ChangeLog for omichain =============================== Version 1.71.1 - 2014-09-30 (RDS) -------------- +(src/ Uses taskmain to handle command line options Version 1.71 - 2014-04-02 (EC) -------------- - moved binary data test/*123920103* to testprods/omichain_data - removed other unused binary data Version 1.70 - 2014-03-20 (VNY,EOP) -------------- +(src/ Changed the name of the intermediate image (detectorCoordImageFileName) which was marked as a product (P...), but which was actually not the final product (i.e. it should be I...) in the call to the routine omqualitymap. The terminating string of this name is changed from _windowNo0 to 3windowNo0. The name of the image containing the quality map (stringQmap2) is changed from QIMA2_windowNo to IMAGE_windowNo. Version 1.69.1 - 2013-08-02 (VNY) ------------ +(doc/omichain_description.tex) Documentation updated Version 1.69 - 2012-12-14 (VNY) ------------ +(src/ Fixed the problem of omitted end-4 images Version 1.68 - 2012-12-04 (VNY) ------------ +(src/ Some test messages are removed Version 1.67 - 2012-12-04 (VNY) ------------ +(src/ Protected from crashing when finding an undefined OM filter. Version 1.66 - 2012-12-02 (VNY) ------------ +(src/ added the task omregion to generate the region file for the merged source list Version 1.65 - 2012-11-23 (VNY) ------------ +(src/ Introduced the creation of the region file for the mosaiced sky image; the extensions of region files are changed from .ASC to .reg to make them consistent with ds9; Introduced the task omvariability to calculate the exposure-to-exposure source variability parameters +(config/omichain.par); the default value of the parameter "processmosaicedimages" is set to "yes" (was "no"). Version 1.64 - 2012-11-19 (VNY) ------------ +(src/ Protected against possible crash of omprep if the input ODF does not contain the correct raw attitude data. Version 1.63 - 2012-11-14 (VNY) +(DEPEND) Dependencies updated ------------ Version 1.62 - 2012-10-23 (VNY) ------------ +(src/ Adjusted the call to omatt, which, from the version 2.53, can generate its own USNO subset Version 1.61 - 2011-06-07 (VNY) ------------ +(src/ Setting the default value of the parameter rawattitude to 1, which means using the Raw Attitude File and averaging attitude for the first 20 s of the exposure; in the case the tracking history file is not found or the images are in the full-frame mode (ENG2 or ENG4) then the value of the parameter rawattitude is reset to 2, which means averaging raw attitudes over the whole exposure time Version 1.60 - 2011-05-20 (VNY) ------------ +(src/ The algorithm for compiling the image file lists corresponding to the same OM filter is modified to use the unique filter number to prevent stacking images from different filters (SSC-SPR-6655). Version 1.59 - 2011-03-22 (VNY) ------------- +(config/omichain.par, src/ introduced the optional parameter rawattitude, which is required by the new version of omprep. Version 1.58 - 2010-04-21 (VNY) ------------- +(config/omichain.par, src/ introduced the optional parameter maxrawcountrate, which is required by the new version of omdetect. Version 1.57.1 - 2010-02-25 (VNY) -------------- +(src/, DEPEND Introduced the optional parameters psfphotometryenabled and backgroundmethod, which are required by the new version of omdetect. Version 1.57 - 2010-01-29 (CB) -------------- +doc further documentation clarification Version 1.56 - 2010-01-28 (CB) -------------- +doc documentation clarification about Rudi-5 data Version 1.55 - 2010-01-25 (CB) -------------- Ammended documentation Version 1.54.1 - Version 1.54 - 2009-04-07 (CB) -------------- +scr Modified perl script to check image file FITS headers to determin window-type (fixes SPR 6552) Version 1.54 - 2009-04-07 (CB) -------------- Ammended documentation Version 1.53 - 2009-04-07 (CB) -------------- Ammended DEPEND file to fix dependency failure Modified to process mosaiced sky images Version 1.52 - 2008-04-17 (CB) -------------- Intruduced optional parameter "alignaxes" for omsrclistcomb and updated documentation. Version 1.50 - 2007-05-21 (CB) -------------- Updated documentation. Version 1.49 - 2007-05-17 (CB) -------------- Removed a few test write statements and made the omdetect background image an intermediate file. Version 1.48 - 2007-03-09 (CB) -------------- Made a few more improvements to the documentation. Version 1.47 - 2007-01-25 (CB) -------------- Made a few improvements to the documentation (fixes SPR 3635). Version 1.46.1 - 2006-02-17 (CB) -------------- Ammended perl script so that the input directory name is not prefixed to the usno catalogue name when no catalogue name is given (fixes SPR 3584). Version 1.46 - 2005-09-14 (CB) -------------- Increased the default value of omdetectnsigma to 4.0 Version 1.45.14 - 2005-06-09 (CB) -------------- Increased the value of omdetectnsigma in the test harness to fix time-out failures on some platforms (SPR 3476) Version 1.45.13 - 2005-05-23 (CB) -------------- Ammended DEPEND file to fix build failure. Version 1.45.12 - 2004-06-01 (CB) -------------- Changed the output line "Processing exposure no .. (RUDI5)" to "Processing exposure no .. (IMAGING)- further fix to SPR 3446. Version 1.45.11 - 2004-06-01 (CB) -------------- Changed the name of the combined source-list file to contain the string "COMBINED" instead of "RUDI5". (fixes SPR 3446) Version 1.45.10 - 2004-06-01 (CB) -------------- Ammended documentation and replaced imaging-chain diagram with two new ones. (fixes SPR 3328) Version 1.45.9 - 2004-06-01 (CB) -------------- Modified perl-script and configuration file for new paramters for astrometry correction (fixes SPR 3328) Version 1.45.8 - 2004-05-29 (VNY) -------------- +(src/ Correction in the subroutine GetODFDirectory to protect the task from a failure during its test in Mac-machines Version 1.45.7 - 2004-05-27 (CB) -------------- Ammended test harness to fix mac test failure Version 1.45.6 - 2004-04-14 (VNY) protected against uninitialized string variable SASFILE in lines 398-413 (fixing SSC-SPR-3286) Version 1.45.5 - 2004-03-15 (CB) -------------- Documentation ammended. Version 1.45.4 - 2004-02-24 (CB) -------------- Use DAL statement commented out. Version 1.45.3 - 2004-02-01 (VNY) -------------- Protected from crashing when the verbosity level is higher than seven. Version 1.45.2 - 2004-01-28 (CB) -------------- Implememted Eduardo's fix to perl script to fix SPR 3236 Version 1.45.1 - 2004-01-19 (CB) -------------- Changed default value of parameter omdetectminsignificance to that used in omdetect configuration file (fixes SPR 3196) Ammended perl script to fix SPR 2133 Version 1.45 - 2003-12-08 (CB) -------------- "usecat" parameters to omatt & omsrclistcomb corrected. Version 1.44 - 2003-12-04 (CB) -------------- Correction made to perl-script in setting up directory paths. Version 1.43 - 2003-12-03 (CB) -------------- Data in test harness replaced to reduce execution time and prevent failure due to insufficient time. Version 1.42 - 2003-11-21 (CB) -------------- DEPEND file ammended for ssclib 3.0 Version 1.41 - 2003-11-07 (CB) -------------- Further modification to perl-script to fix SPR 3162. Version 1.40 - 2003-11-06 (CB) -------------- Further modifications to perl-script to fix SPR 3162. Version 1.39 - 2003-11-05 (CB) -------------- Perl script modified to fix SPR 3162 (problem with SAS summary file). Version 1.38 - 2003-08-18 (CB) -------------- Documentation improved (fixes SPR 3094). Version 1.37 - 2003-07-17 (CB) -------------- Corrction made to perl script to fix buld problem with gc 3.3. Version 1.36 - 2003-06-12 (CB) -------------- Perl script corrected and some improvements made. Version 1.35 - 2003-02-26 (CB) -------------- Uploaded into development track Version 1.34.7 - 2002-12-05 (CB) -------------- Corrected configuration file. Version 1.34.6 - 2002-12-04 (CB) -------------- Additional small correction made to Perl script. Version 1.34.5 - 2002-12-04 (CB) -------------- Small correction made to Perl script. Version 1.34.4 - 2002-12-04 (CB) -------------- Modified for omatt version 2.30. Version 1.34.3 - 2002-11-05 (CB) -------------- Minor ammendment made to perl script for SPR 3016 Version 1.34.2 - 2002-11-05 (CB) ------------- Perl scrip ammended to fix problem identifying engineering-4 data (fixes SPR 3016) Version 1.34.1 - 2002-10-22 (CB) ------------- Configuration file ammended for omdetect version 4.1 (fixes SPR 3001) Version 1.34 - 2002-10-17 (CB) ------------- Uploaded for release track Version 1.33 - 2002-10-08 (CB) _____________ + (src/ Parameters for omdetect changed for omdetect VERSION 4.0. Documentation updated. SPRs 2936 & 2904 fixed. Version 1.32 - 2002-06-11 (CB) _____________ + (src/ Uploaded into development track to fix Jupiter problem. Version 1.30.4 - 2002-05-30 (CB) _____________ Documentation updated. Version 1.30.3 - 2002-05-27 (CB) _____________ + (src/ Fix for Jupiter problem. Documentation updated. Version 1.30.2 - 2002-03-06 (CB) _____________ + (src/ Added check for the existence of the file that ps2pdf converts(SPR 2801). Version 1.30.1 - 2002-01-13 (CB) _____________ + (src/ Modified to make it look in the correct directory for the SAS summary file when SAS_ODF has been set to point to the file (fixes SPR 2751). Version 1.30 - 2002-01-08 (CB) _____________ DEPEND file ammended. Version 1.29 - 2001-12-12 (CB) Modified to process the image files for each filter in turn, in the order that the filters appear in the SAS summary file. Added parameters to enable the user to reduce the data for a given list of filters, or the data for a given list of exposures. Output tidied up. Modified so that ommosaic will run when the image files for a particular filter have been processed. Intermediate file names changed so that they aren't overwritten. Some product file names changed. Modified to enable the user to set various parameters for ommodmap, omdetect, omatt, ommosaic & omsrclistcomb. Modified