Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
set | yes | string | | |
OM image file with grism spectra aligned with respect
to the columns of the image (output from omgprep).
sourcelistset | yes | string | | |
Source list (output from OMDETECT)
outset | yes | string | | |
Output spectra file
regionfile | no | string | | |
Name of the ASCII (input) region file
spectraregionfile | no | string | | |
Name of the ASCII (output) spectra region file
outspectralistset | no | string | | |
Output file containing the extracted spectra list (in a brief form)
extractfieldspectra | no | logical | false | |
If set to true switches the task into the
mode for extraction of all available spectra in
the field
spectrumhalfwidth | no | real | -8. | -20 to 20 |
Halfwidth of the spectrum extraction region; expressed in pixel,
if negative, or in FWHWs, if positive
bkgoffsetleft | no | real | 0. | -20 to 20 |
Offset of the left background extraction region (from the left
edge of the spectrum extraction region); in pixels, if negative,
or in FWHWs otherwise.
bkgwidthleft | no | real | -8. | -40 to 40 |
Width of the left background extraction region; in pixels, if negative,
or in FWHWs otherwise.
bkgoffsetright | no | real | 0. | -20 to 20 |
Offset for the right background extraction region (from the right
edge of the spectrum extraction region); in pixels, if
negative, and in FWHWs otherwise.
bkgwidthright | no | real | -8. | -40 to 40 |
Width of the right background extraction region; in pixels, if negative,
or in FWHWs otherwise.
spectrumsmoothlength | no | integer | |  |
Length of the smoothing window for smoothing the output
spectra (if smoothing is desirable); the parameter set to
0 or 1 implies no smoothing.
extractionmode | no | integer | | extractionmode  |
Switch between different extraction modes. The
value 0 corresponds to the normal extraction (summation of
counts in the cross-dispersion direction);
1 corresponds to the Optimal Extraction (Horne's algorithm);
2 corresponds to the one-dimensional spline smoothing
(in the cross-dispersion direction);
3 corresponds to the one-dimensional Gaussian fit
(in the cross-dispersion direction). |
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |