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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

omgrism (omgrism-1.25.1) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
OM image file with grism spectra aligned with respect to the columns of the image (output from omgprep).
Source list (output from OMDETECT)
Output spectra file
Name of the ASCII (input) region file
Name of the ASCII (output) spectra region file
Output file containing the extracted spectra list (in a brief form)
If set to true switches the task into the mode for extraction of all available spectra in the field
spectrumhalfwidthnoreal-8. -20 to 20
Halfwidth of the spectrum extraction region; expressed in pixel, if negative, or in FWHWs, if positive
bkgoffsetleftnoreal0.-20 to 20
Offset of the left background extraction region (from the left edge of the spectrum extraction region); in pixels, if negative, or in FWHWs otherwise.
bkgwidthleftnoreal-8.-40 to 40
Width of the left background extraction region; in pixels, if negative, or in FWHWs otherwise.
bkgoffsetrightnoreal0.-20 to 20
Offset for the right background extraction region (from the right edge of the spectrum extraction region); in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise.
bkgwidthrightnoreal-8.-40 to 40
Width of the right background extraction region; in pixels, if negative, or in FWHWs otherwise.
spectrumsmoothlengthnointeger $\geq 0$
Length of the smoothing window for smoothing the output spectra (if smoothing is desirable); the parameter set to 0 or 1 implies no smoothing.
extractionmodenointeger extractionmode $\geq 0$
Switch between different extraction modes. The value 0 corresponds to the normal extraction (summation of counts in the cross-dispersion direction); 1 corresponds to the Optimal Extraction (Horne's algorithm); 2 corresponds to the one-dimensional spline smoothing (in the cross-dispersion direction); 3 corresponds to the one-dimensional Gaussian fit (in the cross-dispersion direction).
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04