version 1.1.13 - 2004-07-27 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90, +config/omgrism.par) A new spectra region file is introduced (ASCII) that contains extracted spectra regions, SSC-SPR-3365 Version 1.1.12 - 2004-07-22 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90) Restored the compatibility with the interactive task omgsource (SSC-SPR-3360) Version 1.1.11 - 2004-07-21 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90, omgextraction_mod.f90) The spectra identification numbers in the file SPECLI are made consistent with those from the file SWSRLI (SSC-SPR-3358) Version 1.1.10 - 2004-07-15 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90, omgextraction_mod.f90) The target spectrum is placed into the first position in the output file (SSC-SPR-3356) Version 1.1.9 - 2004-05-13 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod,f90, omgextraction_mod.f90) The spectrum extraction mode keyword is passed to the omgrismplot task through the header keyword EXTRMODE. The keyword TIMEDEL replaced with DLAMBDA (SSC-SPR-3319). Some other small changes are made in order to imrove task's performance. Version 1.1.8 - 2004-03-03 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90) Rejecttion criterium for spurious sources is improved Version 1.1.7 - 2004-02-23 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90) A small bug introduced in the previous upload was fixed. The task was working always in the regime designed for omgsource (SSC-SPR-3257) Version 1.1.6 - 2004-02-19 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90) Protected from crushing when called by omgsource Version 1.1.5 - 2004-02-12 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90) Selection criteria for specra are improved (spurious sources excluded) Version 1.1.4 - 2004-02-02 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90) The output fuxes are set into the wavelength range define by the CCF (SSC-SPR-3244) Version 1.1.3 - 2004-02-01 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90) fixed SSC-SPR-3241 Version 1.1.2 - 2004-01-19 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90) Wrong coordinates of the zero- and first-order images in the headers of the spectra tables are corrected (SSC-SPR-3220) Version 1.1.1 - 2004-01-16 (VNY) (+src/omgrism_mod.f90, +src/omgextraction_mod.f90) Criteria for selecttion of zero-order images at the edge of OSW are adjusted (SSC-SPR-3214); default real variables are replaced with the explicitely declared real(kind=double) ones. Version 1.1 - 2003-12-10 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) spectra labelling is made compatible with the omgsource task Version 1.0 - 2003-12-04 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) extraction of undetected spectra is included Version 0.5 - 2003-12-02 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90, config/omgrism.par) parameters spectrumlength and src2spectrum removed as misleading Version 0.4 - 2003-11-11 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) a keyword (COMMENT) with the spectrum filename is added to the source-list table (of the input source list file); DEPEND file updeted to match the new version of ssclib (3.0) Version 0.3 - 2003-11-10 (VNY) +(src/omgrism_mod.f90) two lines exceeding 132 characters are shortened Version 0.2 - 2003-10-31 (VNY) - Parameters for determination of the spectra area are introduced Version 0.1 - 2003-10-24 (VNY) - Created as a new task, SSC-SCR-116.