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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

omprep (omprep-2.46.1) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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This section documents warnings and errors generated by this task (if any). Note that warnings and errors can also be generated in the SAS infrastructure libraries, in which case they would not be documented here. Refer to the index of all errors and warnings available in the HTML version of the SAS documentation.

Bad File Typefatal 
 Could not find any required extension blocks in set $<$set$>$. Critical details for the exposure can not be determined.
Wrong Modefatal 
 OM ODF file was not taken in any of imaging, fast or tracking modes and therefore can not be processed
Invalid filter stringfatal 
 The indicated filter is a bad/unrecognized filter position in housekeeping. Later tasks will not be able to determine filter dependent calibration details.
 The given exposure does not exist in the list of exposures for this observing mode. The exposure time could not be determined.
X Image size computed from BINPE, WINDOWDX and BINAX1 does not equal NAXIS1fatal 
 There is an inconsistency between the image array X dimension (NAXIS1) and the raw window X dimension (WINDOWDX) in the file header. This may arise from incorrect values for the BPE binning parameter (BINBPE) and/or the BINAX1 binning parameter, or the WINDOWDX value itself.
Y Image size computed from BINPE, WINDOWDY and BINAX2 does not equal NAXIS2fatal 
 There is an inconsistency between the image array Y dimension (NAXIS2) and the raw window Y dimension (WINDOWDY) in the file header. This may arise from incorrect values for the BPE binning parameter (BINBPE) and/or the BINAX2 binning parameter, or the WINDOWDY value itself.
(N) Negative pixel values encounteredwarning 
 The input image contains N pixels with negative values
corrective action: Reset to zero
 No tracking history data is available for this exposure. No onboard shift-and-add corrections will have been made and no tracking corrections can be later applied to the bad-pixel map, mod-8 noise or flatfield procedures
corrective action: No tracking history corrections can be applied by later tasks
Exposure time is zero- calculating it from the summary filewarning 
 In the case of imaging or fast mode files, no EXPOSURE keyword was found in the header. In the case of tracking files, this keyword is not expected. In both cases, an attempt is instead made to extract the exposure time from the actual start and end exposure times in the summary file
corrective action: Exposure time will be derived from the summary file

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04