so that omcomb runs at the beginning of an exposure if that exposure is engineering-2 - modified so that new image file placed in output directory. Warning messages improved. Version 1.28 - 2001-11-12 + (src/ Modified to correct a bug in processing engineering-2 data files (fixes SPR 2636). Warning message tidied up. Version 1.27 - 2001-10-18 SOC test problem rectified. Version 1.26.1 - 2001-10-09 DEPEND file ammended to correct a build problem at the SOC. + (src/ Modified so that if the environment variable SAS_ODF has been set to a directory the input directory is set to that directory. Further modified so that if the environment variable SAS_ODF has been set to a SAS Summary file the omichain will retrieve the ODF directory from that file and set the input directory to that file (Related to SPR 2582 for the omfchain).. Version 1.26 - 2001-10-01 + (src/ Modified to process engineering mode 2 and 4 data. For the former data, omcomb will run at the beginning of the chain to combine the 4 separate images into a single-one, which is then processed as a normal image file. The environment variable SAS_ODF is now set by the script. Some bugs relating to output files going to the wrong directory eradicated. Output tidied up. Flatfield name generated by omflatgen corrected (SPR ?) + (doc) - Description file updated. Version 1.25.2 - 2001-08-10 Added WDX and THX files for exposure 018 to test data (fixes SPR 2523) Version 1.25.1 - 2001-07-28 Added task ommosaic to the DEPEND file to rectify a test-harness failure at the SOC (SPR 2493) Version 1.25 - 2001-07-23 Updated the DEPEND file and changed the data in the test harness (to rectify a test-harness failure at the SOC).. Version 1.24 - 2001-06-15 + (src/ Changed input parameter names for running ommodmap and omflatfield. Version 1.23 - 2001-06-14 + (src/ Code ammended to fix SPRs 2419 and 2420. Also ammended to prevent high-resolution central window from being processed by omsrclistcomb and ommosaic (SPR 2352). Version 1.22 - 2001-04-04 + (src/ Print statements replaced with SAS::message calls. If no flatfield in directory omflatgen runs to produce one. Version 1.21 - 2001-01-21 + (src/ Task "omosaic" added to produce a composite ski image for each filter. Version 1.20.5 - 2000-11-10 + (DEPEND) ompsf removed. Version 1.20.4 - 2000-11-09 + (src/ Output not sent to a log file. Version 1.20.3 - 2000-11-08 + (src/ omsens removed from the chain. Version 1.20.2 - 2000-11-07 + (config/ om added. Version 1.20.1 - 2000-11-01 + (src/ Ammended code so that if omprep fails (eg for an invalide filter) that observation is not processed further, Version 1.20: - 2000-09-19 ------------ +(test) brought test harness data up-to-date.. Version 1.19: - 2000-09-19 ------------ +(test/testomprep) changed the 'export' statement. Version 1.18: - 2000-09-06 (AMK) ------------ + (src/ Ammended code so that the new style house keeping files are processed correctly. + (src/ Ammended code so that product names conform to specification. Version 1.17.1: - 2000-06-13 (AMK) -------------- + (src/ Diverted the screen output for the task to create a file OMICHAIN.LOG. + (src/ Removed OMPSF from pipeline as none of the tasks in the pipeline use the output from it. + (config/ added (SSC-SPR-1766). Version 1.17: 05 Apr 2000 Allow input and output directories to be specified spr 1150 Version 1.17: 04 Apr 2000 Corrected erro in test script (setenv not bourne shell command) Version 1.16: 29 March 2000 Updated documentation - spr 0898 Version 1.15: 22 March 2000 Included command line parameter interface using dal. Version 1.14: 21 March 2000 Moved OAL files to test harness and set --odf = ./. Modified perl script at sort ODF files level. Version 1.13: 10 March 2000 Set environment variable SAS_ODF in testomichain Version 1.12: 30 November 1999 Updated to conform to PPS naming convention. Version 1.12: 30 November 1999 Update to use periodic housekeeping files. Version 1.11: 12 November 1999 Improve logic of chain to cope with multiple exposures, observations, etc. Create error and warning messages. Version 1.10: 30 September 1999 No device specified for omdetect to prevent hanging without X server. Version 1.9: 24 September 1999 Updated file filter to accept *OMX* files. Version 1.8: 25 August 1999 Updated OMATT dependency. Version 1.7: 19 July 1999 Changed order of tasks OMATT and OMMAG Updated TCS file in test directory. Version 1.6: 16 July 1999 Updated parameter names Changed ODF's (No longer DSS images) Version 1.5: 15 December 1998 Removed omsumm from chain and dependancies. Version 1.4: 14 December 1998 Updated Dependancy file RE: omsumm Version 1.3: 10 December 1998 updated Dependancy file RE: mssllib Version 1.2: 28 Sep 1998 SPR 523 closed: permissions changed Version 1.1: 3 Sep 1998 Perl script changed to take into account change in omprep (v2) parameters Version 1.0: 28 August 1998 Version 0.1 ---------------------------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.