ChangeLog for ommergelists ========================= Version 1.0 - 2012-12-06 (VNY) ------------------------ +(src/ The header attributes containing the detection limits for different OM filters are passed to the output file from the second input file (the source list corresponding to the stacked OM image) while keeping those from the first input file intact if they are not superceeded by the second one. Version 0.6.8 - 2012-03-28 (EO) ------------- + Uncomment EXTERNALS = pgpkot in src/Makefile to get rid of missing pgplot symbols. Version 0.6.7 - 2009-07-27 (CB) ------------------- Further amendments to fix gcc 4 compilation failures +src Fixed all warnings "comparison is always true to limited range of data" (changed unsigned k = a.find("x")==string::npos to size_type k =....) Version 0.6.6 - 2009-07-24 (CB) ------------------- Further amendments to fix gcc 4 compilation failures +src ommergelists_defs.h Fixed all"multiple definition of name" errors, by renaming. +src Fixed all warnings about "deprecated conversion from string constant to char *" Version 0.6.5 - 2009-07-23 (CB) ------------------- Further amendments to fix gcc 4 compilation failures +src - Added cstring header file for error "strncpy was not declared in this scope" Version 0.6.4 - 2009-07-22 (CB) ------------------- Further amendments to fix gcc 4 compilation failures +src graph.h - Modified calls to Minval and Maxval to fix "no matching function..", error. Version 0.6.3 - 2009-07-21 (CB) ------------------- Amendments to fix gcc 4 compilation failures +src - changed string literals to (char *)string literal. +src - line 312 deleted function typeid (was for test purposes only) +src added header file "algorithm", added using namespace std and deleted std: from std:sort (line 92) Version 0.6.2 - 2009-07-20 (CB) ----------- +src Deleted pgplot from Makefile to fix gcc4 build problem Version 0.6.1 - 2009-05-11 (CB) ----------- +src Deleted QT from Makefile to fix build problem Version 0.6 - 2009-05-08 (CB) ----------- +src Deleted QT from Makefile to fix build problem Version 0.5 - 2009-04-23 (CB) ----------- Deleted some test write statements Version 0.4 - 2009-04-23 (CB) ----------- Ammended call to pgopen to prevent empty string argument Version 0.3 - 2009-04-06 (CB) ----------- Removed some redundant code Version 0.2 - 2009-04-05 (CB) ----------- Removed reference to cpgplot.h which caused some build failures Version 0.1 - 2009-04-02 (CB) ----------- First uploaded version of the program