Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
srcrateset | yes | string | | |
Source rates file (output from EVSELECT)
srcregionset | yes | string | | |
Source region (output from OMREGION)
bkdrateset | yes | string | | |
Background rates file (output from EVSELECT)
bkgregionset | yes | string | | |
Background region file (output from OMREGION)
sourcelistset | yes | string | | |
Source list filename (output from OMDETECT)
wdxset | yes | string | | |
OSW window data filename
outset | yes | string | | |
Name of output rates file
mod8corrupted | no | Integer | | Constraint: positive value |
To indicate
by a non-zero value that the Fast image is affected by the modulo-8 noise |
imageset | no | string | | |
Name of the auxiliary imaging window data file used for determining the
background level around the source
bkgfromimage | no | Boolean | ``no'' | |
To allow using the background
obtained from the accompanying Imaging window data |
subtractbkg | no | Boolean | ``yes'' | |
To allow background
subtraction |
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |